Professional Experience
- Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Ground Water Directive (GWD) of the European Union - monitoring networks and programmes, Qualitative (surveillance and operational) and Quantitative;
- Computerized ground water data storage, processing, management, and presentation.
- Establishing Ground Water Information Systems (GWIS) and data bases for a project site (landfill, waste management facility, mine, etc.) for a county, for a region, or for an entire country. Creating dedicated websites and uploading GWIS to the Internet. Visit two most recently created websites: (1) Rio Minho basin and (2) Black River basin, both in Jamaica.
- Mathematical modeling of ground water flow and contaminant transport and fate using Modflow, ModflowT, Visual Modflow, ASM, MT3D96, etc. See the most recent modelling work of
Essex Valley karstic system in Jamaica.
- Site characterization and well hydraulics: pumping tests, slug tests, permeability measurements, infiltration, etc.
- Artificial recharge through wells and spreading reservoirs: design, monitoring, quantitative evaluation.
- Karst hydrogeology (quantitative).
- Environmental (quantitative) studies: liner leakage, EPA's Multimed, etc.
- Local and regional hydrogeology (recharge, available and economic yield, impacts on development, management).
- National water master planning. Regional development programs.
- Training, teaching, mentoring and sponsoring young professionals.