My Personal Testimony

Many people question the existence of God. Of those who do, many conclude that He does not. As a young person, around eighteen or nineteen years of age, I had decided that He was nonexistent, plus I had thought that I was smart enough to get away with just about anything. I was wrong on both counts. In September 1966, I left home for college. During that year on my own, I did very poorly. Of the eleven courses which I had taken, I got one "C" (in Physical Education), one "D", and nine "F"s. Of course, I flunked out of school, but even worse than that, I flunked out with a very low 0.017 Quality Point Average.

On November 6, 1967, after I had had some time to recognize the value of an education, I crawled back to the school and asked for a second chance. I spoke with the Dean of Men Students and also with the President of Admissions. Both men told me that I could not come back and that I was not deserving of a second chance. The President of Admissions, a retired Navy Admiral, even told me that I had a wall of "F"s against me which I would never be able to overcome. I left the school that day totally devastated and broken. I returned home and did not know what to do with my life. So, I sat in my favorite chair and basically remained there for the next five weeks. I did not feel like I had any friends, and I also did not feel like I had much of a life. To say the least, I was at a very low point in my life.

My only escape from my total misery was that I would take a nightly drive along an interstate highway which was near my home. That drive gave me a chance to get away from my inescapable predicament, plus it allowed me to have a few minutes each evening away from my parents. As one might imagine, I felt very guilty when around them because I knew that I had let them down. Then, one evening, on December 14, 1967, while driving my then familiar route along the Interstate, I began to break. After spending so much of my life against God, I began to pour out my broken heart to a God Whom I could not see and to One Who did not speak back. I told the Lord how very sorry I was for the life that I had led, and I made a commitment that evening to follow Him for the rest of my life, if only He would free me from the mess that I had created for myself.

Many people do not believe in God, but this website exists as my personal testimony to my God and to how He changed my broken heart and life during that one night on an interstate highway. I am not only thankful for what He has done for me, but I am especially thankful and excited about what He can and will do for others. There is no greater joy to be had in this life than that of personally knowing your Creator. If you would like to read more about my personal story, I have written the book, Finding My Way Home - A Christian Testimony and placed it on this website. If you would like to learn more about how to know God in a personal way, then please read the Plan of Salvation section which I have also placed on this website. Thank you.

					Tom of Bethany

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

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