What Every Congregation Needs Ephesians 5:27 I. Introduction. A. In order for the church at this place to grow, we must identify our needs. B. The congregation has reached the point for each of us to put forth our interests and labors toward a numerical and spiritual growth. C. The Lord will not send angels--it is up to each of our members. II. Body. We need... A. A clean church: Revelation 19:8. 1. We strive for every member to live as a Christian should. a. If one needs help in this area, seek help. b. Hence: Galatians 2:20. 2. We are to be living examples to others. a. Note "Christ" in Christians. b. Philippians 1:21. c. We must have the proper attitude: Philippians 2:14-15. 3. Note: Psalm 18:20. B. A militant church. 1. Aggressive in the right way: a sword of truth. 2. It should never be easy to lay aside the armour of a Christian: Romans 13:12. 3. We must never be satisfied with our current status: Hebrews 12:11-13. C. A working church. 1. How often do we sing "I want to be a worker?" 2. The church is the vineyard of the Lord. a. Purpose of a vineyard. 3. What if every tree was just like me? 4. We need to be disturbed and fertilized. 5. If we do not, we become unfruitful. 6. Must be in the vineyard in order to bear fruit. 7. The two seas. 8. We need 100% co-operation. a. Some want to operate without the "co-" 9. We will be judged by our works.(Individually). D. An alert church. 1. A great degree of faith is needed. a. What is faith?(prayer at empty table): Hebrews 11:1. b. Need faith to work ahead. 2. A deeper relationship of responsibility: Ephesians 4:16. a. To the local church: Ephesians 4:16. (1 To her assemblying. (2 To her services.(Could one become a professional by listening to 30 minute lessons?) b. To brethren(strong & weak). c. To the unfortunate.(Inquire about needs and provide as possible). d. In carrying out the gospel: we do not have to cross the waters. E. A giving church. 1. Both in time and effort. 2. Christ gave: his home; honour, position, life.(I gave my life for thee). 3. More liberality among all members(not just funds). F. A sacrificing church. 1. What is sacrifice? 2. Have we suffered to do without lately? G. A zealous church. 1. Of Corinth: II Corinthians 9:2. 2. Enthusiasm is catching! 3. Titus 2:14. H. A disciplined church. 1. Self discipline: I Corinthians 9:27. 2. Congregational discipline may be needed at times. I. A closer church. 1. Christians are to enjoy one another's company. 2. Closer in work and play. 3. People always want you to visit, but---- J. A triumphant church(if overcome every evil). III. Conclusion. A. James 4:17.