A Minute With The Bible

The following messages have been aired during 1999 on WLBE, Leesburg, Florida, twice each weekday. The remainder(2000, 2001, 2002) have been aired on WRUF, Gainesville, Florida(three times each day). You may freely use them to further the cause of Christ as long as they are not edited. Some find them useful for bulletin material due to the condensed nature of the material. While there is a weekly theme, no titles are given to the messages.

July, l999 August, 1999 September, 1999 October, 1999 November, 1999 December, 1999 January, 2000 June, 2000 July, 2000 September, 2000 October, 2000 November, 2000 December, 2000 January, 2001 February, 2001 March, 2001 April, 2001 May, 2001 June, 2001 July, 2001 August, 2001 September, 2001 October, 2001 November, 2001 December, 2001 January, 2002 February, 2002 March, 2002 April, 2002 May, 2002

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