Ah, the lucky ones. These are the people who hit the lottery, who find suitcases full of cash and the rightful owners give them half just for finding it. These are the people who get the last seat at the Super Bowl, the people who catch fly balls hit by Hall of Famers. Ah, well. In the Crowe Nation, the equivalent to a lottery winner is someone who has actually met The Man, spoken to him, t-t-t-touched him (shivers!)... These are The Few, The Happy Few. Here are their stories. Read 'em and weep!

Sweetbiscuit's Gift From the Heart
August 2000

GoreyGirl Meets A Beautiful Mind

April 2001

CGee and Bestrcfan Luck Out: The ABM Q & A

December 2001

A huge THANK YOU to those who have shared their Russell moments with us!

Sweetbiscuit's Gift From the Heart

As first seen on Murph's site, Sweetbiscuit of the Outback Chat was the lucky woman who was recognized at the August 11th (2000) concert by Russell Crowe for giving him as a gift a beautiful reproduction of a Peruvian crucifix. While she didn't actually meet Russell, this is as good as it gets short of an actual conversation! Here is her story:

" I gave him a cross in Austin before the Aug 11th concert. I have not posted my experience before, so bear with me. He wore it for the concert and imagine my shock when it popped out of his black shirt! I had no idea if he would wear it. Then, later on in the show, he touched it a few times then kissed it and raised it up to God in a very passionate movement! I got all teary eyed to say the least. He later proceeded to thank me from the stage, searching the audience till he found me..."Is the young lady who gave me the cross here tonight?" ...we all screamed so he could find me, of course! LOL Then he looked right at me and said "thank you"! Two little words, but I realized that I touched his heart with the cross. Witnessing that private passion, opening his heart and soul to us was very emotional for me. It meant a lot to him cause he continued to wear it at the last show and the Aussie interviews from Austin. It can also be seen in the Sydney pics of him on the docks with Meg. I am so thrilled that I made a personal connection with him, and it gave him comfort and strength during a very difficult time in his life. I adore him more than ever! :)) So, yes I believe that he believes in God and finds strength in the crosses that people have given him. In the traditional sense or not, it really doesn't matter."


This site administrator was a "witness" to this event when Sweet called immediately after the concert to report that "RUSSELL WORE MY CROSS!!! HE WORE THE CROSS I GAVE HIM!!!" The scream that was heard around the world!

SweetBiscuit / Outback Chat Legion


When I met Russell, Wednesday, April 4th, 2001
(And a little itty bitty sighting on Thursday)

I waited for almost four and a half hours and it was completely worth it. The day was beautiful, but it (and I) was getting colder as the sun set. Around 9:30 I was sitting by a trailer and crew people were watching me suspiciously but werent saying anything and then Adam Goldberg and Anthony Rapp come out of the trailer they are sharing and walk over to some production people and get in a white mini van and leave. I wander around the trailers and church they shot in a while more, at first I thought the guy talking on his cell phone down the block by the white mini van was Russ, it was someone else but you could have fooled me. May have been his stand in.

Roo C was talking to me on my cell phone and was calming me down as I felt the hot fudge sundae I had just eaten earlier coming up my gullet. I had just decided to check out the area one more time after the sundae on a whim because people were saying the set wrapped for the day around 10 pm or so, but I didn't think I'd have any luck at all, actually but I made my way back and am so glad I did--

As I said I saw Anthony Rapp (He was in Dazed and Confused, also the original cast memeber for the show Rent) walk by shortly after Adam Goldberg (Saving Private Ryan, Chandlers freaky roomate on Friends) and this inspired me to go hunting for Russ! Its always when you think you should throw in the towel that people show up, right? OK, so I wander back to the street facing the seminary, on the side of Riverside Church, and this tall blonde chick keeps looking at me odd but smiling friendly like at me, (turns out she was the script girl or someone in that capacity later seen handing yellow dailies script revisions to Russ when I first see him !) and then I notice the crew and I guess bodyguards and whoever left from the FBI if at all are giving me hard stares ...next to that a trailer JUST of gym equipment. It was a portable gym in a truck!! I knew he was close then cause he has to have his workout in peace, right? :) So I deduced that it was only a matter of time.

