thoughtpool's FreeCell(R) Group Project


FreeCell(R) Group Project

A (continuing) experiment in group research: I am conducting a feasibility study on multiple-user/multiple computer problem solving. Some of you may play the game FreeCell(R). The authors had stated a belief that every game is solvable (although some games are certainly easier than others!) This has not been proved mathematically (as far as I know) but it has now been demonstrated scientifically (by playing all of the games) that all but one of the first 32000 games (#11982) can be solved (see fcfaq). There are now four billion games available at fcpro. The experiment to evaluate this kind of research continues. If you would care to send me the ID numbers of the games you have won, also, the ones you haven't been able to win, I will list them in the space below. Please feel free to use the input form on this page (Oops, form doesn't work under Yahoo; e-mail instead). One other thing, please - just record the games you play anyway; don't glue yourself to the keyboard (especially now, with 4,000,000,000 games available). The way to solve this kind of problem is to see how many participants we can get. The more people contribute, the faster the problem can be solved. If this works, we will try tackling other problems which would be too large for one person or group to complete. E-mail your friends. Thanks to Rob Crane for the links to fcfaq). Also thanks to all the participants in both projects, past and continuing.

One other note: In order to provide some kind of verifiability to the experiment, you may want to include your initials when you report a game you have played. If you use the report form on this page, I do not get a return address, so I have no other way of knowing how many participants we have or how many different people have played the same FreeCell(R) game. I will not put your intitials on this or any other internet page. They are just for me to keep track of who's played what. Games which are not associated with initials will be marked in my private file as anonymous. If two anonymous players report on the same game the duplicated effort will be noted privately as a possible confirmation on that game but will not show up in the tally on this page.

If you want more of a challenge, try tackling the games marked as not yet solved.

A suggestion to game writers: Have a formula in your game which will display a unique code for each game won. The pattern for the formula should not be obvious. If the same game is played again, the code should also be the same. Better yet, a different code could be generated each time which could be entered into a confirmation program to verify that the code corresponds in some secret way to the game number. This would provide adequate confirmation that the game was really won.

                       Games Won (# of Players Reporting)

