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  1. Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Home Page


  1. Celtic Homepage
  2. Os Celtas
  3. Origins of Celtic Art


  1. 3-D Mummy
  2. A New Light On Ancient Art
  3. Abzu Regional Index: Egypt
  4. Alexandria
  5. Alexandria, Egypt
  6. Alexandria: Ptolemaic, Roman-Egypt and Byzantine
  7. American Archaeological Discovery of Ancient Egypt
  8. American Society of Papyrologists
  9. Anciens documents sur l'Igypte
  10. Ancient Egypt
  11. Ancient Egypt On the Internet
  12. Ancient Egypt Site:
  13. Ancient Egypt: K-12
  14. Ancient Egypt: Nile
  15. Annual Egyptological Bibliography home page
  16. Anthropomorphic representation of the Apis bull
  17. Apis bull
  18. Archaeological Survey in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
  19. Beinlich's Egyptian Wordlist
  20. Bust of Pharaoh Seti I
  21. Clickable image of the temple of Abu Simbel
  22. Color Tour of Egypt
  23. Como se falava o egípcio?
  24. Digital Mummies: Ancient Faraos on the Net
  25. Djoser Complex
  26. Duke University Special Collections Library
  27. Early American Travelers and Collections
  28. Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project
  29. Egypt
  30. Egypt Interactive
  32. Egyptian Art
  33. Egyptology
  34. Egyptology Resources from the University of Cambridge
  35. Egypt's Eastern Desert (US)
  36. Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Aegyptens
  37. Giza Plateau Mapping Project
  38. Giza, Egypt
  39. Giza, Egypt Radar Image from NASA
  40. Gold hawk
  41. History of Ancient Egypt
  42. Isis
  43. Journal: ZPE: Index of the Journal of Papyrology
  44. Karanis Project WWW Home Page
  45. Les obilisques
  46. Lion inscribed for Pharaoh Nectanebo I
  47. Mask of a mummy
  48. Memphis State University
  49. Multimedia tour of KV5 [Distributed by Time Magazine]
  50. Netherlands Institute for the Near East
  51. Newton Institutute Egyptology Homepage
  52. Nubia - "Its glory and its people": 1987 Exhibition
  53. Nubia Exhibits at the Oriental Institute Museum, U. Chicago
  54. Nubian Wallpaintings
  55. Papyrological Resources
  56. Papyrology
  57. Papyrology Collection -- U. of Michigan
  58. Portals To Eternity: Necropolis at Terenouthis
  59. Restitutions virtuelles
  60. Restoring Ancient Egyptian artifacts... by computer
  61. Room in the Egyptian Museum (Vatican)
  62. Secrets of the Lost Tomb
  63. Site brasileiro sobre Egiptologia
  64. Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser
  65. Tel el Amarna Collection of M.A. Mansoor
  66. Temple Palace of Rameses III at Medinet Habu 1175 BC
  67. The Ancient Egypt Site
  68. The Egyptian Museum
  69. Thoth, god of learning and patron of scribes
  70. Tomb of Niankhkhanum and Khanumhotep
  71. Torso of Pharaoh Nectanebo I
  72. Vanished Kingdoms of the Nile: Rediscovery of Nubia
  73. Wadi Natrun (Egypt)
  74. World Art Treasures: Portraits Romains d'Egypte


  1. A Casa dos Deuses
  2. A Geological Companion to Greece and the Aegean
  3. Acropolis: WebAcropol
  4. Ancient City of Athens
  5. Ancient Greek (Hellenic) Links (MEDEA, THE MUSICAL)
  6. Ancient Greek Artefacts
  7. British Museum Tour of Ancient Greek Artefacts
  8. City of Athens: the archaeological and architectural
  9. Cornell Halai East Lokris Project (CHELP)
  10. Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World
  11. Elementos da História do Direito na Grécia Antiga
  12. Greek and Roman Cities of Western Turkey
  13. Grécia: um povo, uma história
  14. Greek Architecture
  15. Greek Mythology
  16. Greek Mythology
  17. Hellenic Civilization Database
  18. Histos--The New Journal of Ancient Historiography
  19. Images of Orality and Literacy in Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth and Third Centuries BCE
  20. Images of Orality and Literacy in Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth, and Third Centuries
  21. Journal: Didaskalia: Ancient Theatre Today
  22. Library of Congress Resources for Greek and Latin Classics
  23. Ohio State University Excavations at Isthmia
  24. Perseus Atlas Project
  25. Perseus Atlas Project - Ancient Greece
  26. Perseus Project
  27. Portland State University Greek Civilization Home Page
  28. Pylos Regional Archaeological Project
  29. Rome: Greek & Roman Cities of Western Turkey
  30. The Antiquities of Ancient Nicosia
  31. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae


  1. Maps Of Jerusalém Gate
  2. The Jerusalém Mosaic

História Antiga - Geral

  1. Ancient History - K-12
  2. Antiquity
  3. As Setes Maravilhas do Mundo
  4. Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Achitecture and Sculpture (AU)
  5. Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
  6. Graphics: More Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Achitecture and Sculpture
  7. História Antiga e Arqueologia.
  8. Journal: Arachne. Ancient Literature and History
  9. Journal: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  10. Journal: Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics
  11. Journal: Scholia
  12. Journal: TOCS-IN: Tables of Contents Ancient History Journals
  13. La Maison de l'Orient Mediterranean"
  14. L'archeologie sous les mers
  15. Mining Company: Ancient History K-12


  1. EPFL/Silicon Graphics WWW
  3. The Antiquities of Turkish Nicosia


  2. ABZU: Ancient Near East
  3. Ancient Near East
  4. Ancient Near East and Palestine
  5. Ancient Near East and Palestine
  6. Ancient Shikhin and Sepphoris, Israel
  7. Ancient Synagogues in the Holy Land - What Synagogues?
  8. Baalbek, Jbeil, and SourFour Photos
  9. Baalbek/Heliopolis -- four photos
  10. Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit
  11. Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition
  12. Excavations at Ciftlik (Sinop): Turkey
  13. Mesopotamia, Ancient (Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago)
  14. Near East Archaeological Sites (Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago)
  15. NENippur Site Map (Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago)
  16. NESeleucid Kings
  17. Netherlands Institute for the Near East
  18. Northeastern Turkey Archaeological Project
  19. Objects from Karanis (Kelsey Museum)
  20. Oriental Institute, UChicago
  21. Radar image of Ubar and region


  1. Aeminium & Roman Portugal (Museu Nacional de Machado
  2. Age, Gender and Status Divisions at Mealtime in the Roman
  3. Age, Gender and Status Divisions at Mealtime in the Roman House
  4. Amphitheatre d'El-Jem (Thysdrus); an overview
  5. Amphitheatres romains de Tunisie (Web reprints of two
  6. Ancient History Course
  7. Ancient Landscape of Burgundy: Applying GIS and Remote
  8. Ancient Rome
  9. Archaeological Heritage of Southern Italy
  10. Archaeological Museum of Cagliari
  11. Archaeology in Campania (Istituto di Cibernetica, CNR, Napoli)
  12. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Italy and the Provinces of Rome
  13. Art and architecture in Turkey
  14. Boxgrove Archaeological Excavations
  15. Braga (the Roman Bracara Augusta), Portugal
  16. Caistor, A Virtual Tour of a Roman Town
  17. Centre for East Roman Studies, University of Warwick
  18. Centre Pierre Paris, incl. Projects in Roman Tunisia, from
  19. Centro Ricerche Informatiche per i Beni Culturali (Pisa):
  20. City and Environs of Nimes,