Roo C kept my spirits up and distracted me from vomiting enough so I forgot my nervousness and kept encouraging me to go up to him to go up to him TO GO UP TO HIM when I finally see him, and I was convinced I couldn't, especially with this really terrifying big guy hanging out by the SUV who looked for all the world like the scariest brick wall Israeli army trained bodyguard I had ever seen, who gave off the "keep away" vibe loud and clear, his back alone was the size of a VW bug hood, I am NOT exaggerating. He was cute though. Anyway I would find out just how cute when finally Russell himself popped his head out of the trailer and looked around rubbing his eyes as if he (most likely) had just risen from a nap. He looked tired and really worn out, but also adorable and boyish, and it was clearly him, Oh Good God it was him. I was mid sentence with Roo C on the phone when I just STOPPED and he looked at me quizically but friendly and went back inside to gather some things while an assistant went in and grabbed his bags and then he walked down the wooden stairs of the trailer.

I couldnt believe it. I really was convinced that he had left for the evening, but it was definitely him. He had very coiffed 50s style hair, but a little rumpled, like hed been sleeping, and a charcoal simple pullover V-neck wool sweater and faded jeans (THUD) and I guess sneakers, Roo tells me I told her, but I swear I can't remember! He waved at me and smiled and I think I said "Guhhh...guhhh...uhhhh... [and then hissing into my phone], ITS HIM. THIS IS NOT THE STAND IN THIS TIME!!!!! ITS HIM" in the phone to Chris, while he took the sides for the next days script from the blonde I mentioned and I was pretty sure the planet just tilted 60 solid degrees on its axis, cause I got this feeling like the whole world was falling away and there was just HIM suddenly WAVING AND SMILING AT ME. But instead of vomiting like I was convinced I would, I got supernaturally calm. I guess shocked was more the word, but I got this sweet little smile of encouragement from the formerly scary as all get out bodyguard and instantly the FIVE people guarding him became complete teddy bears.

The Israeli army dude type with the VW back smiling the sweet smile motioned for me to come over and I said at first disbelieving, "Can I get an autograph?" More as in a questioning tone of "Is this even happening?", and then more quesitioningly to him in a rush again, and he smiled at me like, "Yes, silly! You're walking over to me arent you?" clearly enjoying my stunned amazement as he motions me over to the SUV with a grin. I have to imagine that this look of complete deer in the headlights must get so trying for them all the time but I think they were actually getting a kick out of it this evening because I was completely alone. You heard me, not a SOUL with me. No other fans at this point, amazing. New Yorkers really could care less! The address for the shoot was posted several times on Murphsplace (Thank you thank you a million times thank you for letting me know, MM1!!!) , but the days given were not specific and I had to go back for a couple of nights before stumbling upon the set. Of course when I finally saw the trailers Wednesday night, I wasnt about to leave!

So ANYWAY, I walk over to the passenger window side of the SUV and there's Russ, sitting there waiting FOR ME. Let me say that again. HE WAS WAITING FOR ME. I just like that thought. OK, so he leans his head forward a bit and out the window sitting in his seat, and I'm just dumbfounded. I think I say "Hi." He gives me this long cautious slow appraisal, looking me up top to bottom for a second to see if Im not completely bonkers, and then (just when I think hes going to scowl! He looked tired, the last thing I wanted to do was to irritate him) he breaks out into a HUGE GRIN, and all I can see are those round apple cheeks and his eyes crinkling in that WAY they do, and my mind is running this mantra over and over again, "I'm meeting Russell Crowe. I'm meeting Russell Crowe. I'm meeting Russell Crowe." Over and over.....its so hyperreal it takes on this absolute surrealness.

I try to maintain eye contact the whole time. I know how much he hates people who dont make eye contact. :) THEN...(be still my heart) he sticks his hand out to me and stunned I accept the handshake and he says, "How ya doin'. I'm Russ." DUH? AS IF? LOL! ALSO: PEOPLE, YOU KNOW WHAT A FETISH I HAVE FOR DA MANS HANDS..... THIS IS WHAT THEY CALL A DREAM COME TRUE. His hands are warm, dry and calloused and for some reason have the lightness, texture and weight of balsa wood despite a fairly firm but not overbearing considered handshake, odd. Poor Russ, he really looked so tired-- I have to say the street lamps were not the most attractive lighting, but that GRIN brought out the sparkly Russ we know and love, he kind of worked it for me a little, I think, you know the movie star bit a little. But he was soooo cordial and polite, and really really really sweet, especially due to the fact that he had been shooting this really intense emotionally draining film all day. His tone was very motherly almost, very considerate and soothing without a hint of patronizing, it was remarkable, that VOICE, ohhhh man.....

Anyway, he asks me right away after introducing himself, as IF I dont know who he is!!!, --"Are you a student?" Cause this is the truth, although I am on the faaaar latter side of 22, I still look really young, still get carded (now this isn't as great a blessing as it seems- try having people take you seriously! Right, 'swat I thought), and also it was being shot right across the street from Barnard College and right down the street from Columbia U. I have to say, Russ was guilty of thinking I was no more than 22 as well, and his tone suggested as such. Not a judgement, God, he was nice as could be, but anyway, he wasn't talking to me as if I were Speilberg or Katzenberg or, well, you get the idea.