1942(1)-2192(1) 2194(1) 
2203(1) 2210(1) 2216(1) 2222(1) 2232(1) 2261(1) 2286(1) 2294(1) 
2313(1)-2315(1) 2328(1) 2331(1) 2333(1) 2337(1) 2349(1)-2351(1) 
2406(1) 2410(1) 2416(1) 2418(1) 2453(1)-2460(1) 2492(1) 
2514(1) 2524(1) 2540(1) 2555(1)-2557(1) 2563(1) 2588(1) 2599(1) 
2602(1) 2605(1) 2608(1) 2629(1) 2638(1) 2666(1) 2677(1) 2683(1) 2687(1) 
2754(1) 2758(1) 2782(1)-2783(1) 2793(1)-2794(1) 2799(1) 
2830(1) 2839(1) 2856(1) 2859(1) 2861(1) 2869(1) 
2881(1) 2886(1)-2888(1) 2894(1) 2898(1)-2899(1) 
2910(1) 2914(1) 2916(1) 2923(1) 2938(1) 2945(1) 2989(1) 
3005(1) 3019(1) 3034(1) 3042(1) 3044(1) 3096(1) 3098(1) 
3104(1) 3123(1) 3130(1) 3136(1) 3152(1) 3158(1) 3179(1) 3183(1) 
3201(1) 3203(1) 3216(1) 3225(1) 3240(1) 3257(1) 3273(1) 
3303(1) 3319(1) 3343(1) 3357(1) 3361(1) 3365(1) 
3384(1) 3389(1) 3394(1) 
3403(1) 3411(1) 3419(1) 3440(1) 3468(1)-3469(1) 3486(1)-3487(1) 
3511(1) 3519(1) 3572(1) 3597(1)-3598(1) 
3603(1) 3627(1)-3629(1) 3653(1) 3662(1)-3664(1) 
3671(1) 3675(1) 3679(1) 3683(1) 3695(1) 3698(1) 
3714(1)-3715(1) 3721(1) 3723(1) 3762(1) 3767(1) 3781(1) 
3816(1)-3817(1) 3822(1) 3828(1) 3835(1) 3850(1) 3852(1) 3856(1)-3857(1) 
3870(1) 3877(1) 3890(1)-3891(1) 3910(1) 3928(1) 3943(1) 3964(1) 3979(1) 3984(1) 
4000(1) 4007(1) 4025(1) 4027(1) 4037(1) 4051(1) 4057(1) 4085(1)-4086(1) 4097(1) 
4119(1) 4137(1)-4138(1) 4148(1) 4157(1) 4173(1) 
4209(1) 4218(1) 4247(1) 4281(1) 4288(1)-4292(1) 
4303(1) 4314(1) 4336(1) 4338(1) 4343(1) 4374(1) 4386(1) 4439(1) 
4505(1) 4528(1) 4537(1) 4581(1) 
4640(1) 4661(1) 4683(1) 4686(1) 4690(1) 4697(1) 4699(1) 
4744(1) 4753(1) 4756(1)-4758(1) 4765(1) 4767(1) 4787(1) 4798(1) 4835(1) 
4837(1) 4841(1) 4853(1) 4857(1) 4862(1) 4865(1) 4868(1) 4882(1) 4893(1) 
4957(1) 4995(1) 
5004(1) 5013(1) 5015(1) 5028(1) 5034(1) 5056(1) 5062(1) 5081(1) 5098(1) 
5107(1) 5119(1) 5122(1) 5151(1) 5159(1)-5160(1) 5168(1) 5181(1) 5198(1) 
5209(1) 5215(1) 5222(1) 5225(1) 5234(1) 5246(1) 5254(1) 5258(1) 5289(1) 5298(1) 
5315(1)-5316(1) 5322(1) 5325(1) 5329(1) 5347(1)-5348(1) 5394(1) 5398(1) 
5407(1) 5412(1) 5421(1) 5433(1) 5453(1) 5482(1) 
5504(1)-5505(1) 5522(1) 5528(1) 5533(1) 5567(1)-5568(1) 5577(1) 5586(1) 5593(1) 
5610(1) 5620(1) 5628(1) 5634(1)-5636(1) 5645(1) 5648(1) 
5655(1) 5665(1) 5673(1) 5680(1) 5683(1) 5691(1) 
5704(1) 5712(1) 5760(1) 5797(1) 5804(1) 5825(1) 5839(1) 5841(1) 5864(1) 5899(1) 
5922(1) 5935(1) 5953(1) 5976(2) 5998(1) 
