Biblical Studies

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth." (II Timothy 2:15)

Below are a handful of Christian and Bible-related musings, studies and papers I have provided for your perusal and interest. A majority of these I have written myself. I am by no means a Bible scholar or expert, but as a student of the Bible I do have quite an interest in Biblical studies and knowing more about God and His Word. Some of the reference tools I utilize in my studying include: Bible dictionaries, commentaries, concordances, Bible encyclopedias, lexicons, and CD-ROMs, etc. There is even some online Bibles & helps found on the web to help aid in the study of the Scriptures.

Radical Christianity - Gregory B. Dill
A casual outing with a good friend turns out to be a humble lesson in man's need for Christ in their life.

Angel of Music - Gregory B. Dill
Before he became Satan, was Lucifer the angel of music? Did he once provide beautiful and lovely music for the purpose of glorifying God? Does he have influence over today's popular music?

Is Sin Ever Justified? - Gregory B. Dill
Is sin ever justified - perhaps to save lives? If not, is an individual condemned if he or she chooses to do so? Or, does God's grace cover it? An insightful study into God's Word.

A Brief History Lesson - Gregory B. Dill
Does history repeat itself? If so, what destiny awaits our nation? What can history tell us about the fate of our great country?

Understanding the Principle of Spiritual Circumcision - Steve Highlander
An enlightening article contrasting the parallels between the Old Testament circumcision of the flesh vs. the New Testament spiritual circumcision of the heart. A must read.

Christians and Guns: The Biblical View - Gregory B. Dill
Many westernized Christians believe in the ownership of guns. What did Jesus really teach concerning owning and using a weapon? Did Jesus teach passivity or did he teach resistance? Find out more with this informative study.

Denominations, Are They Biblical? - Gregory B. Dill
Is there a Biblical basis and foundation for the numerous denominations that exist within the Protestant church? Find out what the Bible says about it here.

His Body, His Blood - Ray Vander Laan
The breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine have much deeper significance when it comes to understanding the Lord's Supper.

Whatever Happened to the Disciples? - Gregory B. Dill
An interesting and detailed overview of the lives of each of the twelve disciples, including additional information obtained from extra-Biblical resources.

A Call to Spiritual Arms - Gregory B. Dill
An article written years ago, sounding the call for Christians to take up spiritual arms for this nation.

Basic Biblical Hermeneutics - Gregory B. Dill
A lengthy and concise introduction to the basics of Biblical interpretation.

Those Sins That Won't Budge - Erwin Lutzer
There always seems to be those persistent sins that on occassion surfaces and frequents our lives and minds even as liberated believer's in Christ. Here Erwin Lutzer provides a Scriptural approach and strategy for battling such issues.

The Doctrine of the Trinity - Gregory B. Dill
A systematic overview supporting and explaining the doctrine of the Trinity.

Important Documents of the Protestant Church - Gregory B. Dill
A compilation of important creeds, catechisms, and documents which have made a significant impact on the Protestant church.

God's All Encompassing Love - Gregory B. Dill
A short article expressing the wonders of God's immeasurable and all-consuming love.

A Line in the Ground - Gregory B. Dill
A historical illustration showing the Biblical expression of being transformed as a new creation in Christ.

The Clinton Crisis, A Biblical Response - Gregory B. Dill
A Christian and Biblical response to the ever-so-popular and scandalous issues concerning the President.

The Permissive Will of God - Gregory B. Dill
A brief analysis of the common misconception that God instigates all the suffering throughout the world.

The History of the Ichthus - Gregory B. Dill
Explaining the meaning and historical significance of that fish-like symbol commonly displayed on the back of automobiles.

Mystery Books of the Bible - Gregory B. Dill
An article clarifying the origin of several unknown books contained in the scriptures.

The Agony of Love - Dr. Mark Eastman
A very dramatic analysis and interpretation of the medical aspect behind the crucifixion story of Christ. Written from a medical doctor's viewpoint.

A Brief History of the Bible - Gregory B. Dill
A brief chronological overview of the evolution of the Bible, from the inception of the Hebrew Bible to present.

The Lineage of Christ - Gregory B. Dill
An article describing the lives of the people contained within the genealogy of Christ.

Christ in the Old Testament - Gregory B. Dill
Did Christ make several pre-incarnate appearances to the people of the Old Testament? A theologically sound article showing that He did.

A Message Contained in Genealogy - A Study on Genesis 5:1-32 - Gregory B. Dill
The surprising Hebrew translation behind the genealogy contained in Genesis, Chapter 5.

More soon to come!

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