
Since the two of us love quotes whether they be from famous people or that bum on the street downtown, we've added this section to record them and share them with everyone who visits our page. So here are a few that we think are interesting or profound. Enjoy!!

"I don't want people to understand me, or agree with me... I just want them to leave me alone."

"Normality is defined only by a narrow perception of reality.
Perception is based on the individual's interpretation of reality.
Reality's flexibility depends on one's ability to adapt to life.
The essence of life is existance.
Existance is only a theory. Question reality..."
~Sue Weare

"Art is deception"
~M.C. Escher

"...It'll be your turn to cry tomorrow."
~Paul Gallagher

"Art is anything that recieves a reaction"
~Pablo Picaso

"If voting could really change things, it would be illegal."

"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot."
~Mark Twain

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