6016(1) 6046(1) 6072(1) 6077(1) 6084(1) 
6122(1) 6152(1) 6232(1) 6238(1) 6268(1) 6270(1) 6273(1) 6279(1) 6286(1) 
6312(1) 6314(1) 6329(1) 6331(1) 6339(1) 6355(1) 6368(1) 6378(1)-6379(1) 6387(1) 
6417(1) 6430(1) 6452(1) 6462(1) 6464(1) 6484(1) 
6516(1) 6518(1) 6525(1) 6531(1) 6536(1) 6584(1)-6585(1) 6588(1) 6591(1) 6596(1) 
6620(1) 6636(1) 6671(1)-6679(1) 6685(1) 
6701(1) 6706(1) 6736(1) 6756(1) 6779(1) 6781(1) 6783(1)-6784(1) 6798(1) 
6808(1) 6833(1) 6864(1) 6898(1) 6901(1) 6916(1) 6940(1) 6944(1) 6967(1) 6997(1) 
7014(1) 7040(1) 7068(1) 7076(1)-7077(1) 
7113(1) 7118(1) 7141(1) 7149(1) 7154(1) 7165(1) 7179(1) 7195(1) 
7212(1) 7220(1) 7236(1) 7238(1) 7260(1) 
7301(1) 7307(1) 7316(1) 7355(1) 7362(1) 7376(1) 7377(1) 
7410(1) 7413(1) 7416(1)-7421(1) 7471(1) 7489(1) 7495(1)-7496(1) 
7500(1) 7521(1) 7524(1) 7570(1) 7573(1) 7576(1) 7592(1) 
7603(1) 7608(1) 7623(1)-7627(1) 7634(1) 7642(1) 7682(1) 7691(1)-7692(1) 
7706(1) 7709(1) 7737(1) 7770(1) 7775(1) 7792(1) 7798(1) 
7806(1) 7813(1) 7843(1) 7847(1) 7888(1) 
7903(1)-7904(1) 7912(1) 7920(1) 7930(1) 7932(1)-7938(1) 
7944(1) 7946(1) 7963(1) 7995(1)-7996(1) 
8020(1) 8033(1) 8056(1) 8058(1) 8076(1) 8093(1) 8096(1) 8130(1) 8132(1) 8155(1) 8165(1) 
8200(1) 8212(1) 8216(1) 8245(1)-8246(1) 8251(1) 8273(1) 8283(1) 
8309(1) 8322(1) 8348(1) 8355(1) 8367(1) 8376(1) 8411(1) 8452(1) 
8500(1) 8512(1)-8513(1) 8523(1)-8524(1) 
8552(1) 8567(1) 8569(1) 8575(1) 8582(1) 8598(1)-8599(1) 
8604(1) 8623(1) 8626(1) 8641(1) 8647(1) 8665(1) 8670(1) 8677(1) 
8701(1) 8726(1) 8747(1) 8785(1) 8813(1) 
8843(1)-8846(1) 8852(1)-8853(1) 8855(1) 
8873(1) 8876(1)-8877(1) 8881(1) 8884(1) 8893(1) 
8901(1) 8904(1) 8913(1)-8919(1) 8927(1) 8958(1) 8962(1) 8964(1) 8967(1) 8978(1) 
9007(1)-9012(1) 9023(1)-9024(1) 9027(1) 9029(1) 9050(1) 9061(1) 9077(1) 9094(1) 
9106(1)-9107(1) 9123(1) 9131(1) 9142(1) 9150(1) 9195(1) 
9207(1) 9209(1) 9225(1) 9242(1) 9253(1) 9297(1) 
9312(1) 9321(1) 9325(1) 9345(1) 9351(1) 9363(1)-9366(1) 
9371(1) 9374(1) 9379(1) 9382(1) 9390(1) 
9405(1) 9438(1) 9445(1) 9468(1) 9472(1) 9479(1) 9492(1) 9494(1) 9498(1) 
9540(1) 9535(1) 9546(1) 9573(1)-9574(1) 9586(1) 9588(1) 9593(1) 
9629(1) 9632(1) 9644(1) 9653(1) 9677(1) 9680(1) 
9710(1)-9711(1) 9729(1) 9740(1) 9778(1) 9782(1) 9793(1) 
9810(1) 9816(1) 9838(1) 9842(1) 9907(1) 9909(1)-9910(1) 9935(1) 
9951(1)-9960(1) 9975(1)-9977(1) 9979(1) 9982(1) 

