Just the Facts

The facts about Islam are often misinterpreted, misunderstood and unfortunately even often falsified.

We have put together a short quiz for you. Go ahead and test yourself, see if you really have the facts straight about Islam.

1-When was Islam revealed?

2-What does Islam teach about Racism?

3-What is the Muslim population in the world?
(Based on 1997 World Almanac of the total world population of: 5,716,425,000)

4-What is the Muslim population in the United States?
(Based on 1997 World Almanac of the United States total population of: 249,277,000)

5-Why do Muslims face in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia when they pray five times a day?

6-Who do Muslims worship?

7-Why do Muslim women cover their hair?

8-Why do Muslim men not have a dress requirement?

9-What does the word "Islam" mean?

10-What are the five pillars of Islam?

11-What do Muslims think about Jesus (peace be upon him)?

12-What do Muslims think about Mary, the mother of Jesus (peace be upon them)?

Get the Correct Facts

The questions with the check mark in the box are the ones you answered incorrectly.

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