by Gary "Gabe" Hulin
"A New World Order in a New Age"
The world is moving steadily in the direction of the rulership of the antichrist. We who
believe God's word to be Truth are moving in the opposite direction toward the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as "Lord of Lords" and "King of Kings". The world is crying out "peace and safety" from wars and rumors of wars. Crime and injustice,
corporate slaughter, pollution of the environment, erosion of the earth's protective shield,
government condoned immorality, humanist attacks on the family structure, and continued
world hunger only begin to expound on the great problems facing mankind today.
There are many other ills eroding our world society using more subtle forms of attack.
Perhaps the most destructive of these is "spiritual apostasy". God forewarned us that
there would be a great spiritual void in the lives of most, even within His own church, as we
approach the last days. He warns of "spiritual warfare" , incredible attempts at "deceit and
lying wonders", and even an ecumenical religious "lie" that would be the philosophical basis
for a one world false religious system (please refer to message #8 "Mystery Babylon-
The Mother of Harlots".
It should be made clear at this point that when mention is made of a particular church or political
organization, I speak of the system, not to be confused with the individuals that may belong
to that system. It is between God and man (each individual) as to what each has done with
the matter of His Son. However, God has commanded us to speak of this great "Mystery"
with the surety and power of His Word as our strength. This message will attempt to do
"Even him, whose coming is after the work of Satan with all power and signs and
lying wonders, and with all deceiveableness of unrighteouness in them that perish;
because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this
cause God shall bring them strong delusion that they might believe the lie." 1 Thess. 2:9-12
The modern equivalent to the "lie" spoken of by Timothy is manifest in the satanic writings
of such "spiritual" leaders as Alice Bailey, Marylyn Ferguson, and Helena Protrovna
Blavatsky, and many others who have perpetuated the same lie that fell man in the
garden of Eden: "Ye shall be as Gods" (Gen. 3:5). The New Age Movement has many
so-called "Masters of Wisdom" who advocate "personal and social transformation" in these
latter days. Marylyn Ferguson, for example, speaks of leaderless, but powerful networks
that are working to bring about a transformation of worldview and mindset throughout the
world's population. It is referred to by some as "the Aquarian Conspiracy".
New Agers refer to this "New Mindset", as a new human agenda, a loosenet group of New
World servers that are challenging the establishment from within. They make pointed
references to the religious reasoning of the ancient Chaldeans, the false religion of
Babylon, and, their. Those who embrace this New Age philosophy include school teachers,
politicians, religious leaders, scientists, public officials, artists, celebrities, leaders in
medicine, law, and psychology, in virtually every area of our world society.
Many are very outspoken in their support, while many are quitely working from behind the scenes, believing they can be more effective with their financial and persuasive support.
Their are legions of conspirators within corporations, hospitals, higher institutions of
learning, on the boards of public schools, factories, state institutions, city councils, and
even white house staffs; as well as state legislators, volunteer organizations, and those
from virtually all areas of policy making within our country and the countries of the world.
There are millions of others who have never thought of themselves as part of a conspiracy
who sense that their struggle is a part of a larger more potent social transformation which
is becoming more and more visible. Most often political parties, ideological groups and
fraternal organizations begin their entry into this new world order as part of small clusters.
There are many entry points, known by politicians and others as "a thousand points of
light". This new mindset, also referred to as the "new consciousness" or "new
awareness", falsely advocates "human potential" that will ultimately, in their belief, bring in
a New World Order of peace and tranquility, a utopian type society which has been the
goal of many dreamers, architects, and philosophers since the vain attempts to reach the
heavens by the Babylonian builders. However bold and romantic this movement might
seem, it has evolved from a sequence of historical events that could hardly have led
elsewhere. They express deep principles of nature that only now are being described and
confirmed by science. In it's assessment of what is possible, it is rigorously rational.
The scientist-philosopher Pierre de Chardin was an advocate of this age old philosopy.
He advocated that men and women having this world view would be instrumental as the
contagion to change, a paradigm shift from the old order to a new. In my studies at
Clemson University's School of Architecture, I had no idea what was meant by the term
"cross-over" which seemed to refer to some vague esoteric phrase. However, as I studied
a particular new age architect, Daniel Libeskind, I learned that he spoke of a social
transformation, an international movement. The term crossover meant "that point where
the mindset has left the traditional mode of thinking and now has shifted to a new
paradigm, a new way of thinking." This is what the new agers mean by a new
consciousness or a new awareness and it has it's foundation in eastern mysticism and is
a philosophy of humanism.