OK, here's the tense moment of my meeting. I babble on an answer about how I went to school in Brooklyn but I've lived here for a while and so on, but my words get all stumbled and I'm caught correcting myself and it gets drawn out a bit, and then I'm trying to find the limited edition interview CD sleeve (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU MISHI!!!! HE SIGNED IT!!!), and going through my bag and of course I'm caught off guard so I drop the phone (Roo is still on with me!:)) and to my knees frantically try to find the damned sleeve and a Sharpie. Its kind of dark, and I could swear I hear Russ say to the Israeli army guy type, "Oi, help 'er out, mate" (!!!) and within a NANOSECOND the guard has this Klieg level flashlight on my bag, it was stunning how quick the response, so of course then I find it right away. But while nerves getting the better of me made me crawl for the sleeve, I was also unfortunately babbling to him about "Where is that thing? I had it," etc etc, MAN it was awkward! He asks me as I look if I liked the CD, and of course I'm all over that with a stream of words, "Yeah, I really liked it, I especially liked "Somebody EIse's Princess", it had a kind of glam rock thing going on" and he grins this sidelong self deprecating grin as I stand and he looks straight ahead and softly (and kind of bashful even!) says, "Yeah, well, we were just fooling around in the studio." Like DUH, you don't completely suck, Russ, ok? I was shocked at how self deprecating he was, it was so disarming and of course, really cute.

So I finally find and hand him the pen and sleeve and I'm going "Sorry, I'm nervous." He smiles a little Mona Lisa smile there at the admission, he and the rest of the guys in the SUV are still clearly getting a kick out of my shock. He asks me if I was in Austin for the shows and I said No, unfortunately, and very softly I guess he has asked my name but I didn't hear him, I'm just motor mouthing along as I do (LOL! You guys know me! ) so by now I'm standing again next to his window and he does the LOOK and slowly with a period at the end of each word, firm, stern, cranking that Look-luv-you're-sweet-but-if-you-keep-babbling-we'll-get-nowhere-Terry-with-the-maid-freaking-out-scene--in-POL look: "What. Is.Your.Name." (!!!) I immediately respond, as if in interrogation, toute suite! :) It wasnt mean, it was just, Look, hon. Dont lose it. Come back. OK, there you are. Even that was adorable. Im afraid I must have sounded like I was on speed, though, it must have been very trying for him, he really truly has this amazing way of controlling and commanding a situation so that things don't fall apart, he really is a natural leader.

This little interruption seemed to be no biggie for him apparently (a major thing that he's had far worse nervous wrecks in his presence I'm sure and has learned a thing or two about how to handle it! Thank God, right? Whew...) and I have an unusual name and he spelled it out right and I just looked at him stunned and without thinking said (I hope not rudely), "How'd ya figure THAT out?" Cause really, no one EVER spells my name right EVER it's a bit unusual like I said, so I was really more stunned that he didnt have a prob with it, and He just looks at me with this "Of course luv. Im a great speller" tired but VERY typical Russ look ;) , so then he hands back the stuff and I mention that "I saw Adam Goldberg, did you work with him today?" And he says Yeah, and I just gush all over again and wax on about how much I love Adam, and he says, "Yeah, hes really great" and then I'm finally at a loss for words (incredible!) and just finally raise my eyebrows and kind of picking up on how incredibly draining the film is for him (It was really evident, poor Russ!) say a little sardonically, "Well, good luck on the rest of the shoot" and he gives me this knowing tired smile and little laugh and says kind of sarcastically "Yeah", (but not meanly! Again, just knowing and tired, cause I also somewhere in there mentioned that I work for a production company now, so we sort of just shared a moment because he knew that I knew how draining working for a film can be) cause hes just tuckered out, completely. And then I thank him about three times (babbling once again)and tell him a little too enthusiastically how GREAT it was to meet him and then he says thanks again, GREAT TO MEET YOU TOO (I think??? Maybe its just wish fulfillment or something? I have swiss cheese brain now, forgive me) and waves goodbye with a sweet tired smile and I just about fall on the ground from it and I wait for him to leave and the SUV gently takes off in the night and then I fall on the ground and resume my convo with Roo, all of a sudden remembering to have a nervous breakdown and I'm shaking and soooooo still not even believing whats just happened. It really all happened so fast, I havent been this shocked, literally, since I lost my vrginity!