10033(1) 10040(1) 10068(1) 10093(1) 10095(1) 
10104(1) 10117(1) 10122(1) 10147(1)-10148(1) 
10158(1) 10172(1) 10185(1) 10196(1) 
10201(1) 10246(1) 10251(1) 10272(1) 
10309(1) 10336(1) 10349(1) 10360(1) 10367(1) 10377(1) 10395(1) 
10409(1) 10466(1) 10489(1) 10506(1) 10514(1) 10511(1) 10522(1) 10532(1) 
10550(1) 10570(1) 10575(1) 10591(1) 10594(1) 
10625(1) 10659(1) 10661(1)-10663(1) 10676(1) 
10718(1) 10741(1) 10754(1) 10764(1) 10784(1) 10792(1) 10799(1) 
10815(1) 10818(1) 10822(1) 10829(1) 10846(1) 
10865(1) 10873(1) 10891(1) 10897(1) 
10921(1) 10938(1)-10941(1) 10962(1) 10976(1)-10977(1) 
11032(1) 11033(1) 11039(1) 11057(1) 11068(1) 11080(1) 11088(1) 
11104(1) 11119(1) 11122(1)-11124(1) 11162(1) 11172(1) 11174(1) 
11201(1) 11259(1) 11264(1) 11267(1) 
11312(1)-11314(1) 11329(1) 11335(1)-11337(1) 11352(1) 11371(1) 11373(1) 11398(1)
11406(1) 11452(2)-11453(1) 
11457(1) 11489(1) 11497(1) 11515(1)-11516(1) 11521(1) 11530(1) 11545(1) 
11563(1) 11565(1) 11568(1) 
11614(1) 11622(1) 11647(1) 11662(1) 11670(1)-11671(1) 11673(1) 
11680(1) 11682(1) 11689(1) 11697(1) 
11718(1) 11729(1) 11762(1) 11778(1) 11787(1) 
11834(1) 11838(1) 11849(1) 11889(1) 
11913(1)-11914(1) 11922(1) 11939(1) 11942(1) 11967(1) 11973(1) 11992(1) 
12023(1)-12024(1) 12028(1) 12037(1)-12041(1) 12071(1) 12083(1) 
12116(1) 12125(1) 12163(1) 12167(1)-12168(1) 12178(1) 12199(1) 
12213(1) 12217(1) 12262(1) 12267(1) 12277(1) 12292(1) 12296(1) 
12309(1) 12323(1) 12342(1)-12343(1) 12363(1)-12365(1) 12389(1) 
12401(1)-12402(1) 12410(1) 12428(1) 12430(1) 12444(1) 12448(1) 
12479(1) 12486(1) 
12503(1) 12505(1) 12507(1) 12517(1) 12534(1) 12536(1) 12563(1) 
12601(1) 12603(1) 12607(1) 12639(1) 12678(1) 12738(1) 12744(1) 12776(2)
12787(1) 12810(1) 12817(1) 12841(1) 
12871(1)-12879(1) 12884(1) 12889(1) 12891(1) 
12913(1) 12931(1) 12934(1) 12941(1) 12953(1) 
12962(1)-12965(1) 12968(1) 12973(1) 12998(1) 
13000(1) 13023(1) 13057(1) 13066(1)-13067(1) 13088(1) 13096(1) 
13122(1) 13149(1) 13167(1) 13169(1) 13173(1) 13191(1) 
13212(1) 13220(1) 13235(1) 13276(1) 13279(1) 13291(1) 13298(1) 
13300(1) 13318(1) 13325(1) 13334(1) 13350(1) 
13425(1) 13430(1) 13434(1) 13437(1) 
13459(1) 13462(1) 13474(1) 13482(1) 13499(1) 
13522(1) 13534(1) 13557(1) 13595(1) 
13601(1) 13615(1) 13628(1) 13670(1) 13673(1) 13689(1) 
13713(1) 13732(1) 13757(1) 13760(1) 13765(1) 
13827(1) 13839(1) 13845(1) 13876(1) 13899(1) 
13903(1) 13914(1)-13916(1) 13921(1) 13965(1) 13994(1) 13998(1) 
14015(1) 14022(1) 14025(1) 14047(1) 14070(1) 
14110(1) 14114(1) 14125(1) 14135(1) 14142(1) 14144(1) 14149(1) 
14157(1) 14175(1) 14181(1) 
14210(1)-14211(1) 14228(1) 14262(1)-14263(1) 14273(1) 14275(1) 14293(1) 
14310(1) 14313(1) 14322(1) 14334(1) 14348(1) 14353(1) 14386(1) 
14424(1) 14455(1)-14461(1) 14470(1) 14474(1) 14496(1)-14497(1) 14499(1) 
14510(1) 14541(1)-14542(1) 14546(1)-14547(1) 14590(1) 14593(1) 
14630(1) 14639(1) 14666(1) 14669(1)-14675(1) 14677(1)-14689(1) 14693(1) 
14722(1) 14740(1) 14751(1) 
14842(1) 14852(1)-14853(1) 14865(1) 14880(1) 14890(1) 
14904(1) 14907(1)-14908(1) 14918(1) 14925(1) 14933(1) 14936(1) 
