The following astrological profiles are derived from CLASSICAL, EGYPTIAN, AFRICAN, INDIAN, AZTEC and CHINESE interpretations (and that order).



(Classical Astrology)
December 22 to January 19
Famous Capricorns: Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Jr., Matisse, Cezanne, Henry Miller, Marlene Dietrich, Nixon, Cary Grant, Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali.
Capricorn is a combination of reserve, restraint and inflexibility. He is probably the least talkative of all the signs. He keeps his thoughts to himself and tends to tell others what he thinks they want to hear. Silence is definitely the Golden Rule for Capricorn.
The central focus of this sign is work. Capricorns are really hard workers, and "compromise" is not in their vocabulary. If you rub a Capricorn the wrong way, you may be forgiven but your error will never be forgotten.
Capricorn embodies health and vitality. He can live as long as a tree, and the secret of his longevity and good health is keeping balance and equilibrium in all affairs of his life.
In love, you, Capricorn, have a tendency to keep your feelings hidden and, as a result, do not like people who come on too strong. You keep your passion under wraps. Your perfect mate could be Piscean although you get along with most of the other signs. Aquarius is a little too eccentric for your taste.

(Egyptian Astrology)
If you were born: March 11 to 31, October 18 to 29 or December 19 to 31
Related Signs: Osiris and Thoth.
Beneficial Colors: White for men, Blue for women.
Isis’ soul is devoted to the clearest of quests, and this glorious lover is the supreme messenger of life. Pride and meanness fail before this un-equaled magician, just as deceiving glimmers vanish when day breaks. The most illustrious of Egyptian goddesses, in her capacity for love and redemption, finds the strength to take under her wings and protects all those who are about to perish coldly for lack of faith in the wild generosity of the vital spirits.
Isis, proud and alone, sustained by her brother and husband Osiris, is also the mother of life.
As a tireless source of resurrection and profound mercy, the goddess Isis is often represented by the double protection of the looped cross and the knot, symbols of the perpetuation of origins and descendants.
To be born under the demanding protection of Isis confers a dimension of solidarity and unity. You are likely to be very hospitable.
Go where you will be able to give life and guard it. Be receptive to people, but in your soul keep your standards pure and do not think them compromised too cruelly at every disappointment.

(African Astrology)
If you were born: December 4 to January 3
Favorable Day: Tuesday
Successful Months: April and December
Element: Water
Sense: Hearing
Sensitive Body Parts: The skin and the bones
A full, sober and reassuring figure, the mange associated with this sign represents high huts of beaten earth, heavily laden from the ground to the roof with baskets of maize, sorghum and millet.
This symbol of abundance brings together the dynamics that produce a spirit of grandeur. The environment of those born under this sign favors action. Their ability to attract attention and solicitude is enviable, but the happy predestination that affects their lives is a snare. Inclined to believe themselves favored by fate and to feel protected by the care shown them by others, they do not take full advantage of their opportunities of fortune. "The Harvest in the Granary" natives run the risk of living anesthetized by pampered circumstances without a firm destiny.
When in love, exert caution! Nothing is more vain than believing that you are on earth to make others love you. Learn to be quiet. Develop your undeniable faculties of serenity and sincerity.
Your generosity and sense of loyalty accentuate the quality of your initiatives, and in the joy of acting at the right moment, energy will be complemented by wisdom. To prepare for successes you will have to show proof of firmness yet leniency, knowing how to put an abrupt end to bad liaisons. Put more trust in your intuitions.

