The author's father was in the United Nationas Development program, as such after being born in India,in teh catholic tradition, was raised in Liverpool England.The author on a visit to India in late 1950's had been initiated in the Tantrik
Discipline at the age of 13, by Swami Ambikananda Natha.
After rigorous practices and teachings for a period ten years,on my own and mail guidance from the mentor,the author took up intensive studies and meditative practices, for the purpose of self-improvement.
On the other side, went to college and graduated with Physics Major, worked in a foundry for ten years and in an instrument manufacturing unit for three years, before emigrating to Canada in 1971.
All through the authors life opportunities came, and through discernment and understanding, choices were made. The author had a lot of pitfalls on the way, yet there was also some inner power guiding and giving strength for the onward journey. On the way the author met a number of very spiritual men and women, who always blessed and asked to author never to forget the inner being and carry on in the spiritual journey.
To name a few of those very inspiring souls who have now left their their mortal frame, in their own chosen journeys, are Sri Ananadamoyee Ma of Calcutta, Swami Satyananda ( a direct disciple of Swami Abhedananda of the Ramakrishna Order),also in Calcutta, Swami Radha of Yashodhara Ashram of Kootenay Bay of British Columbia.
Of those that are yet in their mortal frame are: His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Sri Mataji of the Sahaja Yoga Tradition, Roy Eugene Davis ( a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda).
The author has read extensively the texts of the Vedas and Upanishads, the Bible, the Quoran, and Buddhist Dhamapada. This has become a ongoing process without a break.
Currently the author is engaged with the Kriya Yoga Study group in British Columbia, and with the Unity in Action Church also in British Columbia in sharing experiences on matters spiritual with people who attend to these institutions on a regular basis.
The author was initiated in Kriya Yoga in 1993 by Roy Eugene Davis, during his visit to Vancouver, British Columbia.
In these pages the author will be writing on the spiritual texts, and explore with the readers the ways and means of applying the truths of spirituality in our day to day lives.
This is the way of Kriya Yoga. The author has no doubt that through this process of sharing spiritual experiences many who are so inclined would find their own unique path in KNOWING THEMSELVES and go onward from there, according to their own inclinations and choice.
In conclusion it is fitting to end with a Vedic Prayer:from Max Muller's translation of the Vedas and Upanishads.
"Asato Ma Sadgamayo, Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamayo, Mrittur Ma Amritangamayo"
From Errors Lead me unto Right thought, speech and Action.
From Lethargy Lead me unto illuminating ways of Knowledge.
From the identification with my Body Lead me unto the bliss of identifying with Atman, Spirit or Soul.
This quest will never end till all realize who we are, what is our purpose on the earthly plane, and How do we know our path.
Lets for a moment enter our temple of Silence.
Last Updated on January 4th, 2005
by Author.