
First Nine Weeks

Second Nine Weeks

Third Nine Weeks

Fourth Nine Weeks

Field Trips


Interdenpendecy Among Living Things


The student will investigate and understand basic plant

anatomy and life processes. Key concepts include

* the structures of typical plants (leaves, stems, roots, and


* processes and structures involved with reproduction

(pollination, stamen, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, and


* photosynthesis (chlorophyll, carbon dioxide); and

* dormancy.

The student will investigate and understand how plants and

animals in an ecosystem interact with one another and the

nonliving environment. Key concepts include

* behavioral and structural adaptations;

* organization of communities;

* flow of energy through food webs;

* habitats and niches;

* life cycles; and

* influence of human activity on ecosystems.

Social Studies

The student will explain the impact of geographic factors in

the expansion and development of Virginia, with emphasis on

* the location of American Indians, various European settlers,

and African slaves; and

* the location and growth of cities in relation to the Atlantic

Ocean, the Chesapeake Bay, major rivers, the fall line/fall

zone, and the Shenandoah Valley.

The student will use the concepts of absolute location (e.g.,

using grid systems) and relative location (e.g., direction,

reference to neighboring states, and water features) to

* locate and identify on maps and globes his/her local city or

county, Virginia, the other original states, the United

States, Western Europe, and West Africa;

* explain how physical characteristics, transportation routes,

climate, and specialization influenced the variety of crops,

products, and industries and the general patterns of economic

growth in Virginia;

* illustrate how communities in Virginia differ in physical

features, such as land use, population density, architecture,

services, and transportation; and

* construct physical maps and three-dimensional models that

include the essential map elements and the geographic regions

of Virginia (Tidewater, Piedmont, Ridge and Valley, Allegheny

Plateau), and the U.S. (Coastal Plains, Appalachian

Mountains, Interior Lowlands, Great Plains, Rocky Mountains,

Basin and Ridge, Coastal Range).

Field Trips

September 23rd

What? The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Where? Ocean View Elementary

When? Buses leave at 11:00 and return at 1:00

How Much? Free

December 2nd

What? Cultural Treasure Hunt

Where? Chrysler Museum in Norfolk

When? Buses leave at 10:00 and return at 1:00

How Much? Free

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