So What can i say about my academic background.... Do I actually have any to speak off? Up until May 2002 I was a student at Dalhousie University, reading in architecture. To get more about the school refer to this great site:

DAL Faculty of ARCH

formerly Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS)
Architecture deals with habitation; how we live in this world. To a layman it revolves around elements in space such as single room dwellings to large projects as in a whole city. In reading Architecture one has to make a progression from small projects to large ones which is exactly what the school curriculum stipulates. The first term we designed a one roomed structure- A Pavillion. Term two we tackled the House and in term three we designed a community building. Through the first year we have done alot of design work and some of the projects can be found here. Through to the end of the undergrad program we have had a steady progression from project to project, everything linking together. This is something that of high importance and is emphasized as such by the DAL profs and I must say this philosophy has greatly advanced my design capabilities and this has in turn helped me advance quickly in the work place.


now back to

planet T