14943(1) 14948(1) 14966(1) 14970(1) 14996(1) 
15008(1) 15014(1) 15026(1)-15027(1) 15029(1) 15059(1)-15068(1) 15090(1) 
15120(1) 15123(1)-15124(1) 15131(1)-15134(1) 15146(1) 
15168(1) 15188(1) 15193(1) 15196(1) 
15206(1) 15228(1) 15237(1) 15245(1) 15254(1) 15256(1) 
15260(1) 15265(1) 15283(1) 15288(1) 15291(1) 15299(1) 
15325(1) 15327(1) 15335(1) 15338(1) 15346(1) 15358(1) 15382(1) 15391(1) 
15447(1) 15449(1) 15499(1) 15508(1) 15515(1) 15538(1) 
15554(1)-15555(1) 15591(1) 
15600(1) 15618(1) 15662(1)-15663(1) 15667(1) 15689(1)
15731(1) 15734(1)-15735(1) 15739(1) 15750(1) 15753(1) 
15801(1) 15812(1) 15816(1) 15880(1) 15894(1) 
15903(1) 15916(1) 15932(1) 15956(1) 15960(1) 15962(1) 15970(1) 15990(1) 
16015(1) 16026(1) 16055(1) 16058(1) 16075(1) 16082(1) 
16100(1) 16103(1) 16112(1) 16152(1) 16158(1) 16161(1) 16185(1) 16189(1) 
16228(1) 16230(1) 16236(1) 16249(1) 16276(1) 16285(1) 
16300(1) 16326(1) 16333(1) 16347(1) 16356(1) 
16371(1) 16378(1) 16380(1) 16382(1) 16384(1) 16392(2) 
16410(1) 16436(1) 16455(1) 16474(1) 16482(1) 16484(1) 16495(1) 
16508(1) 16523(1) 16532(1) 16536(1)-16537(1) 
16541(1) 16544(1)-16545(1) 16547(1) 
16571(1) 16581(1) 16590(1)-16591(1) 16617(1) 16619(1) 16645(1) 16690(1)
16702(1) 16706(1) 16712(1) 16726(1) 16740(1) 16747(1) 
16766(1) 16783(1) 16786(1) 16790(1)-16792(1) 
16835(1) 16842(1) 16861(1) 16875(1) 16886(1) 16898(1) 
16925(1) 16961(1)-16962(1) 16986(1) 16994(1) 
17009(1) 17013(1) 17033(1) 17044(1) 17079(1) 17099(1) 
17104(1) 17113(1) 17138(1) 17146(1) 17158(1) 17189(1) 
17220(1) 17223(1) 17244(1) 17248(1) 
17272(1) 17283(1) 17291(1)-17292(1) 17299(1) 
17301(1) 17311(1) 17316(1) 17326(1) 17328(1) 17386(1) 17391(1) 17399(1) 
17403(1) 17410(1) 17419(1)-17420(1) 17431(1) 17447(1) 17480(1) 17496(1) 
17507(1) 17519(1) 17558(1) 17595(1) 17609(1) 17644(1) 17656(2)
17676(1) 17689(1) 17693(1) 
17711(1)-17712(1) 17747(1) 17749(1) 17754(1) 17759(1) 17791(1) 
17810(1) 17813(1) 17834(1) 17840(1) 17844(1) 17849(1) 
17864(1) 17885(1) 17896(1) 
17910(1) 17923(1) 17931(1) 17933(1) 17947(1) 17949(1) 
17963(1) 17973(1) 17987(1) 17989(1) 
18020(1) 18024(1) 18044(1)-18045(1) 18081(1) 18090(1) 18092(1) 
18130(1) 18148(1) 18150(1)-18152(1) 18157(1) 18162(1) 18178(1) 18185(1) 
18204(1) 18208(1) 18233(1) 18250(1) 18266(1) 18271(1) 18275(1) 18298(1) 
18310(1) 18325(1) 18333(1) 18339(1) 18349(1) 
18361(1) 18363(1)-18364(1) 18367(1) 
18369(1)-18370(1) 18379(1) 18390(1) 18395(1) 
18402(1) 18406(1) 18420(1)-18421(1) 18425(1) 18429(1) 
18462(1) 18478(1) 18483(1) 
18520(1) 18522(1) 18542(1) 18547(1) 18573(1) 18602(1) 18616(1) 18683(1) 
18716(1) 18728(1) 18741(1) 
18763(1) 18766(1) 18768(1) 18776(1) 18795(1) 18799(1) 
18804(1) 18807(1)-18808(1) 18818(1) 18825(1) 18837(1) 18843(1) 
18866(1)-18867(1) 18879(1) 
18901(1) 18918(1) 18925(1) 18939(1) 18969(1) 
19000(1) 19004(1) 19008(1) 19025(1) 19031(1) 19077(1) 19081(1) 
19119(1) 19122(1) 19136(1) 19144(1) 19149(1) 19163(1) 19170(1) 19181(1) 
19216(1) 19226(1) 19244(1) 19255(1) 19257(1) 19262(1) 19264(1) 
19330(1) 19334(1) 19342(1) 19358(1) 19375(1) 19380(1) 19395(1) 19399(1) 