Further, concerning the new world philosophy, new age gurus describe the movement as
unlike the traditional world views, having their power in groups that form coalitions that
overlap each other with support rather than derive it's power from the conventional
methods of politics. These consist of environmental groups such as Les Partez in
France, the Green Alliance of Great Britain, women's groups such as the National
Organization of Women, peace groups, human right's groups, groups battling world
hunger, thousands of centers and networks supporting a "new consciousness" like Nexus
in Stockholm, publications like Alterna in Denmark, New Humanities and New Life in Great
Britain; and, symposia in all the major cities throughout the world. These are just a very
few of the thousands of interlocking networks, having the same worldview with secular
humanism as their guiding philosophy.
The international publication World Goodwill, is a United Nations sponsored outreach
designed to transform the mindset of the people of the world. In Europe, "Unity" and
overlapping support among these groups is preparing the European Community to accept
the rise of the antichrist with their new "spiritual and political framework". (please refer to message #6- "The Rise and Fall of the World's Great Empire's" This amounts
to a joining of "religion" and politics, a frightening concept to say the least.
Many brilliant creative "thinkers" in the international community have helped to synthesize
international support for an emerging vision of the planet. To them it is more than a mere
scenario, one of many possible futures of responsibility. The alternative, it seems to them,
is unimaginable, so, with a religious zeal, they work toward a godless Utopia apart from
According to one New Age Study, The New Group of World Servers created a questionaire which was sent out to several hundred of it's members. The following is some of the results of this study. Note the sharing of the same values among the various groups. Concerning the transition from the old order to the new order the three areas of Medicine, Psychology and Religion deserve particular note. Each participate was asked to chose four areas where the paradigm shift could most effectively occur:
Concerning a transition to the new spiritual realm the following religious influences were noted as important to their own change or shift:
These New Age Spiritual vehicles are international in scope and being propagated by
corporations and even churches that give an abundance of monetary aide to carry on these
activities that have their roots in eastern mysticism.
Most of the literature from these organizations are tax deductable (thus supported by all
taxpayers). Their literature is most often free. An example is the World Goodwill
newsletter which I have been receiving since 1980 free of charge. To them this is a means
of spreading their vain philosophy.
Concerning the early religious backgrounds of the respondents to the above questionaire, the following should be noted:
God has told us that there will come a spiritual apostasy in the last days; that man will seek
after doctrines of devils. He has said that many will be seduced by a system which is
revealed in His Word as "The Lie". 39% of these same respondents acknowledged that
psychodelic experiences have been a part of their experiences. 28% still used pschodelic
on occasion and acknowledged that they were still important to them. This should remind
us of the scripture in Rev. 18:23: "for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived",
while speaking of the religious end-time Babylon Mother of Harlots and abominations of
the earth. The Greek word for sorceries is "pharmaseudakai" from which we derive the
english word pharmacy. This simply refers to the use of drugs to alter the state of
consciousness of many who are a part of the end-time church and political structure.
Ninety-six percent of those polled believed in mental telepathy This is very interesting
considering that the Lord Maitreya, a New Age Guru who placed a $1,000,000.00 ad in the
New York Times and Los Angeles Times in the mid eighties proclaiming the soon to be
revealed "Christ" would be known by His followers "from within". The emphasis was that
the mass media would be used to reveal him to the world through the inner self.
Ninety-four percent polled believed in "inner healing". Eighty-eight percent believed in
clairvoyance and eighty-two percent in psychokinesis; 94% believed in psychedelic healing;
precognition 89%; cosmic intelligence 87%; consciousness that survives bodily death 78%;
reincarnation 57%; a great number rejected the term "belief" stating that they were
accepting these phenomena based on direct experience.
I personally have known someone who has spoken to "fallen angels" (demons). The
scripture reveals that "..we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph, 6:12)
They were asked which ideas had influence their thinking. The following is a result of this question posed to the new group of World Servers:
Some organizations that have openly advocated the new age paradigm shift and a belief in the religion of humanism include, but certainly are not limited to:
The Association for Humanistic Education
The Association for Transpersonal Psychology
The Association for Humanistic Psychology
The Hunger Project
Futures Network
Institute for Alternative Futures
Movement for a New Age Society
National Self-help New Age Center
New Dimensions Foundation
Planetary Citizens
World Future Society
Periodicals include:
New Age Quarterly
Journal of Humanistic Phytology
New Life Magazine
Global Education Associates
Whole Life Times
hundreds more
Even in light of the abundance of evidence that we are in the last days, God has warned
us that there would be scoffers saying "where is the promise of His coming, for since
the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of
creation." (2 Peter3:3)
Anyone with the eyes to see, especially our older citizens, should be able to see how
things have drastically changed concerning these things. Countless students of bible
prophecy realize that the world system out of which the antichrist will arise is nearly in
place. This system is only being held in check by the "one who hinders", the Holy Spirit,
until it is God's time to reveal the "Wicked One" (the antichrist) to the world.