(Astrology from India)
If you were born: December 21 to January 19
1st Hora: The Goat
2nd Hora: The Crocodile
Nocturnal Sign
Sensitive Body Parts: Vertebral Axis
Metal: Lead
Fixed in the zenith of the sky, the MAKARA with its cold ambition and patience determines the vocation of builders and inventors. Those born under this sign are able to take affairs in hand. They have an acute sense of realism and are extremely capable in matters of diplomacy.
Yet what contrasts there are in you! The two Horas which compose the MAKARA combine tenacity and patience. More profoundly, they express the inheritance of the ancient symbolism where the Goat and Crocodile evoke water and earth, giving the fertile silt from which bricks were made in the days of ancient civilizations.
There is a desire in you to build on firm ground and to scorn embellishment and excessive precautions. Powerful but timid, MAKARA makes few attacks but resists foes ferociously. Enemy of wasted opportunity, you grasp your chances.
How ambitious you are! The fear of failure marks your demanding and courageous nature. In the west of the Goat is above all known for its caprice and sexuality. The same does not apply in India where, as a divinity, it represents the mother of the world PRAKRITI, the originator of creation. One of its appropriate appellations, full of promise, is "not born yet".
With your astounding memory you know the sternness of a destiny based on a sense of observation with an intuition for opportunities. Having preserved the treasures of fantasy and independence of mind, you triumph at middle age. Initially the symbolism of the Crocodile seems sinister and repellent. This is not so. In India and China the Crocodile is an inventor.
Cold enthusiast of a vast empire over yourself, love is first of all cerebral. While being an austere and fearful figure, you also have the ability to console others successfully. Still this cold, silent, immobile universe of yours needs to be joyously upset by a tender MEENA or sensual VRISHABA.

(Aztec Astrology)
The days of the sign:
January 7th, 19th, 31st - February 5th, 17th - March 1st, 13th, 25th - April 6th, 18th, 30th -
May 12th, 24th - June 5th, 17th, 29th - July 11th, 23rd - August 4th, 16th, 28th - September 9th, 21st -
October 3rd, 15th, 27th - November 8th, 20th - December 2nd, 14th, 26th
Number: 2
Beneficial Color: Orange
The wheel of time floats on the flowing water. On the surface of the waves, two snakes leap out. One is male, the other female. They correspond to the dual vital functions of mobility and sensitivity.
The male Snake, bold and merciless, can be violent and cunning. He is supremely unpredictable. On the contrary, the female Snake initially coils around and then exhausts her prey. Through romantic attachment and ultimate assimilation, she tries to possess the object of her love.
The natives of this sign also possess the virtues of longevity and prosperity. The Snake’s prime strength is in its absolute power of negation.
This creation, the standard of all myths of reconciliation between humans and history, is associated with humidity and the waters of the earth. However, in the purest form of its transfigurations it is still linked to the sky.
Green-feathered Snake, cloud Snake with beard of rain, Snake of a thousand fertilities, your bearing and nobility lie in a mysterious sky.
The sinuous, ephemeral and primordial body of the Snake is often portrayed in the image of an initiatory spiral. This inspired morphology raises up those born under the sign from the depths of dissimulation and wily trickery to the flourishing heights of wisdom.
The long journey which you Snakes must make requires the faithful companionship of the Rain or the Cayman.

1914: Jan 26 to Feb 13, 1915 - 1926: Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1927 - 1938: Jan 31 to Feb 18, 1939
1950: Feb 17 to Feb 5, 1951 - 1962: Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1963 - 1974: Jan 23 to Feb 10, 1975
1986: Feb 9 to Jan 28, 1987 - 1998: Jan 28 to Feb 15, 1999
3rd Sign – Linked to Aquarius
Tai Chi Symbol: Yang
Fixed Element: Wood (+)
Color: Green
The Tiger, the living symbol of strength and power, generally inspires fear and respect. His compelling dynamism, intense activity, independence and curiosity about others make him irresistible, a person of multiple charms.
The Tiger tends to renounce confining, traditional roles, opting for a more unfettered life. With a wide-ranging mind, he can adopt any number of careers. His many experiences serve to enrich his life and add depth to his nature. Material benefits matter little to him.
In the arena of romance, the Tiger relates as a big brother rather than as a father. Solitude is often the price the Tiger pays for his position of authority, but he becomes accustomed to it. Better still, he draws on the experience, gaining new energies and great strength. Encounters with the Horse and the Dragon will be especially interesting. He will feel a definite affinity with the Rat and the Wild Boar but should avoid the Cat.


