A picture is worth a thousand words!

This young man was not arrested by authorities because he was caught with posession of a drug or a narcotic. He wasn't caught for stealing anything either. Nor was he caught for striking anybody.

In fact, he didn't do anything wrong. His crime? He's a Christian. A Pakistani-Christian. In Pakistan, if you don't submit to or embrace the Islamic religion, your almost certainly targeted for trouble.

While we sit ever so comfortably in our churches here in America, having tea socials and church softball tournaments, thousands upon thousands of Christians around the world are persecuted, arrested, and tortured simply because of their faith in Christ Jesus!

According to Christian resources, Christian persecution is at it's all time high. In fact, more persecution of Christians have occurred within this century alone than all other centuries combined! Statistically, there are 17 Christians killed every hour of the day, everyday! That amounts to nearly 160,000 a year! It's truly a holocaust.

What can we do? First, pray. Lastly, give. Either yourself, your unused clothing, Bibles, books, etc. or give a financial gift to an organization devoted to assisting our brothers and sisters that are in bonds and chains. After all, they are family!

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (Hebrews 13:3)

This website is devoted to the Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are persecuted, arrested, and tortured around the world. May God lift them up!