
Academia pro Interlingua, Key to and primer of Interlingua, London 1931 (Kegan Paul)
S. Auerbach, Pri nonmediati derivatione in li international lingues, in Grammatical Miscellany (Allen & Unwin)
Louis de Beaufront, Complete manual of the auxiliary language Ido, London 1919 (Pitman)
de Beaufront-Couturat, Dictionnaire Français-Ido, Paris 1915 (Chaix)
Louis de Beaufront, Kompleta gramatiko di la linguo internaciona Ido, Luxembourg 1925 (Meier-Heucké)
Ric Berger, Li derivation in li lingue international, in Cosmoglotta, Chapelle 1937 (Occidental-Union)
Ric Berger, Li ver historie del lingue international, in Cosmoglotta, Chapelle 1937 (Occidental-Union)
Ric Berger, Ortografic decisiones del Francés Academie, in Cosmoglotta XVII, 4, Chapelle 1938 (Occidental-Union)
Dr Frederick Bodmer, The Loom of Language, London 1943 (Allen & Unwin)
British Association for the Advancement of Science, Post-war University Education, interim report, in The Advancement of Science, London 1942
British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report on an international auxiliary language, Edinburgh 1921 (British Association)
Montague C. Butler, Step by Step in Esperanto, London 1933 (Esperanto-Association)
Gaetano Canesi-L. Weber, Lectiones de lingua auxiliare internationale Interlingua (Latino sine flexione), Lwów 1938 (Ekonomia)
William Edward Collinson, Indication, a study of demonstratives, articles, and other `Indicators', as a Language Monograph, Baltimore 1937 (Waverly Press)
Cosmoglotta, Chapelle 1935-1939 (Occidental-Union)
Cosmoglotta-B, Chapelle 1937-1939 (Occidental-Union)
Louis Couturat, Studyo pri la derivado, Paris 1910 (Delagrave)
Couturat-Feder, Grosses Wörterbuch Deutsch-Ido, Paris 1920 (Chaix)
Couturat-Jespersen-Lorenz-Ostwald-Pfaundler-Donnan, International Language and Science, London 1910 (Constable)
L. Couturat-L. Leau, Histoire de la Langue Universelle, Paris 1907 (deuxième tirage), first published 1903
Louis Couturat-L. Leau, Les Nouvelles Langues Internationales, Paris 1907
Délégation pour l'adoption d'une language internationale, Conclusions du rapport, Paris 1907
Johannes Dietterle, Originala verkaro, Leipzig 1929
Drezen-Chatelain-Spielrein-Shirkoff, Ueber einen internationalen terminologischen Code, Kommission für technische Terminologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der USSR, November 1935
E. Drezen, Historio de la Mondlingvo, Leipzig 1931 (Ekrelo)
E. D. Durrant, The Language Problem, London 1943 (Esperanto Publishing Co.)
Luther H. Dyer, English-Ido Dictionary, London 1924 (International Language Society)
Luther H. Dyer, Ido-English Dictionary, London 1924 (Pitman)
Luther H. Dyer, The problem of an international auxiliary language and its solution in Ido, London 1923 (Pitman)
Helen S. Eaton, Semantic Frequency List, Chicago 1940 (University Press)
Helen S. Eaton, The eductional value of an artificial language, in Modern Language Journal, New York 1927
Esperanto Pocket Dictionary, The `Edinburgh', London 1931 (Nelson)
Feder-Schneeberger, Vollständiges Wurzelwörterbuch Ido-Deutsch, Lüsslingen 1919 (Ido-Weltsprache-Verlag)
Ilmari Federn, Li paroles international e li mutation del radicas, in Cosmoglotta-B, Chapelle 1937 (Occidental-Union)
Ilmari Federn, Occidental-Grundlage für einen internationalen terminologischen Code, Copenhagen 1936
Ilmari Federn, Spiritu de Occidental, li ovre de Edgar de Wahl, Chapelle 1938 (Institute Occidental)
Federn-Kemp-Haislund, Occidental-English vocabulary, Chapelle 1937 (Institute Occidental)
F. N. Finck, Die Haupttypen des Sprachbaus, Leipzig-Berlin 1923 (Teubner)
J. R. Firth, Speech, London 1930 (Ernest Benn)
J. R. Firth, The Tongues of Men, London 1937 (Watts & Co.)
H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Oxford 1940 (Clarendon Press)
Sir Richard Gregory, International standards and systems, in Nature, No. 3813 (Macmillan)
Grosjean-Maupin, Esselin, Grenkamp-Kornfeld, Waringhien, Plena Vortaro de Esperanto, dua eldono, Paris 1934 (SAT)
Albert Léon Guérard, A Short History of the International Language Movement, London 1922 (T. Fischer Unwin)
L. M. de Guesnet, l'Occidental, langue d'intercompréhension immédiate, Paris 1928 (Occidental-Buro)
J. Guignon, Lexique-Manuel Ido-Français, Fontainebleau 1924 (Pouyé)
Hans Homolka, Grundsätzliches zur Frage des internationalen terminologischen Code, Wien 1936 (Occidental-Union)
IALA (International Auxiliary Language Association), Annual Reports, New York
IALA, A Plan for obtaining agreement on an Auxiliary World Language, New York 1936
IALA, Communications from Committee for Agreement, The Hague 1936
IALA, Comparative Studies of International Languages, Liverpool 1936
IALA, Comparative Texts, 1937
IALA, Some Criteria for an International Language and Commentary, Brussels 1936
IALA, General Report, New York 1945
Interlinguisticus, Logica in li lingue auxiliari, in Cosmoglotta-B, Chapelle 1939 (Occidental-Union)
International Electrotechnical Commission, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, London 1935 (I. E. C.)
