of David Perkins

David Perkins arrived Dec.17, 1953, at 97°20' west longitude, 32° 45' north lattitude, around the time when local banks and government offices were about to close. Growing up on B-52 bases across America, David became an All American swimmer and serious student in science, history, human behavior, art and the "unknown".

David graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1977 with a degree in Psychology, teaching credentials, and a desire to help others. His interest with metaphysics began as a child often gazing at the stars, and in high school when taught how to read tarot cards.

Interest in astrology began in 1975 while working on a behavioral statistics lab project in university - the results of which showed this ancient art of describing and predicting behavior outperforming the other standard methods used in psychology. David has since been on four different continents studying astrology's history, philosophy, methods, and uses within many cultures. In 1985 he completed the first ever instructional and certification course ever given for Astro*Carto*Graphy in San Francisco under it's developer, the late Jim Lewis.

Since 1983, David's astrological / metaphysical work has been published throughout Europe, from technical articles in journals - to magazine entertainment pieces and weekly forecasts. For 10 years he was the featured astrologer in Germany's largest weekly woman's magazine,"Bild der Frau", and currently has a weekly question & answer metaphysical advice column appearing in Kurier Szczecinski (Szczecin, Poland). A collection of the best answers from this column had been made into a book: "Moja Gwiezdna Terapia" ("Star Therapy") ISBN 83 - 909578 - 5 - X in 1998 and is in distribution throughout Poland.

Combining psychology & astrology in his writings to assist people find solutions and direction is David's main calling and scientific side. On the artistic side, David works with FUTURE CIRCUS, an international multi-media group, and with Szczecin's Teatr Wspolczesny (The Modern Theater of Szczecin), with the first collabaration being in 1996 with the creation of video, music, and animation effects for the acclaimed "Moda Smierc" (which was invited to the Bonn Biennale, Germany - the showcase for modern theater in Europe - as well as many to other festvals). Other works for Teatr Wspolczesny include "Kochan i Nas troje" (1998) and "Balladyna" (1998), which won honors in the All-Polish Classics competition. David also helped negociate the rights for Teatr Wspolczesny to perform Woody Allen's "A Mid-Summer Night's Sex Comedy" which premiered in Szczecin on September 12, 1998.

David is also president and founder of STUDENT TEATR SZCZECIN, a theater educational institution that brings German and Polish students of Euroregion Pomerania together to learn the various aspects of theater, create performances, and develop the use of computer technology in modern theater.

Currently in the works is the novel HITLER'S ASTROLOGER, the story of the Swiss astrologer Karl Krafft's work for the Third Reich as well as the role astrology played in World War II.

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