Now doesn't that sound hoity-toity?

Submission Rules:

  1. Some major changes have been made this year. There are now some serious restrictions on the number of stories to be submitted. Due to uneven distribution of stories in past years, there are now only 2 categories, Light and Heavy. Each author may submit no more than one story to each category. (This applies to all authors, including past winners.) This means you can't send in more than 2 stories per year, so choose them carefully! In addition to this, I will be taking no more than 7 stories for each category, so send those stories in quick before the submissions booth fills up and closes!
  2. The difference between the two categories is as follows: Light stories include that which you read with your family in the house without locking the door. Comedies, mild adventures, or even serious pieces that aren't too intense. It can go as far as very light violence and mild innuendo. Heavy is what you read behind locked doors. More serious violence, sexual situations, outright depravity, and really toothy mature themes go here. The moderator can be emailed with questions on specifics.
  3. The top two stories from each category will be awarded. In addition to this, the judges may choose to bestow an additional honor if they deem it necessary.
  4. You'll notice that right now, everyone is allowed the same number of submissions per year, regardless of how much they have or haven't won in the past. Starting in 2003, I will set up the Prosh Awards Hall of Fame. Once you've won 5 or more Proshes, I will place your name and achievements in the Hall of Fame. The upside to this is that you will have your name up in big shiny lights on a very pretty page, with all your accolades listed beside it, for as long as I feel like keeping this site up. The downside to it is that once you are given this honor, I will not let you submit anymore. If you wanna judge, though, that's a different story...J
  5. Story must have past X-Forcer, New Mutant, or Deadpool in a major role. If it features a New Mutant, it must be set at the time that the New Mutants were together. By X-Force, I mean the very value-laden term of the REAL X-Force, not the new kids stealing our old heroes' name.
  6. Multi-part stories of twenty chapters or more are not allowed. Unfinished works may not be submitted.
  7. No repeat submissions. If it didn't win last year, it won't win this year, and if it did win last year, what are you trying to prove by submitting it again?
  8. No story may be submitted to more than one category. If you can't decide which one your story is best for, the organizers will pick one. And if you know exactly what category you want your story in, say so at the beginning of the email. We can't read your mind.
  9. To submit a story, send a message to with the following information:
  10. Title
    Your name and email address
    URL of the story's archive listing (if the story has not been posted anywhere on the Internet, it will be posted on this site)
    Category you want your story in (or the organizers will decide)
    How long you have been writing fan fiction
    Story's rating (optional)
    Whether or not you want your email to be linked to the reviews
  11. If you want to be an anonymous author (so you don't get scored based on who you are or aren't) you may send the above information and the story itself, either in plain text or HTML, to Prosh and your story will be archived either in this account or in Red Monster's Spree account. Be warned that if the judges have already seen your story, they'll know who you are and your anonymity will be a moot point, but it may work nicely for brand new stories.
  12. If you want to submit more than one story, you may send in both the headers in one message.
  13. Each author will be sent the scores of his or her submissions from all the judges and reserves the right to choose what will be posted here. If you do not respond, the reviews and scores will automatically be posted.
  14. It is now the Summer of 2001, and I am collecting submissions.
Now is that so hard?

Judging Requirements and Moderator's Duties can be found here.

Rules for everyone:

  1. No funny attachments. Email your work either in the body of the message or in .html or .txt format. For submissions, since it's just a header or two, it shouldn't be that hard to send it in the body of the message, right?
  2. Judges and the moderator may not submit stories. Come on, silly clowns, does this really need to be said? (Do not, however, rule out submissions from the organizers, heh heh heh.)
  3. Send your work to this address. The awards have their own address! Isn't that neat?!
  1. Light
  2. Heavy
Oy, my fingers are tired!

Vanity-meter reads  since August 4, 1998.

Give blood. Hang out with Red and Nat!