19409(1) 19416(1) 19442(1) 19447(1) 19464(1) 19470(1) 19478(1) 19481(1) 
19518(1) 19521(1) 19524(1) 19546(1) 19579(1) 19586(1) 
19634(1) 19647(1) 19673(1) 
19701(1) 19743(1) 19746(1) 19752(1) 19754(1) 19760(1) 19767(1) 19771(1) 
19800(1) 19802(1) 19805(1) 19815(1) 19823(1) 19842(1) 19847(1) 
19858(1)-19859(1) 19864(1) 19873(1) 
19882(1) 19888(1) 19896(1) 19898(1) 
19916(1) 19932(1) 19965(1) 19998(1) 
20005(1) 20009(1) 20052(1) 20057(1) 20059(1)
20065(1) 20081(1) 20097(1)-20098(1) 
20142(1)-20143(1) 20146(1)-20147(1) 20165(1) 20177(1) 20191(1) 20198(1) 
20209(1) 20213(1) 20251(1) 20254(1) 20260(1) 20288(1) 20305(1) 20345(1) 
20380(1) 20384(1) 20391(1) 
20408(1) 20460(1) 20487(1) 
20512(1) 20526(1) 20532(1) 20535(1) 20537(1) 20549(1) 
20570(1) 20572(1) 20575(1) 20593(1) 
20611(1) 20646(1) 20650(1) 20672(1) 20689(1) 20693(1) 
20705(1) 20707(1) 20713(1) 20754(1) 20776(1) 20779(1) 20788(1) 
20811(1) 20856(1) 20871(1) 
20901(1) 20916(1) 20943(1) 20964(1) 20972(1) 20974(1) 20979(1) 20989(1) 
21000(1) 21020(1) 21028(1) 21035(1) 21045(1) 
21058(1) 21067(1) 21079(1) 21089(1) 
21101(1) 21141(1) 21157(1) 21167(1)-21168(1)  
21173(1) 21179(1) 21185(1) 21187(1) 21199(1) 
21215(1) 21236(1) 21238(1) 21244(1) 
21269(1) 21286(1) 21289(1) 21293(1)-21294(1) 
21336(1) 21352(1) 21361(1) 21383(1) 21386(1) 
21423(1) 21444(1) 21453(1) 21458(1) 21462(1) 21466(1) 21485(1) 21492(1) 
21500(1) 21502(1) 21521(1) 21533(1) 21560(1) 21563(1) 21571(1) 21587(1) 
21624(1) 21626(1) 21663(1) 21666(1) 21682(1) 21686(1) 
21703(1) 21722(1) 21730(1) 
21761(1) 21763(1) 21785(1) 21787(1) 21795(1) 21797(1) 
21804(1) 21815(1) 21817(1) 21822(1) 
21840(1) 21843(1) 21850(1) 21867(1) 21885(1) 
21928(1) 21935(1) 21951(1) 21976(1) 21986(1) 21991(1) 
22049(1) 22052(1) 22070(1) 22072(1) 22093(1)-22094(1) 22099(1) 
22105(1) 22117(1)-22118(1) 22122(1) 22127(1) 22141(1) 
22219(1)-22220(1) 22228(1)-22229(1) 22249(1) 
22280(1) 22281(1) 22283(1) 22291(1) 
22321(1) 22327(1)-22329(1) 22342(1) 22344(1) 22346(1) 
22350(1) 22352(1) 22396(1) 
22407(1) 22416(1) 22474(1) 22480(1) 22487(1) 22497(1) 
22515(1) 22539(1) 22579(1) 22585(1) 
22617(1) 22625(1) 22638(1) 22644(1) 22652(1)-22653(1) 22660(1) 22691(1) 
22729(1) 22751(1) 22760(1) 22789(1) 22826(2)
22833(1) 22843(1) 22884(1) 22898(1)-22899(1) 
22903(1) 22912(1) 22915(1)-22916(1) 22922(1) 22945(1) 22947(1) 
22951(1) 22956(1) 22960(1) 22978(1) 22984(1) 
23012(1)-23013(1) 23023(1) 23028(1) 23036(1) 23047(1) 
23052(1)-23053(1) 23061(1) 23064(1) 23067(1) 23074(1) 23080(1) 
23104(1) 23120(1) 23133(1) 23149(1) 
23161(1)-23162(1) 23170(1) 23193(1) 23195(1) 
23236(1) 23260(1) 23270(1) 23277(1) 23279(1) 
23312(1) 23318(1) 23324(1) 23341(1) 23344(1) 23350(1) 23354(1) 
23363(1) 23381(1) 
23401(1) 23440(1) 23444(1) 23476(1) 23491(1) 
23503(1) 23509(1) 23561(1) 23584(1) 
23618(1) 23623(1) 23648(1) 23650(1)-23651(1) 
23663(1) 23670(1) 23690(1) 23698(1) 
23700(1)-23701(1) 23725(1) 23732(1) 
23763(1) 23766(1) 23789(1) 23792(1) 23794(1) 
23833(1) 23852(1) 23866(1)-23867(1) 23875(1) 23890(1) 23897(1) 23899(1) 
23934(1) 23943(1) 23951(1) 23953(1)-23954(1) 23987(1) 
24013(1) 24024(1) 24029(1) 24075(1) 24088(1) 24097(1) 
