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Wellbeing of mankind





The establishment of peace is on everyone's mind, and the following paragraphs will help you introduce the Baha'i point of view on this subject into a conversation:

Today there is no greater challenge to humanity than the establishment of peace. Peace is light; war is darkness. Peace is life; war is death. More than a century ago, Baha'u'llah declared the cause of universal peace. He brought a number of Teachings that, together, make the establishment of peace possible.

Among these Teachings is the independent investigation of reality. If people are allowed to investigate truth, they will come to see the oneness, of humanity. Truth is one and by its means the unity of the world can be realized. Prejudices of all kinds race, class, color, creed, nation, sex and degree of material civilization—are cause of strife. If we accept to investigate reality rather than blindly imitate the beliefs of the past, we will arise to abolish every form of prejudice.

Baha'u'llah's Teachings on religion make a clear distinction between true religion and superstition. True religion must be in harmony with science and reason. Religion must be the cause of fellowship and love. If it becomes the cause of discord and hatred, then it is better to be without it. Also among Baha'u'llah's Teachings is the equality of men and women. We may think of the world of humanity as a bird—one wing is women and the other men. Both wings have to be equally developed for the bird to fly. Other Teachings of Baha'u'llah shed light on the importance of universal education, the benefits of adopting a universal language, and the necessity of seeking spiritual solutions to economic problems.

Humanity must be freed from the captivity of the world of nature. It was created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. But there are two aspects of civilization—material and spiritual—and unless they become combined, human happiness will not be attained. Until justice is allowed to govern human affairs, all things will
be in disorder and remain imperfect.



After studying this passage in your group, mark the topics of conversation below into which the above ideas could be introduced in a natural way. In your group, discuss how you would work these ideas into the conversation.

____ The banning of weapons of mass destruction
____ The spread of anarchy and terrorism in the world
____ The brutality of war
____ Things that bring us happiness.



 If someone asked you the following question, how would you respond: "War has always existed. What makes you think peace is possible now?"



It is suggested that you memorize the following quotations of Baha'u'llah:

"The progress of the world, the development of nations, the tranquility of peoples, and the peace of all who dwell on earth are among the principles and ordinances of God."

"Religion is verily the chief instrument for the establishment of order in the world and of tranquility amongst its peoples."

"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established"

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