Title of Paper or Presentation
January-April 2007Bulgaria. Inception Report, various PowerPoint presentations in Sofia, Dobrich, Varna. Baseline Analyses Report.PHARE/EU-financed project Integrated Management of Transboundary Groundwater between Bulgaria and Romania. Baseline Report for Dobrudja prepared as a CD web portal, written in html language with links to jpeg files, maps, logs, cross sections, meteorological and hydrological information, water legislation, etc.
March-November 2006 Skopje, Macedonia. Numerous PowerPoint Presentations about Ground Water System in Gevgelia Plain and Dojran Lake.

Ground Water Monitoring Network in Gevgelia Plain and Dojran Lake.

Integrated Management of Transboundary Water Resources between Macedonia and Greece. EU-financed and European Agency for Reconstruction Managed Project.
May 2004Ground Water Information Systems for Decision Support. Case Studies: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Bahrain, TrinidadBALWOIS Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, Ohrid, Macedonia
May 2004Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers - A Danger to Sustainable Water Supply and Economy of Island Countries. Case Studies: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Gaza Strip, Abu Dhabi Emirate, BermudaBALWOIS Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, Ohrid, Macedonia
April 2004Water Resources of the Caribbean Countries & TerritoriesCD covering 34 countries in the Caribbean Basin. The University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Coauthors: graduate students.
March 2004Assessment of Water Resources in the CaribbeanThe Jamaican National Committee for the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Hydrological Programme. The Workshop “Global Change and Water in the Caribbean”
April 2003Availability and Vulnerability of Ground Water in Jamaica.Talk to Rotary Club of Kingston-downtown, Jamaica.
November 2002/April 2003Availability of Ground Water in the Dominican Republic. A Re-assessment Study.Prepared for: International Resources Group Ltd,.Washington, D.C., USA under a USAID project
October 2002Ground Water Information Systems as Decision-Making Tools. Case Study: Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago.1st Caribbean Environmental Forum. Castries, St. Lucia.
October 2002Leaky Underground Storage Tanks (LUST): Simulating Fate of Benzene and Other Contaminants in Ground Water Systems. Case Studies from Southeastern USA. Conference on Petroleum Storage Facilities, WRA & NEPA. Kingston, Jamaica.
November 2000Vulnerability of Ground Water in JamaicaReport of Senior Research Fellow at the ICENS, UWI, Kingston, Jamaica
November 2000Ground Water Information System uploaded to the Internet. Case Study: Rio Minho Basin, Jamaica.Presented as invitational paper at 3rd Water Information Summit, Miami.