24115(1) 24124(1) 24133(1) 24143(1) 24152(1) 24179(1) 24185(1) 24193(1) 
24211(1) 24218(1) 24222(1) 24277(1) 
24308(1) 24310(1) 24312(1)-24313(1) 24326(1) 24355(1) 24399(1) 
24400(1) 24408(1) 24413(1) 24417(1) 24420(1) 24442(1) 24444(1) 
24459(1) 24467(1) 24478(1) 24487(1) 24489(1) 24496(1) 
24500(1) 24502(1) 24508(1) 24513(1) 24527(1) 24536(1) 24547(1) 
24566(1) 24576(1) 24586(1) 
24605(1) 24609(1) 24617(1) 24632(1) 24667(1) 24679(1) 24695(1) 
24700(1) 24721(1) 24735(1) 24742(1) 24756(1) 24772(1) 
24801(1) 24807(1) 24827(1) 24860(1) 24878(1) 24889(1) 24897(1) 
24928(1) 24932(1)-24934(1) 24938(1) 24984(1) 
25023(1) 25056(1)-25057(1) 25059(1) 25077(1)-25078(1) 25090(1) 
25102(1)-25103(1) 25113(1)-25114(1) 25136(1) 25144(1) 25185(1) 25196(1) 
25205(1) 25218(1) 25242(1) 25245(1) 
25250(1) 25280(1) 25282(1) 25287(1) 25295(1) 
25315(1) 25327(1) 25330(1) 25333(1) 25339(1) 25358(1) 25367(1) 25398(1) 
25402(1)-25403(1) 25433(1)-25434(1) 25440(1)-25447(1) 25464(1) 
25468(1)-25472(1) 25490(1) 25492(1) 25497(1) 
25525(1) 25541(1) 25574(1)-25581(1) 
25625(1) 25630(1) 25666(1) 25688(1) 
25706(1) 25721(1) 25755(1) 25757(1) 
25774(1) 25777(1)-25778(1) 25782(1) 25789(1) 25792(1) 
25805(1) 25834(1) 25844(2) 
25868(1) 25877(1) 25891(1) 25905(1) 25907(1) 25950(1) 25969(1) 25971(1) 
26000(1) 26011(1) 26020(1) 26066(1) 26072(1) 26087(1) 
26115(1) 26118(1) 26131(1) 26137(1) 26155(1) 26175(1) 
26203(1) 26205(1) 26225(1) 26244(1) 26287(1) 
26308(1) 26320(1) 26356(1) 36363(1) 26383(1) 
26411(1) 26413(1) 26425(1) 26434(1) 26437(1) 26443(1) 
26457(1) 26467(1) 26477(1) 26479(1) 
26482(1) 26501(1) 26506(1) 26510(1) 26546(1) 
26552(1) 26554(1)-26555(1) 26557(1) 26562(1) 
26570(1) 26572(1) 26577(1) 26580(1) 26587(1) 26597(1) 
26615(1) 26620(1) 26637(1)-26638(1)-26639(1) 
26668(1) 26671(1) 26673(1) 26694(1) 
26707(1) 26721(1) 26773(1) 26781(1) 26791(1) 
26816(1)-26817(1) 26835(1) 26840(1)-26842(1) 26847(1) 26849(1) 
26863(1) 26868(1)-26869(1) 26888(1) 
26932(1) 26939(1) 26968(1) 26994(1) 
27003(1) 27008(1) 27011(1)-27012(1) 27027(1) 
27078(1) 27083(1) 27097(1)-27098(1) 
27114(1) 27166(1) 27179(1) 27181(1) 27195(1) 
27203(1) 27249(1) 27262(1) 27321(2) 
27330(1)-27331(1) 27345(1) 27353(1) 27371(1) 
27403(1) 27424(1) 27441(1) 27457(1)-27458(1) 27485(1) 27492(1) 
27532(1) 27555(1) 27557(1)-27558(1) 27571(1) 27577(1) 27582(1) 27587(1) 
27601(1) 27618(1) 27627(1) 27636(1) 27638(1) 27647(1) 27682(1) 
27711(1) 27714(1) 27723(1) 27761(1) 27769(1) 27772(1) 27789(1) 
27812(1) 27821(2) 
27836(1) 27839(1)-27840(1) 27851(1) 27853(1) 27876(1) 27885(1) 
27917(1) 27945(1) 27947(1) 27950(1)-27951(1) 27955(1) 
27966(1) 27973(1) 27988(1) 
28001(1) 28034(1) 28044(1) 28052(1) 
28061(1) 28064(1) 28086(1) 28092(1) 28094(1) 
28115(1) 28124(1)-28125(1) 28130(1) 28142(1) 28146(1) 
28168(1) 28189(1) 28197(1) 
28201(1) 28211(1) 28231(1) 28252(1) 
28264(1) 28269(1) 28293(1)-28295(1) 28299(1) 
28304(1) 28306(1) 28320(1) 28373(1) 28387(1) 
28406(1) 28415(1) 28426(1) 28439(1) 28471(1)-28472(1) 28495(1) 
28536(1) 28563(1) 28570(1) 28577(2) 
28635(1) 28674(1) 28684(1) 28687(1) 28699(1) 