(Classical Astrology)
May 21 to June 21
Famous Gemini's
Queen Victoria, Pope Pious X, John F. Kennedy, Jefferson Davis, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lawrence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan and John Wayne.
Gemini is a sign of paradoxes, a two-sided coin, a double nature. On the one hand you, Gemini, are an outgoing, life of the party type, while on the other hand you are an elusive private person who needs a "prop" or someone to help you. You hate solitude and reject immediate friendship. Because it takes time for you to establish close friendships, you have few friends but keep them for life. In a social setting, however, you are a veritable butterfly. A delightful guest, you are an intelligent and witty entertainer. At a party you flirt from one group to another, talking to everyone. Professionally you tend to become intoxicated with success, never keeping in mind that success can be fleeting.
From the point of view of love, you are not a great example of faithfulness, but you are tolerant of your partner. A big age difference between you and your mate is unimportant. Avoid Capricorn or Pisces at all costs, but consider yourself very fortunate when you meet Libra or Aquarius.

(Egyptian Astrology)
If you were born: 9th to 27th of May, or 29th of June to 13th of July
Related Signs: Bastet and Isis
Beneficial Colors: Sienna for men and purple for women
To this god, with the head of a wild dog, is attributed the invention and spread of the techniques of embalming the dead. In the guise of a roaming dog, this god explored every cemetery, fulfilling the duty of a sacred search.
Anubis' ministrations resemble those of a refined cook and a talented painter in the care he takes selecting the best ingredients for baths and aromatic balms for adorning the parts of the body requiring preservation. The funeral task is never macabre. This god symbolizes death and the wandering of the departed until they convince Sekhmet to open the door to the valley of immortality.
Those born under this sign are clever and full of compassion, but they harbor the presence of the night. Their character is deeply ambivalent and fatalistic. Their ancient sufferings build a wall of inhibitions, which often restrains their amorous initiatives.
They have the appearance of a profound personality, are aware of the opposing forces within them, and are ready to envisage the solutions to remedy this psychological dilemma.

(African Astrology)
If you were born: 5th May to 4th June
Favorable Day: Sunday
Successful Months: May and September
Element: Fire
Sense: Touch
Sensitive Body parts: Throat and Veins
The path, the trail, the great caravan routes converge at the first light of the new day. From the arid Sahel to the promised moisture of the dense forest, the brush and the savannah inspire those on their way to riches and conquests.
In the Market, in accordance with the complicated style of this figure, power appears below two contrary signs that also support it. Balance and opulence are born from the exchange of contrasts and the influx of the minorities.
The duality of this figure indicates that the lives of those born under it encounter calmness and prosperity, intersected brutally by a doubling of difficulties and danger; but the danger is only on the outside of those born under this sign. They are sometimes tempted to fritter away their vital strengths by getting lost in relationships without any future. They are optimists, but tend to be petrified by sudden fears that their loved ones could suddenly lack security and comfort. They tend to exaggerate dangers and develop an alarmed altruism that accomplishes little.
Know how to overcome the somberness that hangs as a stifling shadow over your inner garden and do not dramatize it.
Yet what calm you can possess under the most pleasing exterior. Nothing can distress or sadden you for a very long time, because unconsciously you never stray too far from a fair benevolence.


(Astrology from India)
If you were born: May 21st to June 21st
1st Hora: The Horse and the Black Horseman
2nd Hora: The Horse and the White Horseman
Nocturnal Sign
Sensitive Body Parts: The thorax (chest)
Metal: Mercury
You, MITHUMA, are a double sign pulled in different directions by two impetuous Horas: contrasting twins, one black, one white. The native of this sign is influenced by the nature of BUDDHA (Mercury), a planet that rules in a capricious fashion. A flash of bright silver in the sky, the brilliant and intriguing trajectory of this planet tempers those who tend to predict with too much certainty. Amiable provokers, you, MITHUMA, like all the Mercurials, are in a state of delayed adolescence; you are versatile and curious about everything.
You like to play and enjoy blinking your eyelashes and rolling your shoulders. A mystical mixture of energy and languor characterizes your mischief. Paradoxical sign of bright silver, your alert but superficial graces lead you to relationships that please you. Deceiver and diplomatic, your strong point is adaptability. In the mythology of the Hindu people, the Horse is associated with night and mystery.
Difficult to train, the black charger trembles with impatience, quick to benefit from situations. It loves to seduce, spending its energy to achieve this end.
With great conciliatory discernment, the White Horse is a diplomat. Fine psychologist, it is both prophet and guide. In Buddhist text this horse is above all the symbols of the senses, coupled with the chariot of the spirit.
MITHUMA, you carry in you everything necessary for creative work. As an orator you are esteemed and eloquent. If you choose a career in which you can use your talent for clear thought, you will achieve success.
The friendly presence of the benevolent VRISHABA or the profound MEENA will aid you in abandoning your perpetual "castles in Spain".


