York Rite Honorary Bodies

The York Rite possesses several honorary appendant bodies. All are invitational in nature,that is, one does not apply directly for membership but must be recommended by one already a member and then balloted upon by the members present when the nomination is presented. As these bodies are not generally as well publicized as the Chapter, Council, and Commandery already discussed, I intend to give somewhat more detail for these than for the previous sections. I am a member of all those I will present, with the exception of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and the C.B.C.S. Regarding these latter, I will tell what I believe to be true, insofar as it can be discovered in the current literature and through additional research. It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that so few York Rite Masons are aware of the existence of many of these bodies, and that even fewer know what they stand for or teach. Even many of the members are hesitant to provide much information, afraid they will reveal some "secrets" and thus be in violation of their obligations. I will present what I feel to be within the legitimate bounds of what can be safely revealed, and if I am in error, I have no doubt that I will hear of it one way or the other.

These bodies will be presented in the order given below: