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(Picture of me)
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Fredrik's Homepage

Go ahead! Frame me!

Welcome to Fredrik Ramsberg's Homepage. I work at Cambrian Labs AB in Stockholm, Sweden. This site is my peaceful motel along the information super highway, a place to rest for friends and other tired travellers.

Counting from the start on October 28:th 1996, you are visitor number:

Even I am surprised at the enormous response this page has received from the populace. If this continues, I'm considering starting to take an entrance fee.

What I keep here is a bunch of silly stuff that I find amusing, my up-to-date address and other resources that you may find interesting or useful. As I refine these pages, I'm trying never to become too well adjusted. One of my goals is to promote "Interactive Fiction" (IF). You are welcome to try it!

These pages are under construction, and chances are they always will be. The pages are generally in english, in order not to force 6 billion potential visitors into learning swedish. Do send me comments about these pages or anything else!


Things that defy categorizing

  • Now this is cool: Create your own Web Newspaper! You choose what sections should be in it, and you get that every day, online, for free! To get a sample, you can check out The Ramsberg Times!
I am well aware that this page and the others are full of inconcistencies. Things are strangely categorized, punctuation changes all the time etc. This is all part of my plan to remain unpredictable and, eventually, take over the world.


Fredrik Ramsberg
Last updated on 21 Feb 2002
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