fleur de lis

an estimated 2,000 Froebels live around the world

79% Germany - mainly Thuringen
16% United States of America - mainly Texas
1.5% Canada - mainly Ontario
1.5% Australia - mainly Victoria
1% Switzerland - mainly Zurich
1% Great Britain - mainly Lancashire

During the ninteenth century members of the Fröbel family migrated from Thuringen to many parts of the world. In English speaking countries it was usual to change the family name to Froebel. One branch of the Froebel family subsequently migrated from Canada to the United States of America and dropped the "e" to become Frobel. The Fröbel family migrated to Thuringen from Silesia during the sixteenth century (probably 1540-1564) The family name derives from the vrba/vrbl root meaning "weeping willow" as in the names Froebe, Froeber, etc, but Froebel has the added meaing of "undaunted". An alternative suggestion is that Fröbel is a German noun from about 1505 meaning clever, prudent, or experience.

The Schlesisches Namenbuch by Hans Bahlow was published in 1953 by Holzner Verlag of Kitzengen am. Main. This book is a definitive source of valuable genealogy information on where and when the first use of a given surname is found in Schlesien (Silesia). Included in this book is the name, Fröbel (Froebel / Frobel).

In the Middle Ages Silesia was inhabited mostly by people of Slavonic ethnic background and was first part of Poland and later Bohemia. From the 13th century Silesia together with Bohemia came under German cultural and political influence. At the time of the Reformation Silesia became predominantly Roman Catholic. In the 16th century Silesia became part of Austria.

Günther Herman Fröbel, a nephew of Friedrich, migrated to Texas in 1851.

Julius Froebel, a nephew of Friedrich, travelled for seven years in central America. His studies of Mayan architecture and linguistics are still used extensively. Julius wrote a book, "Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico and the Far West of the United States" which was published in 1859 in London by Richard Bentley.

One branch of the Froebel family migrated from Thueringen (Sachse-Weimar) to Pennsylvania where Herman August Froebel (from Foeritz near Sonneberg), married Lina Minna Caroline Auguste Maeder(from Liebstedt near Apolda). The family moved to Marathon when their daughter, Daisy Froebel (named for her deceased sister Margarethe) bought a metal factory and gave employment to all of her brothers, nieces and nephews. In 1998 The Cortland Democrat published a photo of "The Froebel Girls" Barbara Froebel Tryon and Janis Froebel Parker and reported, "We fondly remember when both moved to town with their family. The "Froebel Girls" were the heart throb of the young men in the community." The Froebel Girls included Marlene (daughter of Daisy) and were the three blonder than blond German girls in town. Johannes Froebel Parker (son of Janis, grandson of Carl Friedrich Froebel and great grandson of Herman and Lina) is Director of the Froebel Gallery in Albany New York.

The Baron Arthur Francis Karl Von Froebel, who was born in Germany, dropped the Von and Americanized his name to Friebel when he came to the United States before 1894. He was married to Charlotte and their son, Arthur Francis Friebel was born in Harlem, NY in 1894. His descendant, Greta von Froebel has family items with the same coat of arms as Johannes Fröbel 1687 - 1738 who was the gamekeeper/forester for the Prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt in Neuhaus am Rennsteig. Johannes Fröbel was the grandfather of Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel 1782 - 1852 the founder of the kindergarten.

There is also a Frobel family originating from Poland, whose family name derives from the word for "sparrow".

Take a look at Froebel Avenue in Ontario, CANADA. There is also a Froebel Drive in the City of Escondido, California, USA and a Froebelgasse in Temesvar, now in Rumania but formerly part of Hungary

Froebel Spirea Spiraea x bumalda 'Froebelii'
A deciduous shrub with clusters of bright pink flowers in spring. New growth is brownish red changing to dark green.

Charles Froebel described the lands along the Sheyenne and James River Valleys, Dakota Territory, during General Alfred Sully's 1865 expedition. - "The entire face of the country is covered with these shallow lakes, ponds and puddles, many of which are, however, dry or undergoing a process of gradual drying out."

Fröbel Family . Froebel plants . fleur de lis . Thuringia . nutcrackers

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