ISA 37 (International Federation of National Standardizing Associations) Terminologie, Bericht über die Sitzungen in Paris, 1937
ISA 37 Terminologie, Bericht über die Sitzungen in Budapest, 1936
H. Jacob, Esperanto-Ido Vortaro, London 1934 (Ido-Uniono)
H. Jacob, Otto Jespersen, His Work for an International Auxiliary Language, London 1943 (Ido-Society)
H. Jacob, Möglichkeit der Anwendung der Plansprache Ido für den internationalen terminologischen Code, London 1936 (Ido-Uniono)
H. Jacob, On the Choice of a Common Language, London 1946 (Pitman)
J. Hubert Jagger, English in the Future, London 1940 (Nelson)
Karl Janotta, Leitfaden der Weltsprache Occidental, Stuttgart 1931 (Franckh)
Otto Jespersen, An International Language, London 1928 (Allen & Unwin)
Otto Jespersen, Critikal remarkes al criteries de IALA, in Novialiste, Stockholm 1938 (P. Ahlberg)
Otto Jespersen, History of Our Language - Artificial Languages after the World War, London 1920 (Ido-Society)
Otto Jespersen, Language, Its Nature, Development and Origin, London 1922 (Allen & Unwin)
Otto Jespersen, Men labore por un international lingue, in Novialiste 18/19, Stockholm 1937/8 (P. Ahlberg)
Otto Jespersen, Novial Lexike, London 1930 (Allen & Unwin)
Otto Jespersen, Plubonisat Novial, in Novialiste, Stockholm 1934 (P. Ahlberg)
O. Jespersen-E. de Wahl, Discussion pri international lingue, in Novialiste, Stockholm 1935 (P. Ahlberg)
Jean Laurent, Jurnalo di farmacio e kemio, translation of a complete number in Ido, Paris 1933 (XVIII, 4) (Doin & Cie.)
Jean Laurent, La langue internationale Ido (Esperanto réformé) et son application aux sciences pharmacologiques, Marseille 1935 (Petit Marseillais)
A. Lavagnini, Mondi-Linguo, a grammatical outline, Mexico 1943
Lébasnier, Dérivation et composition, Paris 1912 (Imprimerie Chaix)
Karl J. Loy, Taschenwörterbuch Deutsch-Esperanto, Berlin-Dresden 1923 (Ellersiek & Borel)
Nicola Mastropaolo, Schola et Vita, Milano 1936-1939 (Academia pro Interlingua)
A. Meillet, Les langues dans l'Europe nouvelle, Paris 1918 (Payot)
Karl Minor, Esperanto-Deutsches Handwörterbuch, Berlin-Dresden 1924 (Ellersiek & Borel)
Albert Noetzli, Vergleichende Grammatik des Esperanto und Ido, Zürich (Ido-Verlag)
Nordin-Feder-Roos, Internaciona radio-lexiko en Ido e Germana, Angla, Franca, Italiana e Hispana kun defini, formuli, tabeli, etc., Stockholm 1924 (P. Ahlberg)
Novial, Elementes gramatikali de li lingue international, Stockholm 1933 (P. Ahlberg)
Novialiste, Stockholm 1934-1939 (P. Ahlberg)
Hanns Oertel, Lectures on the Study of Language, New York 1909 (Scribner's Sons)
R. A. S. Paget, A World Language, in Nature, 3820, London 1943 (Macmillan)
Guiseppe Peano, Interlingua, Torino 1927 (Academia pro Interlingua)
Marcel Pesch, Listo de 250 grupi ek Ido-vorti ofte mis-uzata, ek Progreso, Genève 1930
Marcel Pesch, Radikaro Ido-Ido, Centerbladet, Oerebro 1935-1939
E. Pigal, Okzidental, die Weltsprache, Stuttgart 1931 (Franckh)
Progreso, Paris 1908-1946 (Ido-Uniono)
S. Quarfood, La Akademio, Oerebro 1936 (Ido-Editerio)
Question de la langue universelle, la demande adressée à la Société des Nations, Stockholm 1921
A. Z. Ramstedt, Li psykologie e sociologic caractere del lingues, in Cosmoglotta, IV, 39-40, 1927 (Occidental-Union)
Raxworthy, Introductory Occidental Grammar, London (The Britannic Occidental Association)
Janis Roze, Raporto, decidi dil akademio interimal e du suplementi, Riga 1937
Stanley Rundle, Language as a social and political factor in Europe, London 1946 (Faber & Faber)
René de Saussure, Esperanto-II, Bern 1939
René de Saussure, Treatises on Word Formation in Esperanto, published between 1910 and 1919 as monographs.
H. Shenton, Cosmopolitan Conversation, the Language Problems of International Conferences, Columbia 1934 (University Press)
Shenton-Sapir-Jespersen, International Communication, London 1931 (Kegan Paul)
Shirjaev-Kökeny-Bleier-Kalocsay, Enciklopedio de Esperanto, Budapest 1933 (Literatura Mondo)
L. Susan Stebbing, Thinking to Some Purpose, London 1941 (Penguin)
P. E. Stojan, Bibliografio de Internacia Lingvo, Geneva 1929 (UEA)
Max Talmay, The problem of an international language and its solution, New York 1923, in Scientific Monthly.
Thorndike, Language Learning, Columbia 1937 (University Press)
Ernest Weekly, The English Language, London 1928 (Ernest Benn)
Eugen Wüster, Enciklopedia Vortaro Esperanta-Germana, A-Kor, Leipzig 1923 (Hirt)
Eugen Wüster, Konturoj de la lingvo-normigo en la tekniko, Budapest 1936 (Literatura Mondo)
L. L. Zamenhof, Fundamenta krestomatio de la lingvo Esperanto, Paris 1907, kvina eldono (Hachette)

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