The Prophecy
The Prophecy
August 30, '96 10:45 pm
- it was said, that upon the coming of age,
- that of the score and one,
- that I would leave this life,
- in the midst of the blaze, of the fires,
- of the phoenix, leaving the ashes to the winds,
- and it was said that unless the one,
- the one was there to prevent this,
- than I would be gone, and on another journey,
- but if this one was there, than,
- than I would be here,
- on borrowed time, the time of another,
- and that in the coming on the quarter century I would be gone,
- gone like the light, like most things,
- fading away into the night, into the sky,
- and than into the forever,
- upon the journey that might have been forstalled before.