Other Contests and Festivals


Sixth Grade Elementary Orchestra Festival

Meyerson Symphony Center

Murchison Symphony Center

Double D Ranch Music Festival

Sandy Lake Amusement Park Orchestra Festival

South Coast Festival At Corpus Christi


Sixth Grade Elementary Orchestra Festival

The Sixth Grade Elementary Orchestra Festival is an annual event hosted by MISD. It combines ALL the elementary orchestras in Mesquite (usually totaling more than 350 students). This event is planned and produced by all the orchestra directors in Mesquite. One of the High Schools (or a combination of High Schools) from MISD also performs for the festival.

The Sixth grade students will be performing songs that they have been working on since January. Each song will be conducted by a different Middle School director and accompanied by synthesizer. The students rehearse all together, during school, the same day as the concert from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The concert starts at 7:00 PM. Please refer to the calendar for specific dates and location.

This event is great fun for all!!!

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Six Flags Contest
At the Meyerson Symphony Center

This contest is participated in by our 8th Grade Advanced Orchestra and High School Orchestra. One of the most impressive events of the season is the opportunity to play in the Meyerson Symphony Center. Groups enter from the surrounding cities and states to compete for 1st Division ratings as well as The Best in Class Award (given to the top group at the contest).

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Six Flags Contest
At the Murchison Symphony Center

This contest is participated in by our 8th Grade Advanced Orchestra and High School Orchestra. As one of the most impressive accoustic halls in Texas, the Murchison Symphony Center is an incredible percformance. Groups enter from the surrounding cities and states to compete for 1st Division ratings as well as The Best in Class Award (given to the top group at the contest).

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Double D Ranch Music Festival

The Double D music Festival is a contest hosted by MISD. This festival is participated in by beginner and intermediate groups from around the Dallas area. The Poteet Area Sixth Grade Honor Orchestra is one of the groups to attend this annual festival. The groups compete for 1st Division ratings as well as The Best in Class Award (given to the top group at the contest).

After the performance, the students spend the day at the park riding horses, playing volleyball, riding hey rides and more.

This contest is no longer running; but was fun while it lasted.

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Sandy Lake Amusement Park Orchestra Festival

This festival is attended annually by the KMS Intermediate (7) Orchestra as well as other orchestras from around the state. The Sixth Grade Honor Orchestra also performs at thhis festival. The orchestras perform under a pavilion for division ratings and the Best in Class Award.

After the performance, the orchestra spends the day at Sandy Lake Amusement Park. The awards ceremony for the contest takes place in the park that same day.

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South Coast Festival
At Corpus Christi

This is is the High School trip and contest. Every two years the Poteet High School Orchestra travels to a contest to compete in area outside of Dallas. The orchestras compete for First Division ratings as well as the "Best in Class" award.

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