"He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he refused it"--Dante Algheri

My Brother, how are you at helping others bear burdens?
Are you conveniently absent when your Lodge has work or cleanup days?
Do you sit on the sidelines in contented indolence while a very few are setting up and taking down props, costumes, or scenery for the degrees?
Do you let someone else clean up the kitchen and dining room after a meal or refreshments?
Do you let others visit the sick and bereaved, help the poor and needy, and perform duties which, as a Mason, you know that you also are bound to do?
In short, are you a drone in the Masonic hive--giving of your dues but little else to further the program of Masonry?
Are you bearing your fair share of the load or just shoving it off onto the backs of your Brethren?

On this page, from time to time, will appear essays on topics of interest (it is hoped) to the Masonic community. It is my desire to present various views on the state-of-the-Craft today, what needs to be done to improve it, and ideas for doing so. In other words, thought-provoking papers, suitable for opening up discussion and dialogue, as opposed to papers on history, symbolism, etc. which exist in abundance elsewhere on the Net.

If you have something to say, and would like to be considered for a guest essay, please e-mail me with your name, e-mail address, and a brief description of your subject to Please allow several days for response.

The papers to be presented herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the site author/maintainer, nor any local, state, national, or international Masonic bodies of which he is a member.

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