(Aztec Astrology)
The days of the sign:
JANUARY 5th, 17th, 29th - FEBRUARY 3rd, 15th, 27th - March 11th, 23rd
APRIL 4th, 16th, 28th - MAY 10th, 22nd - JUNE 3rd, 15th, 27th - JULY 9th, 21st
AUGUST 2nd, 14th, 26th - SEPTEMBER 7th, 19th - OCTOBER 1st, 13th, 25th
NOVEMBER 6th, 18th, 30th - DECEMBER 12th, 24th
Number: 6
Beneficial Color: Dark green
When the sun goes down, its beams are dim and soft. With the calming of fire in the west, our tranquil gaze settles on the welcoming outline of a sturdily built dwelling. In the middle of an eternally fertile garden, a jade green mist suffuses the serene vista. Dark waters cease to quiver. As the land of peace and contemplation, this is the ultimate place of hospitality. Suspending its turbulent course, the solar star retires into The House.
The natives of this sign are supremely human with a strong moral fiber that is ultra-sensitive and clearheaded. Yet they frequently allow themselves to succumb to a profound melancholy. They often find their romantic and sexual life disjointed. As a result, they always tend to be "givers" rather than "takers". Those born under the sign of The House feel an essential need to settle down. A bittersweet series of disappointments and rejections can sap their innate vitality. Members of the gentler sex born under this sign of The House like their homes and hope for a serene family life.
Some men of this sign rebel in their youth through bravado, believing themselves to be carried away by the joys of existence. They surprise their peers later on by the suddenness with which they finally recognize themselves to be mature and self-assured.
Welcoming and maternal, The House is, nonetheless, not open to all winds. This sign has a precious sense of mystery linked to a true respect for the secret aspects of one's personality.

(Chinese Astrology)
1920: Feb 20 to Feb 7, 1921 - 1932: Feb 6 to Jan 25, 1933
1944: Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1945 - 1956: Feb 12 to Jan 30, 1957
1968: Jan 30 to Feb 16, 1969 - 1980: Feb 16 to Feb 4, 1981
1992: Feb 4 to Jan 22, 1993 - 2004: Jan 22 to Feb 8, 2005
9th Sign - Linked to Leo
T'ai Chi Symbol: Yin
Fixed Element: Metal (+)
Color: Gold
The sparkling eyes of the Monkey reflect his humor, optimism and intelligence. Enthusiastic about everything, he spends his time broadening his mind and is especially fascinated with art.
The Monkey ignores obstacles, finding them beneath his consideration. The Monkey likes refinement, originality and luxury. He shamelessly acknowledges his attraction to money and is good in business.
Highly sociable, the Monkey is talkative, and, as a fascinating conversationalist, he attracts a wide circle of friends. However, at his worst, he annoys others with his chatter and intrigues.
When he gets to a ripe old age, he will increasingly enjoy a simple, everyday life.
The Monkey's love life may tend to be complicated, but he will assume family responsibility with equanimity and good humor.
The Monkey gets on splendidly with the Rat, Dog, Dragon and Wild Boar. He is avoided by the Tiger and the Serpent.


(Classic Astrology)
Famous Leos: Napoleon Alexander Dumas, Alfred Hitchcock, Neil Armstrong, Jacqueline Onassis, Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway, Lucille Ball, Gregory Peck, Robert Redford
Leo, the Lion, is the king of the beasts and knows it. With a roar to intimidate and sharp teeth to make mince meat of others, he is a relentless ruler.
Because your ambition is to be the best, you, Leo, often rise to a high social position. Professionally you usually end up as the kind of boss who controls everything himself and is generally unconcerned about his employee’s advice, even if it is good. As a super active and energetic individual, Leo’s career life is work, work and more work, He has to be careful not to become a workaholic. Work stress affects blood pressure just as much as the fatty foods which Leo likes to eat.
In spite of his arrogant demanding attitude, Leo has the positive qualities of nobility and generosity. Nowhere is his softer side more apparent that in his house which he likes to furnish himself. He is a true homebody and can stay at home for days at a time.
In love matters, "exclusivity" is the important word. Leo expects a lot of his partners and should the special person stray, a dramatic confrontation is sure to follow. When Leo meets a partner who can deal with his dominant personality, the match will be as solid as a rock.

(Egyptian Astrology)
If you were born: 20th April to 8th May or 12th to 19th of August
Related Signs: Geb and Bastet
Beneficial Colors: Carmine red for men and gold for women
With Horus, the politics of justice take shape in the mythical world of the ancient Egyptians. This vengeful god, son of Isis and Osiris, entered into legendary combat with Seth. With the aid of partisans loyal to his father, Horus conquered the invaded kingdom of Seth in Nubia, which made him the first sovereign god of the greater unified Egypt. We see him still fighting, helped by his great love for justice. During this battle with Seth, the strength of Horus gave rise to the history of the magnificent sovereigns and of the power and protection derived from the gaze of "Udjat", the magic eye, plucked from Osiris and taken from Horus.
This bird-god possesses to s supreme degree the virtues of enlightenment and peace, with which he renews the vital fluids of that which is desiccated or congealed.
Those born under the sign of Horus make their way in the world with a sparkling personality strengthened by a fierce will. Their intelligence and breadth of learning make them appear capable of understanding and uncovering everything. They must master their rebellious spirit early, before their eagerness to dominate makes them opportunists.
Their deep physic ability is poorly balanced between a naïve appreciation of the virile paternal and a disdain for that which is contributed by mothers and wives.

(African Astrology)
If you were born: 5th August to 3rd September
Favorable Day: Wednesday
Successful Months: August and December
Element: Earth
Sense: Taste
Sensitive Body Parts: Sexual Organs
A figure of learning, frail because of instability, yet a symbol of joyful imbalance that never reaches dizziness, this sign celebrates the instinctive part of being, as well as its more sensual appetites.
"The Kola Nut" is a simple but indispensable part of life, chewed by women as well as by men or mixed with the powder of pepper and ginger, it provides joyous excitement. It stimulates a pleasing disposition and lends the fantasy of lust to sexuality. Those born under this sign are strongly energetic but also unstable. In the psychology of this sign, the candor of youth meets the reserve of wisdom which blossoms when the glimmer of excess fades away.
However, this feverish sign that wants to pull life out of its grooves, aspires to regain control after having given in to insatiable and unstable pleasures.
It is beneficial for those born under this sign to use ruses and to take detours. Their robust nature and enormous freedom disturb more timid souls. Hence, there is a strong tendency to provoke others, uncurtailed by conventional guilt feelings. Still, equipped with an accurate clairvoyance, the "The Kola Nuts" will bring about salutary changes without too much difficulty. It is important not to give in to the temptation to change things merely for the sake of change.

(Indian Astrology)
1st Hora: The Tiger/Elephant (NALAGIRI)
2nd Hora: The Lion (NARA SIMHA)
July 23 to August 22
Day Sign
Sensitive Body Parts: Heart
Metal: Gold
With SIMHA the fantastic zoology of our horoscope opens up. The Tiger/Elephant combines the powerful and measured step of the pachyderm with the ferocity of the wild beast. Originating directly from the very ancient religion JAIN, this hybrid creature, both ogre and protector, is a hunter of exceptionally long life.
By the force of its shoulders and power, SIMHA always shows its red fangs. Monster of the new moon and primordial apparition of the human ancestor, it can sometimes be seen letting a young child drop from its mouth.
The Tiger/Elephant’s contribution is to separate good from evil and strike down the guilty. It is an untiring censor. Unfortunate are those who infringe on the law. Your sharp ambition and thirst for perfection are absolute. You do not toy with the agreed code of ethics. Misfortune falls on the marginal, chronically dependent or predominantly irresponsible people. Your royal anger is destined as an inevitable calamity which bursts upon victims with uncontrolled suddenness.
Barely more conciliatory, possibly somewhat more sociable, the determined and intrepid Lion has inordinate pride. Symbol of justice, the Lion guarantees material and spiritual power. This Hora is used as the throne at the center of the Wheel of Life in the teachings of BUDDHA. Emblem of sovereign power and noble force, the Lion has a superbly strong nature in which vital ardors are aflame. These luminous powers are yours for the keeping provided that the forceful attributes of the Tiger/Elephant or Lion are not too strong in your character.
Hindu astrologers like to recall the folly of the need to specifically conquer SIMHA. Naivete, perpetual rigorousness and finally a lack of invention sometimes isolate you. Learn how to seek out the presence of signs informed by the subtleties of the human soul, in particular KATAKA or DHAMUS.

