I'm the campusminister of the Oneida Baptist Institute which is a co-educational boarding school for grades 6-12. We have about 450 students from 20+ states and 7+ countries. We are unique because we accept students who are not Christians, have been in trouble with the law, have failed at previous schools, may not be able to pay or have been out of school for a time. Because of this, we deal with some students who are from broken homes and other problems. We will give just about any student an opportunity if they are physically and emotionally ready to live at boarding school. The maximum tuition per month (for U.S. residents) is a bit over $400 and income is taken into consideration. We are fully accredited and have been educating students for 100 years. If you know of a student between 6th and 12th grade who needs structure, discipline and a nurturing Christian environment, write us at Admissions@oneidaschool.org or call 606-847-4111. We also have a web site at Petersen's Private Schools and at American School Directories. You can reach me at school at Chaplain@Oneidaschool.org.
As chaplain I coordinate and/or lead daily worship for all our students, plus one Sunday service and two student worship and prayer gatherings. I also teach three Bible classes and orient new high school students. I coach chess, work with a few computers, counsel boys and oversee the campus ministry/Baptist Student Union program at our school. I'm also the pastor of the Manchester (Ky) Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). Sometimes I sleep 8-).
I'm a 1974 graduate of Owensboro (Ky) High School, a 1978 Graduate of Kentucky Wesleyan College with degrees in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology and English. I graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1984 with a Master of Divinity concentrated in Theology and Philosophy. I have done doctoral study beyond that degree. I'm currently attending Western Canon University ;-).
I'm a Christian since age 15 and a Southern Baptist most of my life, though I am really a Reformed type with some Vineyard appreciations (sort of a Martyn Lloyd Jones kind of guy). A really great ministry I draw from is Desiring God Ministries which is
the ministry of John Piper and Bethlehem Baptist Church in
I identify (somewhat) with the Founders Movement in Southern Baptist life. One of my heroes probably put my theology best in this article on Calvinism. Some great Internet "Radio" ministries that keep me going are R.C. Sproul's Renewing Your Mind, Truth for Life with Alistair Begg and Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. The best place to buy books is Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service. Also, I really have grown under the ministry of the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen. Visit Covenant Media Foundation for his amazing library of tapes. I appreciate the entire Christian family. Here at OBI I work with many different denominations and world religions. It's a great experience.
If I weren't at Oneida, I'd be at Bethlehem Baptist Church. If I could be two or three people, I'd find a way to hang out at the Columbus Ohio Vineyard.
Every Christian needs to be involved in reaching the world that Jesus came to save. The U.S. Center for World Mission is the best place to get yourself and your church involved in reaching unreached peoples.
I love music and especially recommend the music of Phil Keaggy. Phil is a world-class guitarist, a real gentleman and a real example of what "Christian artist" should mean. Check him out at Way back Home which is a fine site devoted to Phil and his music.
I'm also caught up with a British Christian band called
Their websites can be found at this great shockwaved site and at www.deliriou5?.net. Here's another deleriou5? site with more information about the band. This is the kind of Christian music I've been waiting 26 years to hear.
I also love C.S. Lewis and hope everyone visiting the page will stop by Into the Wardrobe: A C.S. Lewis Homepage which is a great place to find all about Lewis on the net.
The President of The Southern Baptist Theolgical Seminary, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, has a great column on theology and culture that I recommend to anyone. Here's the site.
I'm always happy to dialog with anyone about counseling issues, spiritual questions, Reformed beliefs and theology, Pentecostalism/The Vineyard/Charismatics in general, arguments against Christianity and, of course, The Gospels. I've worked with teenagers for 24 years and I enjoy talking with or about young people. The Homepage has been a real blessing to me and I'm greatly encouraged by any feedback from you.
On ICQ I'm 4459885. On the IRC (CNN Chat, MSNBC Chat, #newstalk of TalkCity and #Bible and #Art_Bell on Undernet) I'm DIGORY. On Geocities I'm Eutychus. I monitor the delirious and Conservative-Christian Mailing Lists. I check my mail ten times a day, so write anytime.
My interest in the Gospel of Mark comes from my High School Advanced Bible Class. We do a Mark seminar every year and it's incredible how this ancient document gets students excited about the historical and literary aspects of the Bible.