REST ministries RESTministries
REST ministries' Home Page
Statement of Faith 
REST ministries (Recovering from Experiences of Spiritual Tyranny) is a Christian organization.  Our beliefs are rooted in the historic, Reformation, evangelical traditionmay, and a summary of them may be found in our Statement of Faith.

     REST ministries was founded by Ron Henzel in 1997 in order to address a problem that exists in various pockets across the entire spectrum of beliefs and practices that contitutes evangelical Christianity: the problem of Spiritual Abuse. 
    "Spiritual Abuse" occurs when those practices and behaviors that are normally associated with cults and their leaders manifest themselves within groups that profess to adhere to evangelical Christianity.  These practices and behaviors are listed and explained on pages linked to our "What Is Spiritual Abuse?" page.  Technically, any time these tendencies are present, Spiritual Abuse is taking place, whether it is within Christian churches that adhere to orthodox doctrine, or within heretical cults. 

    We do not believe that it is necessary to shy away from referring to some groups as "cults" simply because they affirm traditional Christian doctrine.  This is because no specific theological point-of-view is attached to the word "cult" in the English language. 

     On the other hand, we find the "Spiritual Abuse" designation to be helpful when comunicating with people who narrowly define "cults" merely as groups that deviate from Christianity on major points of teaching (such as the Trinity, or the Deity of Christ), and who do not apply the word "cult" term to groups with orthodox statements of faith. 

    REST ministries is primarily an information service, and hopefully a source of assistance, comfort and fellowship for those who have been victimized by Spiritual Abuse.  At the present time the extent of its activities are to be found at this web site.  Our goals are: 

REST ministries
About Rest Ministries 
What is "spiritual abuse?"
"They told me that if I left ..."
"Is my child in a cult?" 
Resources for recovery
  Copyright © 1997 REST ministries, All Rights Reserved. 
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  • To reach out to Spiritual Abuse victims with the grace, hope and comfort that is available through Jesus Christ.
  • To refer victims to the best available sources of help.  (Please see our Disclaimer in this regard.)
  • To encourage victims to form support groups in their areas.
  • To help families, friends, pastors and other Christian leaders to deal successfully with the problems caused by Spiritual Abuse in the lives of those they know and love by providing careful Biblical teaching, and identifying helpful resources.
  • To equip Christians to discern spiritually abusive practices, to warn them of their dangers, and to help them avoid becoming either victims or practioners of Spiritual Abuse.
  • To call upon Spiritual Abusers to abandon their unbiblical and destructive practices and return to the practice of Biblical Christianity.
 Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult Recovery Spiritual Abuse Cult