John & Mary Power
Grandparents of Mary Margaret Landrigan

John Power was the grandfather of Mary Margaret (Power) Landrigan. He was born in Ireland and emigrated to Prince Edward Island. His wife's name was Mary Larkin. She was also born in Ireland.

The 1881 PEI Census lists the ages of both John and Mary Power as 64, which would place their dates of birth at about 1817. James & Mary Landrigan, plus grandchildren, Mary Margaret & John, are enumerated with them:

1881 Prince Edward Island
POWER, John [age 64, b. IRE, RC, profession:laborer]
POWER, Mary [Wife, 64, b. IRE, RC]
LANDRIGAN, James [SL, 27, b. PEI, RC]
LANDRIGAN, Mary [D, 27, b. PEI, RC]
LANDRIGAN, Mary [GD, 3, b. PEI]
LANDRIGAN, John [GS, 2, b. PEI]

How many children did John and Mary Power have? Obviously, there was at least one daughter, Mary Power , who was born in August of 1852 and who married James P. Landrigan. The date of Mary's birth was taken from her grave in Huntington, NY.

The only clues as to other Power relations comes from the baptismal records of the Canadian-born Landrigan children:

Patrick Power:
Patrick Power was the God-father of Joseph Landrigan. The PEI Census lists a Patrick Power living with John and Mary Power in Charlottetown. In 1887, a Patrick Power and his wife, Elizabeth Hannoway, baptized their son, John Thomas Power. The godparents were Patrick Power & Mrs. James Landrigan." A daughter, baptized in 1881 was sponsored by John Power and Mary Ann Landrigan.

John Power was the God-father of Mary Margaret Landrigan.

Mary Jane Power was the God-mother of Mary Margaret Landrigan. Could she be the Jane Power who was the witness at the marriage of James and Mary (Power) Landrigan in 1877?

Catherine Power was the God-mother of Ethel Maude Landrigan.


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