(Aztec Astrology)
The days of the sign
JANUARY 8th, 20th – FEBRUARY 6th, 18th – MARCH 2nd, 14th, 26th – APRIL 7th, 19th
MAY 1st, 13th, 25th – JUNE 6th, 18th, 30th – JULY 12th, 24th – AUGUST 5th, 17th, 29th
SEPTEMBER 10th, 22nd – OCTOBER 4th, 16th, 28th – NOVEMBER 3rd, 15th, 27th.
Number: 5
Beneficial Color: Brown
The Wind was extolled by the Aztecs in the form of an enigmatic divinity, Eecatl. With its colorful character, this stone god has a duck’s beak on its face.
This bird boasts the virtues of a guide, just as much at ease in water as in the sky. Duck feathers have long been used in ritual ceremonies where the very young were displayed in a cradle of feathers for the first oath of adoption.
Those born under the sign of The Wind are unrivaled in their physical flexibility. They are always imponderable investors, showing incredible ingenuity.
The genius of the Wind lies in its ability to circumvent obstacles. The Wind’s natives sometimes prefer to evade the issue, choosing to drift in a cloudy air of ambiguity.
Indecision and inconsistency seem to be the most recognized faults portrayed by young natives of this sign. They are unable to remain clam. Upon reaching maturity, those born under this sign can overcome the little whims which used to rule their lives.
Then, when near a Snake or a Death sign, (there is no need to be afraid of these generous natives), The Wind rises up in the victory cry of a benevolent squall.
Only then do the natives of this sign know how to persevere in their efforts, and with a veritable transcendental ascent, they attract persons of high intellect.


(Chinese Astrology)
The Year of the Rat
1912: Feb 18 to Feb 5, 1913 – 1924: Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1925 – 1936: Jan 24 to Feb 10, 1937 –
1948: Feb 10 to Jan 28, 1949 – 1960: Jan 28 to Feb 14, 1961 – 1972: Feb 16 to Feb 2, 1973 –
1984: Feb 2 to Feb 19, 1985 – 1996: Feb 19 to Feb 6, 1997
1st Sign: Linked to Sagittarius
T’ai Chi Symbol: Yin
Fixed Element: Water (+)
Color: Light Blue
The Rat is the most engaging sign in the Chinese zodiac. From a very young age, his personality can be characterized as counselor to his close friends. With clairvoyance, intuition, perspicacity and an eye for detail, he is formidable "problem solver", finding workable solutions to the knottiest problems.
He is also a fierce guardian of his home, careful to ensure his own safety, comfort and well-being. Because the Rat avoids waste and dislikes setbacks of any kind, his enemies see him as mean spirited.
The attributes of caring for friends and home extend into his professional interests where he has a tendency to protect and oversee his subordinates. He is always present when difficulties arise, examining them thoroughly and guiding the situation to a favorable outcome.
The Rat’s romantic life is very quiet, provided that he takes care not to interact with the Horse or Rooster. He has excellent relations with the Dragon, Monkey and Tiger.



The surgeon general has determined that talking to David about his astrological profiles may be hazardous to your mental health! If you suffer from a weak heart, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, are an abominable adult or are otherwise susceptible to verbal abuse it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you don't go there [unless of course (a) you are a glutton for punishment or (b) you think you can change his either case, GOOD LUCK...You'll need it!!!]

(Classical Astrology)
November 22 to December 21
Famous Sagittarians: Winston Churchill, Beethoven, Jane Austin, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Walt Disney, Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, Joe DiMaggio, Jane Fonda.
A headstrong individualist, Sagittarius makes a striking impression wherever he goes. Not always wise in his actions, he can never be considered ordinary or humdrum. Indeed, he likes crazy ideas, and his motto is "Why not?" The restless type, Sagittarius keeps on the move, ever seeking the ideal life.
In a social setting, Sagittarius is open to others and involved. He integrates easily into groups and is willing to participate in all endeavors. He sets limits in his private life, gathering a personal and intimate world around him. Professionally, Sagittarius places clarity and simplicity as top priorities. He hates confusion or disorder.
Sagittarius is fond of classical music, sports and food. He eats a lot and enjoys it, but he needs to be careful of his health. His bad eating habits can often lead to high blood pressure as well as liver complaints. In general Sagittarius has good alliances with almost all of the signs of the zodiac, but he cannot abide Pisces' fits of rage.

