Finding your TIME of BIRTH the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds

Finding your Birth TIME

As most of you know, in oder to create an accurate horoscope an astrologer needs three pieces of information, your birth DAY, birth TIME (hour and minutes), and your birth PLACE. Nearly everyone knows their birthday and where they were born, however few people really know exactly at what time.

The "joke" every astrologer hears at least 999 times each year: Question: "...and what time were you born?" Answer: "I don't know, I was too young to remember back then...." Although the joke is very old, it does raise a point about remembering, and also shows that if the parents or hospital did not think the time of birth was important enoug to write down, one may then never know their true birth time.

If the time of birth was not written down, then the only people who could know this information first hand are the mother, and whoever else was present at the delivery, usually a doctor and/or relative. The memory of the mother is sometimes unreliable in obtaining a birth time, due to her condition before, during, and after giving birth. Therefore, the best chance of getting an accurate time is from one of those who were present, and better one who consciously noted the time of birth as it happened.

Besides memory, there are also other factors that make it difficult to know exactly when one was born. Past wars destroying hospitals (and the records that are in them) are the main reason for many losing their birth data, and their lives, for that matter. If you do not know your birth time, the following are some steps to help you find it.

How to search for birthtime

First, pretend you are a private dective, or special investagator, for the type of work you will be doing is very similar to what these people do. It may also be that by 'role-playing' one of these professions, you will make the 'searching' fun, for this can be boring and frustrating work.

If either parent do not know the exact time of birth, and there is no offical record in the hospital or citizen registry office, begin your search within your extended family. It might be a grandmother or uncle was present or nearby, or a relative might remember that the news of your birth came while they were eating breakfast - suggesting an early morning birth at least..

Another source for birth times are old family Bibles, albums, or photographs, that sometimes have personal information such as birth data written. If no one remembers, and no written record can be found of your time of birth, then the last place to search is within your sub-conscious. Your subconscious mind remembers every experience you ever had, whether your conscious mind remembers them or not.

Somewhere in your mind

After an experimental electronic brain stimulus session in a university psychological lab study, one subject recalled how she strongly remembered eating an ice cream cone when she was about 4 years old. Although she was 20 at the time of the experiment, she could vividly recall what kind of ice cream it was, and many aspects as to what was going on around her at the time she was eating it (which was a visit to the zoo). All this information before was completely forgotten.

This memory was "lost", or forgotten from her conscious mind, but still remembered stored in the subconscoius part of your mind.. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel is recorded in your brain (and besides these basic physical senses, many other 'impressions' are stored there as well.) Information stored in your sub-conscious can be found best in a 'dream' state, either when you are 'day dreaming' or dreaming while you are alseep.

The best time to strengthen the connection between your sub conscious and conscious mind is right before you fall asleep. Create a symbol to represent the information you seek. If you are searching for the hour and minute your birth time, create in your imagination a clock that has no hands on it. The picture of a clock will tell your subconscious the message is about time, and no hands will represent the time you seek is unknown.

While concentrating on the image of the clock, imagine also you being born right beside it, this visual picture will tell your subconscious mind you are seeking the time you were born. Put the thought in your mind that while you are falling asleep, you will be asking your subconscious what is the exact time of your birth. Ask your subconscious if it will create a dream in which you can see the hands on the clock. Depending on how strong the connection between your conscious and sub conscious, you should have a dream with the answer within a few weeks or months.

Remember, your subconscious has a different personality than the character you act out when you are conscious. The answer may come on the type of clock you imagined, or a different one, or it could be the time is spoken to you by a deceased distant relative that used to be near you. If you fall asleep not believing this will happen you may insult the other side of you, for in your subconscious has feelings also. Remember your subconscious is the power behind the part of your intelligence that regulates your heart beat and does your breathing for you (which is why you don't have to consciously think about doing these things). Therefore, show respect and courtesy to other side of your personality - just as you would someone else you love.

Solar Horoscope

When the birth time is unknown, most astrologers construct what is called a "Solar Horoscope". This is a horoscope chart where the Sun is placed on the ascendant, and us used to give a general description for all births occurring on that day.

In the diagram is a representation of a noon birth for a Capricorn, whose ascendant is Aries. The ascendant is a line drawn to the eastern horizon at your time of birth. If this Capricorn were born in the morning at sun rise, then the sun (and the sign of Capricorn) would be down at the ascendant arrow. The path around which the Sun travels is the ecliptic, on the ecliptic you will also find the band of stars that make up the zodiac.

The original idea for a Solar chart was created by the ancient Greeks. When recording times of birth to make horoscopes with ascendants, they found that a large proportion of people were born in the morning just before, during, and just after a sun rise. Today this tendency of births seems to exist as well in many countries around the world.

If your birth time is unknown, get a Solar Horoscope so you can at least begin to work on planet positions that were occurring that day. Even though these descriptions will be general, they will at least be something to start with. Then do your meditations to ask your subconscious to remember the exact time. Nearly 60% of all those who asked their subconscious in this way see their birth time in a dream within 3 to 6 months! Good luck in finding your birth time.!

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