This system will usher in the beast, the antichrist and his associates in the very near future.
Please do not turn your back on this. We are all imperfect in our knowledge of him; but,
make no mistake about it, we are given light as we diligently search the scriptures for the
answers to these things.
In light of scripture, we learn that man will never be able to solve his basic problems, which
stem from a sinful nature, without the Plan He has laid before us. He will rid of the
antichrist and his associates, and the false prophet, at His Second Coming, along with their
social ideology that has deceived so many. He will also rid of this man's great political
power and his humanistic agenda that has the allegiance of the majority of the world. He
will also rid of the false world church, religious "Babylon the Mother of Harlots and
abominations of the world". With the fall of the two beasts will be the fall of the so-called
New World Order to be replaced by the Kingdom of God and that elusive existence of true
The world is searching for this superstar, this false Messiah, a man well aware of the social strains of this present world order. He will seek to change "times and laws" according to Dan 7:25. Man's system will seek to solve the world's problems with the use of technology.
Behind the man of sin will be the workings of Satan, that ole Devil who deceives mankind with his lying wonders, who works in the affairs of man to distort, confuse and deceive.
The antichrist will have the power and authority of Satan.
The New Age with it's New World Order is determined to bring with it's one world agenda and spiritualism the advent of the false messiah. One of the precusors to this event will be the uniting of the world's major religions under one head, the false prophet. This false prophet will give his power and authority to the antichrist (Rev. 13). At this time all true Christians will have been removed at the rapture of the church to be with God as He deals with the nations of the earth. Thus, The Holy Spirit, the Hinderer, who holds back evil in these days will no longer restrain evil in this world, and , those past evil influences upon man, whose philosophies abound today as they rule the world from their grave, will have it's just rewards.
New Agers believe that by striving
together in unity man can achieve what he has been unable to do since his fall in the
Garden of Eden. He aspires to the same lie that Satan used to deceive man from the very
beginning.... "ye shall be as Gods".(Gen 3:5) New Agers embrace science as the
answer to the world's problems, apart from God; that he can achieve that age old dream
of utopia. The apostle Paul warned us: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to
thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely
so-called: which some confessing have erred concerning the faith."(1 Tim. 6:20-21)
God condemns humanism in Collosians 2:8 "Beware lest any man deceive you
through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments
of the world, and not after Christ."
"Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil. That put darkness for light and
light for darkness and who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them
who are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight." (Isa. 5:21) I can't
help but think of the eternity of those such as Carl Sagan as they expound on the origins
of the universe and the path of man's future. True wisdom does not come from the minds
of men. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the
Holy is understanding."( Prov. 9:10)
Humanism and New Age thinking has also infiltrated the church. The apostasy foretold by
the prophets of God, Jesus, and the disciples is now a reality. "Now the spirit speaketh
expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their
conscious seared with a hot iron". (1 Timothy 4:2)
God is calling out His people from this evil system that purports the age old lie that elevates
man above his Creator. "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that henceforth
you walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having your
understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance
that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:" (Eph. 4:17-18)
World leaders grope like blind men at solving their problems, yet they spurn God's way
and ultimately they are reminded that they are fruitless without Him through which all things
were created.
Peter warned us that "But there were false prophets among the people, even as there
shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift
destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of even the
truth shall be evil spoken of." ( 2 Peter 2:1-2)
This brings to mind a story about a very fine upstanding citizen and acquaintance of mine
who I love and respect. He is a man who is genuinely concerned for his neighbors and
the people of his community, indeed for his country, a man who has the respect of many
and who has taught Sunday school for more than five years. This man once told me that he did not
believe the Word of God was inspired, nor that all of God's Word is Truth. He went on to
explain that each person must come to his own truth. I am saddened by these thoughts
and the memory that it brings, as this is precisely the result of what humanism brings upon
those who allow this poisonous philosophy to infiltrate their minds. They are brought to the
conclusion that allows for a false gospel, a gospel of human endeavor apart from the
finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The false teachings of humanism leads to
rationalism, human reasoning, and human efforts that reject the need for a savior. The
results of this is an eternity apart from God, forever cast into hell.
The essence of this entire message is that we are engaged in a subtle warfare; that
mankind is in a struggle against the powers of darkness; and, that the acceptance of Jesus
Christ as the One who has paid the price for the sin of mankind, by His death, His
resurrection, and by His Ascension unto the Godhead is the only way mankind can ever
come back to the peaceful existence with God he had before his fall. We must accept
Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the fact that He is God.
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