Challenging the Monopoly. December 1997

In my opinion, the main problem in Paraguay is the low development of telecommunication services. Provision of basic telephony services is a monopoly, essentially concentraded in Asuncion. Obtaining a phone line within a reasonable time and at a reasonable price is currently impossible, and what's more, no data transmission services are available.
The academic community is a little better off. The National University of Asuncion has its own antenna and was ther first connection from Paraguay to the Internet last year.[...] Catholic University has a leased link to the National Computer Center [..] Other universities hav no hosts on the Internet but they do have dial-up access.
Public awareness of the Internet is growing slowly. Many still think the Internet is some kind of mystical oracle that knows everything about everything or that it's some kind of superencyclopedia. [...] People are beginning to realize how the Internet could become a important tool for their work or their everiday activities, and there is growing demand on the part of business.

So what is being done about this situation ? Last year a new telecommunications law was passed making monopoly illegal. [...] Trade unions, however, are opposed to privatization, and a number of politicians have taken advantage of the situation to make all sorts of electoral promises.

Rolando Chaparro Fox