Facilitator Training:
A new Way To Communicate
by Judy Norris, ATM
District 3 TLI Instructor Development
We all joined Toastmasters to learn to communicate. We worked (or are
working ) our way through manual projects. We focused on taking charge
of our space and audience to deliver a speech. We became able to keep our
listeners while we regaled them with our ideas and thoughts.
This is as it should be for speeches, BUT have you ever been to a training
session that you were disappointed in because the presenter did all of
the talking? W e l l l l, there are other, better ways to conduct training
sessions. The approach most effective and well received by trainees
seems to be the opposite of a good speech presentation. This method
is known as Facilitation. It is another way to communicate.
District 3, in instituting Toastmasters Leadership Institute-TLI, provides
members the opportunity to learn to facilitate a training session.
Facilitator Training I is the beginning workshop. In the 3 hours of the
workshop you will learn the basic approach to facilitating. Included will
be activities that give participants time to learn about interactive techniques
and experience some for yourself. There is also time provided to begin
planning an interactive training session.
Those Toastmasters who will be giving a TLI session are strongly urged
to attend. We also invite ANYONE who would like to learn more about facilitating
and developing this new form of communication.
Facilitators Needed
This winter's TLI is in the planning stages. We still have openings
in the Officer Basic courses for VP Education (Phoenix), VP Membership (Tucson),
Secretary (Phoenix), Treasurer (Tucson), and Sgt.@Arms (Tucson).
If you have experience in one of these offices, please contact me. Training
is scheduled for October 26 in Casa Grande.
Facilitator Training
This fall, Facilitator I will be held on Sunday, October 26 from
1-4 PM at the Francisco Grande Resort in Casa Grande. The cost is $15
to cover the expense of lunch, room and materials.
If this sounds like a area you would like to get into, please write
or call:
Judy Norris
5105 N. Hillcrest Dr., Tucson, AZ, 85704.
I will be happy to send you an application.