But the luck of it is is that Roo C was NOT gonna let me not come back the next night without trying to at least get him on the phone with her, which I was angling for too, but was feeling really awkward about the prospect of him thinking I was overkilling the situation or just being plain weird stalker fan (how EVER could you tell, Russ? Hee hee), but the situation was made less weird by the fact that our friend Erik was in town, a sort of willing surrogate Roo C for the evening, and promised he would do his best to help out, so we met at the school gates of Columbia about 4 blocks away from the seminary and walk to the shoot. I have already scoped out the place, having noted from before to Erik that among other amenities, Oscar caliber stars get their own personal gyms in trucks. Then as we walk up to the godhead that was Russ's ever lovin' trailer, I very mock-tour guide say in a low murmur as I point it out, "And...that's his trailer."

NO SOONER do I finish my sentence than like a scene in a damned movie does he KICK the door open a la Officer Bud White, and bounce down the stairs in a very devil may care way---it was him, in character, completely and totally. He was leaving the trailer to begin a shot at 9:30 at night and he was compltely refreshed looking and adorable, practically raw from the well-scrubbed but still plain weird energy he was giving off, pure, for lack of a better term, John Nash the younger. It wasn't even the man I spoke with the night before, it really was apparent in that 30 seconds or a minute of watching him why they pay this guy the big bucks, really impressive. He even kind of added this nerdy flat footed wide kind of Jeffrey Wigand-esque waddle, even though, I have to tell you, he looked good but his legs (ah, alas and sadly, his thighs, sigh) were so SKINNY! He has dropped a ton of weight, I mean, hes always gonna have that lovely barrel chest I admire so, but his legs were terribly thin, it was interesting, or maybe it was the street light and night and me feeling like I'm on amphetamine all day again (!), kind of hard to say what kind of optical illusion my brain may have created. :) OH, I forgot to say also ! He doesnt smell bad AT ALL. What he smelled like Wednesday night- as I was so near him--oh God, literally inches--sadly, I didnt detect any tea tree oil at all like I was hoping, but rather he was just how a freshly opened pack of Marlboros smells, not unpleasant at all. Under that was just clean. He was really, uh, clean. Not very articulate, I know! :) But a lovely scent none the less. Maybe it was just the pheremones mingling, adding to the complexity of the bouquet, ha ha....

Anyway. So he walk/waddles/bounces :) into the church library they are filming in, and for the next hour or so Erik and I have the exact vantage point of Ron Howard's directing position, and we see the top of Russ's head bobbing up and down every now and then during a take as he walks, but eventually they change positions for the shoot and he was no longer in view, and we rapidly gave up on any hopes of seeing him any time soon as this looked to be an all night shoot, and two nights in a row of standing in damp 45 degree weather, even for the man, was really beginning to wear me down. Thats part of the reason I've taken so long to post this; I've barely slept or eaten due to nerves (damned Virgo constitution of mine! :)) because I was either hanging out near the shoot or at work or trying to grab a few hours of sleep.

OK, I hope no one in NYC is pissed at me for not posting the address and info, because honestly, this was not me being stingy and selfish (I know, that seems impossible to believe given the circumstances, but honest!), but I really was very very concerned about the madhouse zoo that was Princeton, and I saw up close and personal how drained he was on Wednesday, and just really didnt want to be a contributor to more distractions and mayhem. I already was having an extremely hard time justifying my presence there the second night, and was even tempted to just give Erik the address and leave it at that, and as it was, we wound up leaving after only a couple of hours.

When he came out of the trailer the second night, he was still on the job (unlike Wednesday) and only furtively waved and made eye contact with one woman who I had noticed the night before briefly but she hadn't stayed long and then Thursday she was seen hanging out with one of her firends, but really that was it, and maybe a couple of curious people walking by at the time, but again, nothing like Princeton, and I really felt for the sake of the film and his well being, that I for one certainly wasn't going to contribute further to any possible irritations. I want to add by stating that I would *NOT* consider any of you femmedogs as a negative distraction! Rather, I just wouldn't want it posted and then have not so savory types show up, it might have been problematic, and I just would have felt terrible if that would have had a negative impact, however small, on the shoot. OK, I hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me, my mind isn't quite together this week! I hope you can understand! :)

[GG - we forgive you!]

GoreyGirl / Russell Crowe's Beautiful Minds MB


CGee and Bestrcfan Luck Out: The New York Q & A for 'A Beautiful Mind'
Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Bestrcfan and I met in NYC today for some lunch, shopping, and to see what we could see at TRL (MTV's "Total Request Live" show). In our case, not much. Stood at the side of the building to see if we could catch Russell going in. Turns out, he had gone in already from the garage. Talked with a man known as Radioman, who apparently hangs around to talk with celebrities as they film in and around NY. Met Pongo also!

