Why is Leadership Training Important?
I am often reminded that Toastmasters is a communication and leadership organization. Most of us quickly master the communication track, but so often we neglect the leadership aspect of Toastmasters. Many Toastmasters are now comfortable leading their club's meeting as Toastmaster, but how many of you are ready for the next step? There are many opportunities to practice your leadership skill. Have you served as a club officer? Volunteered to head a committee for the Area, Division or District? Considered serving as a District Officer? To learn more about leadership opportunities in Toastmasters, plan now to attend Toastmasters Leadership Institute. TLI allows you the opportunity to learn new skills, and prepare you for a role as a leader!
For those of you who have accepted a leadership role, TLI will allow you the opportunity to learn what you can do to make your team more successful. Statistics show that the more successful clubs have trained officers. District 3 has made the commitment to continue improving the quality of leadership training. Take the opportunity to participate, and learn how to achieve your potential as a leader!
Earn Starbucks with used Certificate Holders
If you look around at your walls, or even open those drawers or cabinets and realize that you have more certificates and holders than you do wall space, we are interested in helping you recycle. For each certificate holder (must be in GOOD condition), either the black leatherette or the grey folder style, that you want to turn in to me, I will exchange that for a STARBUCK worth $1.00 toward purchases of Toastmaster supplies available at either the District Conferences' or TLI's resource tables.
Contact me at 602-962-0679 for more details.
Congratulations to Doris Koressel who has already earned 10 STARRBUCKS.
Operation Little Bit
Help wanted: Just a little bit of your time will help you, your club, your country . . .
*Club Extension committee people for Tucson and Southern Arizona.
Will help Art Nieto and the club extension team set up demonstration meetings, help organize new clubs and find club sponsor and mentors for the new clubs.
* Phone Tree Committee
Will help the membership chairperson, Colleen Humpal, make follow-up phone calls to prospective members. We are asking you to make five phone calls per week. Help is needed throughout the state. | Colleen Humpal, ATM
* Toastmedic
Volunteers are needed to help with our struggling clubs. Visit low-membership clubs , get involved and fill a role for one meeting. Give an educational module and/or get involved with speaker exchanges. Toastmedics will work with the Club Rescue chair, John Kretser.
The chair people above cannot do their work alone. Please contact them directly or you may contact me.