Student and their activities are part of the University
life in Brawijaya. Who many student and what are they doing
there ? As a glance, there are thousands of students, and so
many activities. The activities spread over many interest. Scientific, sport, art and soon.
And it may be people you like to know among them.
In theBrawijaya
University there are about 12.000 students from
difference faculties. They come from all over the Indonesian
region. From the most west to the most east. From small
village to the megacity Jakarta.
There are no difference between them. Rich or poor, man or
women, muslim, christian, chatolic, hindus, budhis an soon.
All together in the same place. All have the right to have a
proper education in the university. They do the best they can
do for their live.
Students enjoy their live in a very nice town, Malang.
They stay around they university in the dormitory or privat
room. Sometimes they share a house for their stay. As a
result they have a good relation with the community around
the Uni and the town as well. The Uni itself is part of the
Malang's people life.