A Summary
        Can a summary of this website really do it justice? My first attempts at reaching people didn't succeed so I continue to revise it and will do so again. Sooner or later enough people will do something more than just read it (or wish they had if they don't.)

        Are we invincible when it seems our intelligence keeps us from devastating excesses and danger? Those with foresight are less presumptuous and usually open to using their creativity to find solutions. One person in the distant past who did such was Noah. He realized a huge tragedy was to befall the world. He responded by warning people. They didn't listen, so he built an ark to protect a limited number of lives. He gave up on friends and neighbours when they failed to respond meaningfully. The prolonged period of time from his first understanding of the problem to the actual occurrence was a significant factor in their non-response (planning for it was too drawn out for them, and like many people they wanted instant solutions... not reasoned responses.) Hopefully we are more responsive this time and the time... no one knows exactly when the disaster will occur but the time period (generation) it will happen in is ours. That much is absolutely certain and the proof will follow in the years ahead (and be slower than slow-motion).

        Moses led a large group of people out of danger in another time when a massive disaster occurred, huge enough to knock down the walls of Jericho and many other places throughout a wide area archeologists are discovering. Moses got more response and respect even though he would have been, in our time, considered a murderer. His timing was right for the escape his people made when the waters receded (after a relatively small cometary collision.)

1. The principle focus of this site is to convey how foresight is obtained, what we can do with it, and how to learn how to do it. Foresight comes largely from our dreams and it is shown in them as visual analogies we need to put into words to get the literal analogies.

2. That there was one significant teacher of this method who lived long ago is interesting and even valuable to those who have some understanding of his teaching. That method was essentially lost to the majority of people for a very long time.

3. That the ability of foresight enables people who are in touch with it to tell of events in the future ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary or miraculous.

4. It is up to those who hear whether they should ignore the message or act intelligently and responsibly. We do not all respond immediately as there has been far too many crackpots and weirdos who advocate some of the same message, but often with far less understanding than they require to act in a credible, rational manner.

5. This site tells of one major area of need where scriptural prophecy has shown that our playing with the destructive forces of nature could get seriously out of hand and shows that one specific case of nuclear pollution could be repeated with even more devastating effects in the future if we are presumptuous enough to ignore the warnings given literally thousands of years ago. How could it have been known that Chernobyl would be a massive nuclear disaster and that Chernobyl's name means Wormwood when those prophecies were given thousands of years ago? Does it not make a significant case for an Eternal, All-Knowing Entity who can tell us of these events when we are ready to listen to the analogies we have been given from the beginning?

6. We have enough time to act on this. The disastrous events foreseen are not about to occur (to completion) in the year 2000. We must start a process of ensuring that many people are aware of the events which have occurred and that The End Time has begun. The response needed is one of becoming alert, not alarmed. Wake up. See what's happening. See what we need to do, before it gets too late. Resolve the problems through reasoning, not kneejerk responses.

7. There's more than one ancient book which can be used as a source of prophecies. The prophecies which exist in the Bible are best known, followed by the Qur'an, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce and many others. The valid sources of prophecy co-relate and thereby become proof of the universal nature of foresight we know as prophecy. It is certain the Creator ensured that there was more than a single source of prophecy, there are billions of lives at risk if there were only one and it was not understood, lost or became tampered with.

8. There's a book nearing completion for those who want to read more, and an earlier book which explains a lot more. The books and this website are not enough. It requires action on the parts of huge numbers of people to make a difference and that number is only reached one by one.

9. For some they will want to know more about me before responding. I'm not the object of the required attention, just a messenger whose aim is to do a little repair on what people know. The truth has not always been what you thought it was, or were taught it was.

10. For many people the interesting part of all this is about foreseeing such a huge disaster. It isn't really. It's significant only by virtue that it took the potential of such a disaster (and Hollywood's repeated portrayal of it) to obtain an audience. (Thankfully they have portrayed this probability to many people quite graphically.) The important part of this is learning to use what we are shown in our dreams for our benefit in our daily living. That includes significant amounts of the Creative element within us, as some of us presumptuously still think dreams and reality are all our own doing.

The Scenario    Scriptural References     Other References   A Serious Problem
Problems Sooner   The Man   A Solution    The Second Book
Worst Case Scenario   Foresight   A Warning   A Summary
Time doesn't wait...                 for you to get started...