Example of My Envelope Art

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How To Make An Envelope. 19,23 Mar 83. Envelope with instructions how to make an envelope. I did in fact make most of my envelopes as described on this envelope (which itself was made according to the directions):

  1. Start with an 8-1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper (standard paper size).
  2. Draw lines on sheet to indicate where folds should be made (M1 thru M8, near the corners of the page).
  3. Make four folds, to create the four flaps which will comprise the back side of the envelope (note that documentary information about the envelope: title, create date and location... appears upside down on the sheet of paper being processed, so that, when folded over, it will be right side up on the back of the envelope.
  4. Cut off the four corners of the sheet (quadrilateral areas including marks M1-M8).
  5. Glue bottom flap to side flaps, with Elmer's Glue-All.
  6. Insert letter in envelope.
  7. Glue top flap to bottom flap, to seal envelope.
  8. Mail it.

Often I would take the envelope to the Post Office to have it hand cancelled, even requesting that the Postal Clerk place the postmark in a certain position. Some Post Office employees did not want to cooperate with me. Others were thoroughly enchanted by the process, and went out of their way to be helpful. I thank them (in one case, I made an envelope design for and mailed it to the Postmaster of the Crompond NY Post Office, to indicate my appreciation of her continued assistance and interest).

To view a more extensive virtual exhibit of this envelope art on my main web site, click here. Thank you.

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Copyright © 2000 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
17 April 2006CE (2006-04-17 ISO 8601)