Philosophy Ideas

A Vision for the Future

Here is one vision of what the future could be like.


The Internet. The internet will be universally available.

Pocket Web Browsers. Everyone will carry pocket sized web browsers. There will be notebook size browsers, and desktop units with 60 X 90cm (24 X 36 inch) display. All of these will accept hand written input (no keyboards), will have sound, and will be connected by radio link to the internet wherever people go. Books and newspapers will be mostly obsolete, everything is available on the internet. The small units do the functions of pagers, cellphones, email, web browser, television, radio, credit card, ID card, and more.

Voice Operated Monitoring System. This is a shoulder mounted miniature video monitor. It records things you do. It's great if you forget where you put something. It is voice operated so you can ask it questions and it answers back. When instructed it can send pictures to your browser.

Work and Economics

Amount of Work. Beyond the essential work required to supply people's material needs, most work is engaged in scientific and philosophical research. Fewer manufacturing jobs will be needed because people will not look to material things to supply their emotional needs. See Satisfaction below.

Income from Investments. People will invest more. Many people will be able to live on only their investment income, freeing them for intellectual pursuits. See Why Stocks are a Good Investment.

No Unemployment. If someone becomes unemployed they go to the education and employment office operated by the local government. Here they will be paid modestly to do public service work or take classes at the local college. There is no unemployment because anyone that wants a job can get one.


Strong Local Government. There is a national government but local government is very strong and controls most of the functions of government.

Leaders Selected by Test. Government leadership is selected from those that score highest on written tests for leadership skills and philosophies. Leaders are not those that can spend the most on campaigns. Also see Campaign Finance Reform.

Leader Monitoring. Government leaders are given broad power, but they are also closely monitored by a committee. The leader is free to do whatever he or she thinks is right with few written laws to impede them, but as soon as the committee votes no confidence the leader is replaced. The decisions and meetings the leader has are closely monitored by the committee. The committee has no power except to monitor and replace the leader.

Records. All public records and meeting minutes are available in the internet.

Justice System

Legal Basis. The legal system is based on the principle that all people should act with love in their heart.

Punishment is Multileveled. The harshest punishment is solitary confinement, but a small library of books is made available. These books are chosen to inspire goodness. There are a number of levels of punishment each with increasing freedom. Interaction with other prisoners is tightly controlled, they are required to learn positive interaction skills. At each level the prisoners retain dignity, no form of abuse is tolerated. See Corrections and Rehabilitation

Cultural Attitudes

Scientific Thinking. Science is a basic principle in all areas of life. People continually search for and test ideas that will bring them a better life. They want to know what is real, what really works. See Scientific Thinking

Long Term Thinking. People have a very long term view when making decisions. For example, forests will be managed to provide a sustainable output over thousands of years.


Psychological Needs. People are emotionally healthy because from birth they are nurtured and cared for in a way that meets all their needs. This greatly reduces the costs to the society caused by many emotional problems. People are more productive because they are happier.

Satisfaction People will be more satisfied. They will not have excessive desires for material things, drugs, food, sex and other things to which people become addicted in our society. They will understand that these things are not what life is about.

People Listen to Each Other People really listen. Then don't just listen, they understand each other. Instead of loneliness, people have a sense of connection because everyone knows a few people that will take time and care enough to listen.

Preventive Psychology There is virtually no crime in this society. People learn in school the early warning signs of criminal behavior. When someone is identified as having early warning symptoms, counseling is used to prevent progression into criminal behavior. It is part of the culture to view this as doing the person a favor.

Support Groups Everyone periodically takes part in support groups. People talk about life's problems, negative emotions are released so they do not stay bottled-up. Emotional problems begin to be delt with before they develop into major problems.

Economic Effects. People's needs will be met more completely than in our society. One result will be that people will not have a strong craving for material things. Per capita spending will be much lower. Far fewer people will have to work to supply material things.

Philosophy Ideas
A Vision for the Future
Child Care
Sustainable Society
Philosophy Cities
Social Groups
Controlling Urban Sprawl
Campaign Finance Reform
Violence and Police Protection
Corrections and Rehabilitation
Scientific Thinking
Tax Reform
Gang Alternatives
Why Stocks are Good Investments
More Ideas
Opinions on Traditional Philosophies
Books for Empowerment and Growth
Reader Comments:

"Regarding your vision for the future, it seems that this scenario could be the interim step between the present and 1984 (Orwell). Everything is controlled including emotions and desires. All I can picture is a world of drones with surgically implanted cameras and video screens. I don't like it."
Anonymous 2001-12-06

"These philosophies are tremendous man, good reasoning, logic and desirable thoughts about the future. I liked the part about investing in stocks, and also that people will be less materialist. Emotional needs can be filled with the spirit and makeing relationships."
Edgar, Mexico 2001-02-16

"Hi, I like the very optimistic vision of the future. The economics section, however, boggled my mind a bit. On the one hand, you say that more people will live on their investment income..Next, you propose that people will not have to work very much because they will not need many tangible things. So what exactly is the money being invested in. Certainly not philosophy and research. Our economy, as far as I understand relies on manufacturing and services and an ever increasing market. When we invest in a stock, we are investing in the future potential earnings of that company, which means that its market or income has to continue growing in order for that stock's value to rise. Please explain more fully how this will work. Also, I guess I don't really understand the idea of no unemployment."
Saar 2001-01-13

"I just have a series of questions for you: -Who would create all of the technology that you have described? I believe someone would have to do the physical labor. -Who would record the minutes of every meeting? -Who would provide the physical upkeep for this utopia you have proposed? In short, who will do the tasks that no one wants to do? That is the essential question. Our life could be like that today if we didn't need people to cut our lawns or maintain the plumbing system. I would think that the people who do this now are not doing it for the love of other people, but for the resources to live a life for themselves. I suppose that maybe in the future, we could have biogenetically engineered lawns that don't need cutting and self-maintaining pipes, but you do realize that that would require the almost impossible task of getting everyone in the world to agree and support this utopia. I love your dream of a utopia, but I think that it is just that: a dream. Respectfully, "
Dave 2000-07-24

© 1997
Created 1997-11-22, updated 2001-12-08.

Hits since 2000-11-28