Tech Lectures for the Pharmacy Technician

20 Hour CE Packet


Currently any orders received can enjoy the twenty hour package of Lectures for only 42.00 plus 8.00 shipping and handling via priority mail. You simply order whatever Lectures you want, (from a list of 27 lectures offered), that add up to twenty credit hours (may be twenty one). This is only 2.10 per credit hour and a good way to get your CE required by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) for recertification purposes.

To better serve Pharmacy Technicians, this price will remain effective indefinitely.

           CE Packets are now spiral bound click here to see

           Click here to compare prices of other CE Offerings 


Sample CE Offerings

           Diabetes and the Blood Glucose Monitor 

If ordering online you need to indicate what lectures you want in your order or email me  what lecture(s) you would like. In the case of the 20 hour package, just select which lectures you would like to receive that add up to 20 or 21 hours.

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