(Egyptian Astrology)
If you were born: 1st to 10th of March or 27th November to 18th December
Related Signs: Isis and Toth
Beneficial Colors: Yellow for men and green for women
According to Egyptian legend, the goddess Nut, in spite of the curse of sterility pronounced upon her by Ra, was able to bear Osiris thanks to the help of the god Ibis Toth, who side-stepped this judgement by inventing five extra days in the year. Osiris was conceived during this period.
Helped by Isis, his sister and wife, Osiris gives humans respect for the gods, instruction in agriculture and in the order of the universe. As a symbol of continuity, this god, beloved by the people of the Nile, became the object of the tenacious jealousy of his younger brother Seth. The latter, helped by his accomplices, succeeded in locking Osiris in a box that was quickly thrown into the currents of the river. Isis then recovered the body of her husband, and together with her sister Nephthys, used their magic breath to return Osiris briefly to the realm of the living for a final carnal union, from which Horus would be born. But the rivalry would continue to dominate Seth's heart, and he did everything possible to mutilate the body of his brother and disperse the corpse. In her second attempt, Isis collected the fragments scattered by this profane god, except for the penis, which was swallowed by the fish Oxyrinthe.
We find in the myth of Osiris the symbolic sequence of disintegration and regeneration in a higher form.
Your character is dual and your personality generous. Fiery but vulnerable, when faced with adversity, you waver more than others and you experience the dilemma of picking the right moment for action and decision.


(African Astrology)
If you were born: 4th November to 3rd December
Favorable Day: Saturday
Successful Months: November and March
Element: Fire
Sense: Taste
Sensitive Body Parts: The Viscera
This divination figure places solid valor and combativeness center stage. The remarkable disposition of those born under this sign reflects a vital, strong and generous nature that encounters good will and devotion in its surroundings.
"The Children of the Word" are often placed in fortunate circumstances where they easily make contact with people more favored on the social scale. They can benefit greatly by cultivating the ability to attract others’ generosity and consideration.
But the Child of the Word better watch out against the poison of pride, for to glory in having great relationships and parade like a man of the world will never help you face perils or develop your own solutions. Any arrogance would therefore invariably attract misfortune. Your enthusiasm must not be of the egotistical kind, but must be a fresh and stimulating disposition of the spirit that brings you closer to your neighbor.
Otherwise, like a student who is awarded a prize too easily for an overrated piece of work, the Child of the Word will leave to his self-conceit the task of justifying his emptiness. This would be a great pity, for those born under this sign can find within themselves all the resources of an accomplished negotiator, loyal friend and judicious spokesperson for their group, their family, or their business. Not much inclined to depressions, they enjoy a good time and know how to live a comfortable and serene life, guided as they are by the gentle wisdom of someone who connects the right value with inner peace.

(Indian Astrology)
1st Hora: The Centaur
2nd Hora: The Unicorn
November 22 to December 20
Nocturnal Sign
Sensitive Body Parts: The Thighs
Metal: Mercury
Favored sign, incandescent in the deepest shade, the DHAMUS is the person who epitomizes the quest for exaltation, seeking things brilliant, subtle and primordial.
The Chaldeans attributed this sign to the celestial archer with four hooves planted in the ground, directing its arrow toward the celestial vault.
In India this Centaur is a derivation of the white charger of the Southern BUDDHA. With the dynamic synthesis of electrifying energy and fantasy, you fly in the direction of transformation and revelation.
Destiny, an ideal specific to DHAMUS, is related to an impulse of momentum. Whereas the natives of SIMHA, marked by the voluntary power of fire, devote their energies to magnifying their personality.
It is dangerous for you DHAMUS to attribute fictitious superiority to yourself or exercise unwarranted authority. This sign, in order to become accomplished, demands that the will be free of desire and that pride like egotism be absent.
Most of the time, with your sensuality and your presence of mind, your exchanges with others only last if they flatter your pride or appeal to your overwhelming taste of well-being and morality. Far more vulnerable that you realize, you sometimes lack the necessary maturity or the desire to confront real difficulties.
In other fields your astral character and the fire element attributed to it confer on you a feeling of adventure, encouraging you to grasp opportunities that seem crazy but are beneficial in the long run.
On the decline of the sign, the proud silhouette of the Unicorn asserts itself. Its power and fidelity move you to be inspired by SANI (Saturn), a just and warm personality with sensitivity which, without having to seek, finds and touches.

