This page consists of links to various articles and other pieces that I have written over the past fifteen years or so. They are either first drafts, or associated with various postgraduate research projects I have undertaken. Some may well be worked up into papers that I will submit for publication at some time. Feel free to email me to comment upon them. Also feel free to quote them (using the URL as reference). I will deal with any plagiarism that comes to my attention in the usual legal and academic ways.
Aspects and Some Determinations of Popular Politics in Bury: 1838-68
(a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment
of the degree of M. A. in Modern Social History at the University of Lancaster,
and Sociology: dualism or duality?
(a discussion of two key debates within
sociology and social history)
Romancings of Tone, or: How not to read texts
(a reply to "Romancing the Stone" by Anthony
Easthope Social History 1994