Tony, Tony, Look Around...

Saint Anthony of Padua is the Patron Saint of lost items.

He is very good at finding things you have misplaced. I, personally, have called on St. Anthony many times to find something I needed, for which I had looked high and low, and to no avail. I then remembered this little poem.

'Tony, Tony, look around. Something's lost and must be found'!

Almost always, I find it within seconds.

I mentioned this little poem to my dear priest about 2 years ago. He did not say much at the moment. Later that day, he called me and he was laughing, and he told me that a parishioner had called him, and she was very upset that she had lost her Rosary, that she had looked high and low for it and she just couldn't find it. She asked Father to keep his eye open for it at the Church. He told her to say the little poem, and before he even got to the last word of the poem, she interrupted him with, 'I found it'. He and she were both amazed...
And so was I.

Try asking St. Anthony, by using this little poem, and see if it works for you...

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