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Ard-Ri [High King] Brian Boru, King of Ireland
My family is descended through both Brian Boru's father and grandfather's lines of descent, on the LARKIN side and through Brian's uncle on the HOGAN side.
Chief [petty-king] Lorcan mac Lachtna of the local tribe known as Ui Toirdelbegs.
King Cennetig mac Lorcan of Thomond [son of Lorcan mac Lachtna]was killed fighting the Vikings [Norseman] of Limerick in 951 ad. After a series of struggles for his chiefship [kingship]of the Dal gCais between the kinsman.
Sons of Cennetig:
Mathghamhain mac Cennetig, won in 954 ad and became King of the Dal gCais one of the lest significant of the tribes of Ireland.
Brian mac Cennetig [later to rename himself to Brian Boru]
Brian spent his early years cloustered in a monestary, studying the history of the military leaders of Europe; such as Charlamagne and Julius Ceaser. Brian was a voracious reader and learned the tactics of all these important leaders and was to use these tactics throughout his life. [Point of historical interest: much of what Brian was studing was the tactics of his forefathers. The Celts were one of the oldest of the warrior races. Their tactics were copied and emulated by virtually all cultures they came in contact with.
The most significant of these cultures which was influenced by the Celts, were the Roman Pretorian Guards. Julius Ceaser, who had made numerous attempts to invade and settle Britannia [his first attempt to colonize Britannia was in 55 b.c., but it wasn't till about 43 a.d. that he was able to establish a foothold in southern Albion (Britannia). All their atempts to subjugate the Celts, "failed" and they were eventualy forced to abandon the British Isls.], in an effort to subdue the "barbarin" Celts. His first efforts against this loosly organized tribal group taught him of their military tactics. And, he atapted much of these tactics as well as their armour and helm.]
Brian was born the youngest of the twelve sons of King Cennetig mac Lorcan of Thomond. One of his more notable contributions to his kingdom, that failed was the Irish Reformation. When he died at age 73, his dreams of a new Ireland died with him.
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