(Aztec Astrology)
The days of the sign
JANUARY 8th, 20th – FEBRUARY 6th, 18th – MARCH 2nd, 14th, 26th – APRIL 7th, 19th
MAY 1st, 13th, 25th – JUNE 6th, 18th, 30th – JULY 12th, 24th – AUGUST 5th, 17th, 29th
SEPTEMBER 10th, 22nd – OCTOBER 4th, 16th, 28th – NOVEMBER 3rd, 15th, 27th.
Number: 5
Beneficial Color: Brown
The Wind was extolled by the Aztecs in the form of an enigmatic divinity, Eecatl. With its colorful character, this stone god has a duck’s beak on its face.
This bird boasts the virtues of a guide, just as much at ease in water as in the sky. Duck feathers have long been used in ritual ceremonies where the very young were displayed in a cradle of feathers for the first oath of adoption.
Those born under the sign of The Wind are unrivaled in their physical flexibility. They are always imponderable investors, showing incredible ingenuity.
The genius of the Wind lies in its ability to circumvent obstacles. The Wind’s natives sometimes prefer to evade the issue, choosing to drift in a cloudy air of ambiguity.
Indecision and inconsistency seem to be the most recognized faults portrayed by young natives of this sign. They are unable to remain calm. Upon reaching maturity, those born under this sign can overcome the little whims which used to rule their lives.
Then, when near a Snake or a Death sign, (there is no need to be afraid of these generous natives), The Wind rises up in the victory cry of a benevolent squall. Only then do the natives of this sign know how to persevere in their efforts, and with a veritable transcendental ascent, they attract persons of high intellect.


(Chinese Astrology)
The Year of the Wild Boar (also known as the Pig)
1923: Feb 16 to Feb 4, 1924 – 1935: Feb 4 to Jan 23, 1936 – 1947: Jan 22 to Feb 9, 1948 –
1959: Feb 8 to Jan 27, 1960 – 1971: Jan 27 to Feb 15, 1972 – 1983: Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1984 –
1995: Jan 31 to Feb 18, 1996 – 2007: Feb 18 to Feb 6, 2008
12th Sign – Linked to Scorpio
T’ai Chi Symbol: Yin
Fixed Element: Water (-)
Color: Dark Blue
When encountering the Wild Boar, we sense his quiet sincerity and purity. He is so honest that he feels guilty for the slightest error, and he is more indulgent and forgiving of others than he is of himself.
The Wild Boar is without artifice or pretense. He dislikes forcing himself on others or being the center of attention. Like his personality, his professional activities are not always immediately perceptible.
An untiring worker, the Wild Boar will succeed in his career, especially if he is his own boss. Because he likes to accumulate ancient objects and fine pictures, he might become an art dealer, specializing in antiquities. His aim is to live in relative affluence, both for himself and his family, and to enjoy the pleasures of life. With his simplicity of soul and his sensual appreciation of nature, the Wild Boar always seeks the authentic and the true in personal relationships.
The Cat, Goat, Tiger and Rat are excellent partners for the Wild Boar, but the Monkey and the Serpent are not enough for his taste.

Well that takes care of all but one Madman. The last one, Spike, has seen the light and has volunteered his birthday willingly (with a little pestering of course ;o) Unfortunately I am currently in Asia on a business trip and will not be able to look up his profile and add it to this section until I return to my dark and humid cave at the end of this I urge patience from all of our friends seeking to know what makes this particular Madman tick...

If you are interested in your astrological profile based on any of the above interpretations...just send me an e-mail and I will get it out to you as soon as the stars permit...