28705(1) 28757(1) 28759(1) 28782(1) 28793(1) 
28811(1) 28818(1) 28822(1) 28834(1) 28880(1) 28888(1) 28895(1) 
28903(1) 28922(1) 28926(1) 28943(1)-28944(1) 28946(1)-28947(1) 
28966(1) 28975(1) 28982(1) 
29005(1) 29008(1)-29009(1) 29018(1) 29025(1) 29033(1) 29041(1) 
29093(1) 29097(1) 
29101(1) 29152(1) 29155(1) 29159(1) 29179(1) 29183(1) 29192(1) 
29212(1) 29231(1) 29235(1) 29244(1) 29248(1) 29258(1) 29277(1) 
29305(1) 29312(1)-29313(1) 29328(1) 29332(1) 29373(1) 29383(1) 
29442(1) 29944(1) 29447(1) 29463(1) 29475(1) 29494(1) 
29507(1)-29508(1) 29536(1) 29540(1) 29552(1) 29559(1) 29573(1) 29591(1) 
29601(1) 29615(1) 29626(1) 29638(1) 29642(1) 
29651(1) 29653(1) 29657(1) 29662(1) 29672(1) 
29682(1)-29683(1) 29688(1) 29693(1) 
29731(1) 29733(1) 29773(1) 29787(1) 29791(1) 29837(1) 29843(2) 
29857(1) 29861(1)-29862(1) 29875(1) 29888(1) 
29915(1) 29918(1) 29926(1) 29942(1) 
29953(1) 29962(1) 29968(1) 29972(1) 29981(1) 29992(1) 29999(1) 
30011(1) 30013(1) 30026(1) 30031(1) 30040(1)-30041(1) 30049(1)-30050(1) 
30065(1) 30069(1) 30081(1) 30090(1) 30097(1) 
30115(1) 30131(1) 30151(1) 30177(1) 30179(1) 
30205(1)-30206(1) 30213(1) 30233(1) 30259(1) 30268(1) 30277(1) 
30311(1) 30319(1) 30322(1) 30336(1) 30341(1) 30346(1) 30349(1) 30350(1) 
30372(1) 30379(1) 30386(1) 
30400(1) 30403(1) 30434(1) 30448(1) 30451(1) 30463(1) 30470(1) 30499(1) 
30502(1)-30503(1) 30511(1) 30516(1) 30519(1) 
30520(1) 30532(1) 30536(1) 30538(1)-30539(1) 
30569(1) 30575(1) 30588(1) 30593(1) 
30616(1) 30636(1) 30639(1) 30656(1) 30686(1) 
30714(1) 30722(1) 30724(1) 30728(1) 30738(1) 30748(1) 30777(1) 30798(1) 
30808(1) 30824(1) 30829(1) 30841(1) 30848(1) 
30866(1) 30873(1) 30876(1) 30881(2) 
30913(1) 30926(1) 30936(1) 30945(1) 30948(1) 30973(1) 
31004(1) 31008(1) 31014(1) 31043(1) 31048(1) 31079(1) 
31103(1)-31104(1) 31109(1) 31130(1) 31161(1) 31163(1)-31164(1) 31168(1) 
31217(1)-31219(1) 31225(1) 31232(1) 31234(1) 31238(1)-31239(1) 31294(1) 
31305(1) 31367(1)-31375(1) 31383(1) 31388(1) 
31400(1) 31427(1) 31453(1) 31464(1) 31476(1) 31480(1) 31499(2)
31501(1) 31512(1) 31532(1) 31561(1)-31562(1) 31565(1) 31578(1) 31595(1) 
31603(1) 31611(1) 31618(1) 31638(1) 31684(1) 
31711(1) 31716(1) 31723(1)-31727(1) 31742(1) 31748(1) 
31751(1) 31780(1)-31781(1) 31802(2) 
31806(1) 31837(1) 31845(1) 31865(1) 31873(1)
31904(1) 31919(1) 31934(1)-31935(1) 
31946(1) 31953(1) 31966(1) 31970(1)-31971(2)-31973(1)-32000(1) 


117248(1) 260956(1) 743836(1) 743924(1)-743925(1) 754977(1) 


549355009(1) 983204481(1) 

1131209088(1) 1356358016(1) 1374989696(1) 4294967295(1) 

                  Games Played But Not Yet Won
1941(1) 3249(1) 6015(1) 7764(1) 9182(1) 9280(1) 9746(1) 9783(1) 

10144(1) 11854(1) 13639(1) 14676(1) 14795(1) 14902(1) 
15625(1) 15948(1) 
17100(1) 17426(1) 17775(1) 17803(1) 17985(1) 
18388(1) 18946(1) 19755(1) 19853(1) 19993(1) 
20336(1) 20745(1) 20810(1) 20830(1) 23607(1) 24359(1) 24979(1) 
25498(1) 26693(1) 27357(1) 28843(1) 
30669(1) 31791(1) 31945(1) 

667236(1) 795230(1) 

Last updated 11/24/1997 - 9/14/2006

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