Russell ended his segment at MTV and walked across Times Square to listen to No Doubt do a set at Tower Records. We followed to stand with the mob. Bestie and I were going to take off to catch our respective trains home when the aforementioned Radioman pulled us aside and told us that there was a special screening up by Lincoln Center and Russell was going to do Q&A.

Skeptical, but with nothing to lose except a long walk, we headed uptown and it turns out Radioman (bless him!) was right. We pleaded our case for tickets, go in, saw this wonderful movie and moving down the aisle in that form fitting long black coat the tails flying because of the pace of his walk came Russell!! In a word, stunning.

We were in the aisle seats, middle, second row. A good choice by bestie because the only available lighting as next to us. So there he stood as you saw him on MTV. I have to say that this man should never be permitted to cut his hair! It looked perfect, soft, no gel, that beautiful color highlighted by the small spotlight shining down. Sorry, I digress.

The Q&A Session:

What was the relationship between Alicia and John? (this was bestie's question) He said it was a very special relationship and when he saw them together they were in their own little world. He said she saved his life by providing a platform and shelter for him to live with his illness.

I asked about TLGS. I know this topic is important to many of us so I will try to get it as close to what he said as I can but I'm still paraphrasing. He said that it was very difficult to translate the poetic writing of the book into someting for the screen that would be true to the book. He said something like he wanted it to be more than still pictures, which I take it to mean he wants to give it dimention. This is as exact a quote as I can make it, he said "it might be years."

My opinion of his demeanor was that he spoke like he was saddened but realistically resigned because he wanted to do the soldier's story justice and do the movie right. Best, please give your take on this when you read the thread.


Question: Did you go to mental hospitals or talk to mental patients to prepare for the roll? He said he drew on the many hours of existing video tape and interviews about this illness. RH did a video interview with Nash that he used.

He specifically said he didn't feel it necessary to intrude on the privacy personally of people who were ill. He said he didn't want to see someone and tell them to "give me your best crazy". He found that disrespectful.

He talked at length about RH [Ron Howard]. He said that people seem to think he's this simple guy but in truth he's very organized, in complete control and comand of his picture and this organization gives his actors a gift to do their work in a very structured manor. They were on a very tight schedule with this movie because of the strike. He said in one scene, he did the takes with a wig that when he saw the film was a little crooked but he saved the production 20 minutes because it wasn't corrected. I guess he meant they didn't retake the scene with the wig on straight. He spoke very warmly of RH.

Question: How did he dipict the physicallity of Nash? He said, as we know, Nash wasn't a typical math geek. He was muscular and tall. But as the illness progressed, he seemed to shrink. They tried to capture this by making him sort of "desinegrate" as he aged.

The Cinderella Man

He said it would be his next project. Didn't give a time frame. As before he said it wasn't a boxing movie but a story about a relationship that survived through hardship and not a boxing movie at all. Boxing was just a framework of what the man did. Here's a quote "I was in Austin at a screening and I spent 10 minutes telling Braddock's story but this is New York and you people don't have the time!" This got a big laugh.

Someone asked did anyone try to explain the math to him for the role. He said many people had tried and more or less failed. He said he truly became aware of the huge difference between what he knew and was capible of learning and what they knew.

[A] Question about the film's preperation.

He said that the pre production time was difficult because he was flying from coast to coast for "that Gladiator thingy". He said something about the ark of creating a character but I'll have to talk to best to remember it properly.

And last but certainly not least, he said goodbye and swooped up the aisle. We all filed out and to our surprise, he was standing in the lobby willing to talk to anyone who approched him. Since this was a fly by the seat of your pants, totally unexpected adventure, I was struggling with thinking of something, anything to say. It was also hard to put a thought together because, as I said he was just looking so edible.

Anyway, I went form the obvious to the absurd. I shook his hand and said I loved the film and he was wonderful in it. He thanked me, (cute litttle half smile) and than I said I loved his Panerai! Picutre a wider, smile with a confused look thrown in! He showed me the watch and I moved on.

So that's what I remember. I'll let best fill you in with her views and personal encounter and hopefully she will add to and correct my versions of events. We had absolutly no expectations and by total luck, hit the jackpot! Sorry this is so long and disjointed. It's now past 4:30am and I'm still wired!

"There was a lady who talked to him outside in the lobby. Looked like she had osteoporosis and had a cane. CGee do you remember her? Red outfit I think. She had a lot to say to him...and he bent over to listen to every word she said. She was beaming as he continued to nod and be interested in her.... I love that about him. He didn't rush her..really listened."

CGee (and Bestrcfan) / Crowe's Perch

