Holocaust Related:

The Cybrary of the Holocaust (a good on-line resource for Holocaust studies with many useful links)

Literature of the Holocaust (A comprehensive resource, created in association with the English 293 course at the University of Pennsylvania)

Yad Vashem The Holocaust memorial of the Jewish people located on Har Hazikaron (the Mount of Remembrance) in Jerusalem, Israel

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Located in Washington, D.C.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center"The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international center for Holocaust remembrance and the defense of human rights and the Jewish people. Headquartered in Los Angeles, the Center's mandate is a unique combination of social action, public outreach, scholarship, education and media projects as it imparts the lessons of the Holocaust and develops educational strategies for teaching tolerance." NOTE: While I support the Holocaust studies of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, I do not endorse or condone their attempts to censor the Internet. AB

The March of the Living "The March of the Living is an international, educational program that brings Jewish teens from all over the world to Poland on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, to retrace the infamous death march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, and then to Israel to observe Yom HaZikaron, Israel Memorial Day, and Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. The goal of the March of the Living is for these young people to learn the lessons of the Holocaust and to lead the Jewish people into the future vowing Never Again!"

The Camps, a Half a Century Later "The Camps, a Half a Century Later" is a series of concentration camp photographs taken in 1998. The work is designed to remind visitors that the Holocaust was an all too real event in human history. The photographer wants all who come to the site to remember the victims of the Shoah and continue speaking out on behalf of all those who died.

The Shoah Links An excellent resource for internet Holocaust sites

The Territory of Trauma An article by novelist and essayist Joyce Hackett, author of the novel Disturbance of the Inner Ear (Carroll & Graf). Her essay deals with the process of and ethics of writing about the Holocaust and its legacy.


Judaica Libraries' Homepages (many good Shoah information links, as well as general Jewish links )

Congregation B'nai Yehuda Beth Sholom (my synagogue; also has excellent Jewish Weblinks )

Maven indexes over 5,000 Jewish/Israel links in over 200 different subject categories.
Maven - The Ultimate Jewish/Israel Index

Fight Hate:

The Nizkor Project "Nizkor is not a single collection of Web pages, but a collage of projects focused on the Holocaust and its denial,often incorrectly referred to as Holocaust "revisionism."

Jews for Judaism, "the only full-time counter-missionary, educational, outreach and counseling network spanning North America and beyond. It is dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of deceptive missionary and cult groups that target the Jewish community for conversion, and to winning back those Jews who have been influenced by missionaries."


Flying Dreams The web site of Linda Lane Magallon, author of "Mutual Dreaming: When Two or More People Share the Same Dream." This site looks at many aspects of dreaming, including flying dreams, shared dreams and lucid dreaming. Very interesting, with some fascinating insights. For information on Magallon's book, see Suggested Reading.

Robert Moss: Way of the Dreamer The web site of Robert Moss, author of "Conscious Dreaming" and "Dreamgates" This site offers a wide variety of ideas for anyone interested in studying his/her Dreams. It also has contact information and the schedule for Robert Moss' workshops. For information on Moss' books, see Suggested Reading.


Rabbi Yonassan GershomThe web site of Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, who explores the world of Holocaust dreams, visions and the possibilities of reincarnation. Educational and entertaining at the same time--a very accessible site even for skeptics of reincarnation. For more information on Reb Gershom's books, see Suggested Reading.

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