Error Begets Error...

Holy Scripture is without a doubt a collection of the most amazing writings ever. The numerous books were written by over 50 authors, spanning a time frame of around 1500 years. There was no collusion among the human writers and yet collectively it is harmonious from beginning to end. It is truly divinely inspired.

However, when there is error in the interpretation of Holy Scripture, it invariably disrupts that harmony, and creates other errors somewhere along the way. Here are some examples:

The Catholic Church is not the Church which Jesus Christ founded, is what some say. They add that the Church which Jesus Christ founded, apostatised after Constantine's signing of the Edict of Milan in 331 or sometime thereafter.

If anyone makes this remark, then they are insulting Jesus Christ Himself, by calling Him a liar.

1. Matthew 28:20, Jesus promised He would be with His Church everyday in every century until the end of time.

2. Matthew 16:18, Jesus Christ promised His Church would be defended from within and from without.

3. John 14:16, the Holy Spirit will dwell with the Church, which Jesus Christ founded, forever.

How could the Church, which Jesus Christ founded, have failed after all of these promises? Unless, of course, you feel Jesus Christ erred in making these promises in the first place.

Peter was never given the primacy or the authority in Matthew 16:18.

When they say this, they have created errors in Holy Scripture.

1. Notice that GOD changed the name of Simon to Peter. Whenever GOD changes the name of someone, that person has been given primacy and authority. The precedent had been set several times in the Old Testament.
     a. Genesis 17:4-5, GOD changed the name of Abram to Abraham and gave          him the authority of 'Father of a Multitude of Nations'.
     b. Genesis 17:15-16, GOD changed the name of Sarai to Sarah and made          her the 'Mother of Nations'.
     c. Genesis 32:29, the angel of GOD changed the name of Jacob to Israel          thus making him the first Israeli.
If you deny the primacy of Peter, then you have to deny the primacy of the three people in the examples given, and in so doing, refute all four of the verses referred to.

If I cannot find it in the Bible, it simply never happened. This is 'Sola Scriptura', or only the Bible.

Keeping the traditions is mentioned many times in Scripture, but again, the verses are ignored. Believers in this false doctrine which did not, and could not even exist before the time of Martin Luther have created several grave errors.

1. You cannot ignore one jot or tittle of Holy Scripture. As I said before, the sum total of it all is harmonious. To take away from it is an offense against the Holy Word of GOD, and again destroys the harmony therein. 2Thess 2:15, 'hold the teachings you have learned, whether by WORD or by letter of ours'---ignored. Acts 20:35, 'REMEMBER the Word of the Lord'---ignored. Psalms 44:1, Isaiah 40:8, Luke 1:2, John 15:20, and many other
verses ---ignored.

2. Ignoring Scripture is the same as taking it away. It simply does not exist in the minds of some. Anyone who believes in this false doctrine is taking away from the word of GOD. Adding or deleting from the Word of GOD is forbidden by many Bible verses. A few are: Deut 4:2, Prov 30:5-6, Gal 1:8, and read what happens to those who add or take away from the things of the book in
Rev 22:18-19.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is not the Mother of GOD, as many protestants say. She could only be the mother of the humanity of Jesus Christ.

If this is what they believe, then they have created several errors.

1. Mothers give birth to persons, not natures. An error was created, by those who deny Mary is the Mother of GOD, in John 1:1, "...and the Word was GOD", and John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." These two verses say GOD was made flesh. Where did the substance of the flesh of GOD come from? It came from Mary.

2. How many persons is Jesus Christ, 1 or 2? In order to believe Mary gave birth only to the humanity of Jesus Christ and not to his divinity, that would make Him 2 persons, one human and one divine---a grievous error. It is shown in Phil 2:5-7, a 'GOD who is man and a man who is GOD'. That is clearly one person in Jesus Christ, not two.

3. Denying Mary is the Mother of GOD, is refuting Luke 1:41-43. Elizabeth speaking with the words given to her by the Holy Spirit calls Mary the 'Mother of my Lord'. Remember Thomas called Jesus "My Lord and My GOD",
John 20:28. Since the Holy Spirit gave Elizabeth the words to speak, then how can anyone deny what the third person of the Holy Trinity has said?

Clearly, Holy Scripture does say that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the
Mother of GOD.

Written by Bob Stanley, February 25, 1998

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