Here are some links that will help you learn more about your culture and about other people's cultures. More links will be added as the web page grows. If you want us to add a link to our page e-mail us.

- This little globe is the Cultural Awareness Spirit Award. It is Awarded to sites which demonstrate the Cultural Awareness Club spirit (racial unity and awareness).

-Another award we offer is the Cultural Awareness Site Award. This award is awarded to sites which are both graphically and informationaly rich.

Look below in our different categories for winners of these awards.


Countries Around the World

Republic of the Philippines


Cultural Sites

Black History Month Celebration -This page celebrates the achievements of African Americans.

Hispanic America U.S.A.-A sight which discusses the contributions Hispanic Americans have made to the United States.

Martin Luther King Jr. Website at Stanford University -An excellent page with great information on Martin Luther King..

The Seattle Times Martin Luther King Jr.-A dedication by the Seattle Times to Martin Luther King's life and legacy.

Zia Martin Luther King, Jr. Resources-Discusses the holiday of Martin Luther Kings Day.


Black Enterprise Magazine-This is an excellent web page and magazine because it focuses on African American businessmen, which is something the media rarely focuses on.

Heritage Magazine -Filipino Magazine.


Angry White Guys For Affirmative Action

Howard University- The best Historically Black University.

Multi Cultural Field Trips.-An excellent page of multicultural field trips in the Washington D.C. area.

The Official Morehouse College Website

Organizations and Clubs

Hispanic Students Association of Whittier College

Latin American Youth Center-A non-profit multicultural organization in Washington D.C. which promotes the individual, social and economic development of Latinos and other minority groups.

NAACP - California Branch-Learn about the NAACP, find out how to join, plus much more.

Omega Phi Chi Sorority, INC.-(Multicultural Sorority) An excellent page which promotes the way things should be student organizations based on friendship not race.

The Philippine United Student Organization-This is a college student organization which aims to promote Filipino culture and heritage.

Samahang Filipino-Founded in 1973 at UCLA. It is an organization which strives for awareness and involvement through teaching Filipino culture.

United Filipino Club (UFC) of Seattle University

USC Muslim Student Association-A thorough web page which explains the basics of Islam plus a lot more.

Religions of the World

Becoming Muslim Okarima Slack Razij-A Hispanic lady discusses her conversion to Islam and how she personally found Islam as a religion which is not sexist, contrary to many peoples belief about Islam.

Scholarships and other Student Services

Air Force ROTC-Scholarships For Minority Students

Black Excel: The College Help Network-A site for African Americans which gives vital information about SAT's, HBCU's and scholarships for African Americans.

Free Money for College Education

Money-On-line financial resource for minority students.

Scholarships offered by the NAACP

Scholarships You Can Win

Ventura County National Bank-Minority-Scholarships given to minority high school students who plan to pursue business in college.

Sites With Links To Other Pages

Black History Month Page-Links related to the nations and peoples of Africa.

Para La Gente-A sight which has links to Latino Greeks, Latino Organizations, Latino student clubs and Hispanic magazines.

Philippine News - Link on-line-This site offers links to major internet services that carry news and information on the Philippines and Filipino Americans.

Saludos Web-A list of Hispanic resource center web pages.

U.S. History

The Flag of the United States of America-A page dedicated to the American Flag. This page also includes the Pledge of Allegiance in English, Spanish and Dutch.

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