Information for the Pharmacist
Tech Lectures was developed over a decade ago to offer
continuing education specifically for the individual
Pharmacy Technician that would be not only
content as well. Simply said CE that much could be
learned from. Today we find too much CE
that is either too technical in nature or of little in
educational value. This leaves the Pharmacy Technician
frustrated and at times doing CE only for recertification
purposes and nothing more.
Tech Lectures currently now offers
27 individual CE Lectures
of which each one offers much knowledge in both personal and
professional growth for your Pharmacy Technician(s). Also
realize each 20 CE Packet is
spiral bound and averages 120 pages in
The price for each individual Pharmacy
Technician is
42.00 for 20 hours of CE
of which they can choose which ones they want to complete.
If more than 2 Technicians order from a workplace or
organization, the price is reduced to only
30.00 per 20 hour CE packet.
This is where you come in, in the offering
of something of value for your Pharmacy Technician(s).
Lectures not only offers CE, but
Review Manual that has helped thousands in the
passing of the national exam and its newest offering of an
IV Manual/Workbook worth 14 CE credit hours in
Tech Lectures is more than offering CE, it is also about the many FREE offerings for the individual Pharmacy Technician. Please take a look at the Free Tech Lectures on-line Newsletter and the many other offerings provided by Tech Lectures,
then inform your Technician's as I am sure they will be most appreciative.