Welcome to the Sanctuary

Join us for what we hope will be a refreshing "time-out" while you learn about self-discovery through storytelling.

When The Sanctuary originally opened early in 1997, it grew from an idea sparked by Taylor Caldwell's 1960 novel, The Listener, where she describes a strange and beautiful sanctuary wherein the 'Man who Listens' waits to comfort those to whom no one listens.  Caldwell writes, "the world has no answer to the most terrible need of the human spirit: someone to listen

We all have a story to tell, and so often, the one person we most need to have listen to our stories is -- ourself!  The stories that we share about who we are, where we come from, and where we are going; the 'stock-in-trade' vignettes that we exchange with friends and family house the personal myths that underwrite and guide our lives.

The Sanctuary attempts to provide you with an opportunity to use the art of storytelling to explore these myths and begin to understand the patterns that give shape to your life.

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Each of us has a 'personal mythology':  an inner drama whose plot directs our thoughts and feelings, and guides the choices we make. Understanding that mythology can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal transformation. Because these myths, the stories we share with others, become so well-worn with the telling, they're subsumed into the fabric of our lives and we no longer hear their message.

By telling our story - to ourself - and pondering it's meaning, we can clarify our thoughts, explore our feelings, and begin to create goals for ourself that take us - where we choose to go. This can be as simple as beginning to write down your life's stories so that you can start to explore the predominant themes. By discovering these hidden themes, you can then take the first steps to begin to alter the personal myths that direct your life, and take control of the patterns that shape your future.

Do you have a story?  By clicking the bar below, you have an opportunity to tell your story -- in confidence -- to an anonymous, non-judgmental listener.  Writing down your story is to be an end unto itself.  Unless you request a response, none will be offered.   And unless you specifically state that your story may be shared, it will remain forever confidential.

click HERE to tell your story

Storytelling is only one aspect of self-discovery.  For some, it may be the beginning, for others it may simply supplement other tools already in use in their life.

The links we have selected for our site will introduce you to many more story telling opportunities, information about personal mythology, and similarly fascinating topics.  We are also part of a webring, a group of topically-related sites, that we hope you'll take the time to visit.

If you'd rather wait and tell your story another time, consider visiting our Musings page, where you'll be able to read some of the submissions that others have offered to share.

And, don't forget to sign our guestbook. Your questions, comments, or suggestions are warmly welcomed!

Bon voyage, enjoy your journey!

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©1997-9 The Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved.
Luminessence Web Publishing

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Stories That Have Been Told
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