"Memorial To Our "Spatz"

Spatz....We will never stop missing you!!!!!! We Yearn for the day we are together again!!!!!

Our Best friend, and confident

†Our Best friend, family member and confident Spatz, she always will be missed more than we can bear!!! July 25, 1992 to June 27, 2007 8:11am. She never was the same after Clyde crossed over. The Loss of her, right after Clyde has nearly finished us off as well!!!†

Spatz was always the bell that rang in our hearts!!!

†Spatz was and always will be "The One" that rings our bell!!!†

Sweet Dreams!!!

†This was winter 2006, she really loved that Afghan, she had a lot of wonderful dreams lying on it!!!†

Spatz and Brenda Bonding

†This was this Spring, you can see she was feeling poorly, but she never let on, This was another Spatz/Brenda bonding time. I believe this was some of her favorite times. "2007"†

Whatta Dream!!!

†Spatz waking up from a deep sleep, after a really intense dream. "Winter 2006"†

Spatz in her youth

†The only difference between these old days and just before she crossed over, was her age. Until Clyde crossed over she was just as spunky, and full of life as the beginning†

Spatz in her prime

†Spatz always commanded attention when she entered a room, she was truly an Elegant Lady!!!†

Spatz in the old days

†This was back in the old days, Spatz was still young and full of Kitten, although she was full grown†

Spatz still in her prime

†Telling us all about it!!! This was also in 1997.†

This is shortly after we all lived in Hatfield

†Hiding Clyde's toys again, note: look under the edge of the chair!!!†

Female bonding time

†Brenda and Spatz took to each other the moment they met, this picture was in summer 1997.†

There was never a more thoughtful, selfless being of Light

†She was, and always will be Our Spatz Angel. She gave Gene a reason to live again after he got out of the service, and brought Light back into Brenda, and into the lives of everyone else she met.†

Spatz getting some rest in Fall of 1997

†She really knew how to be comfortable†

Baby Chic Guard Duty

†Spatz really did go against all her instincts watching after baby birds†

Chicken Watch

†Watching over her baby chickens. Believe it or not....one day when we were gone all day in the late spring, some baby chickens got out of the pen, and Spatz kept them herded together all day long, till we got home, she even showed us the hole they got out of...†

Where one was, the other would be if possible.

†Spatz and Gene were inseparable, she was his original "BabyGirl"†

She loved Christmas when the kids were younger!!!

†She really enjoyed helping the kids unwrap their presents, she however, would never snoop early like the kids did!!!†

Waiting for her boyfriend, see the meeting on Clyde's page

†Sometimes she would look so sad, but you would eventually find out what was bothering her. Once she saved us all from a fire, by us trying to figure out what she was upset about.†

Spatz worked out everyday to stay in tip top shape!!!

†Spatz loved a good workout.†

Spatz had no equal in her athletic abilities!

†Spatz was always a true athlete.†

She always seemed so full of Love, Life and Energy!

†She would never tire.†

Her staying power was lengendary!

†She never seemed to run out of stamina.†

She was always quick as lightning.

†She would put the energizer bunny to shame.†

Spatz was always in the mood to play, even in her last days.

†As a matter of fact, rabbit was her favorite dish†

An Actual sighting of the rare Spatbird!!!

†After a good workout, she liked a nice cool drink.†

There is nothing as valuable as a Basket of Spatz Lovin's

†Then find her a nice soft cubbyhole.†

Nothing was better than the bushels of Love that Spatz bestowed upon us daily!!!

†Now if someone would just leave her alone, she could catch a nice Spatnap.†

She did like to keep warm!!!

†In front of the bathroom heater was always her favorite place in the winter time.†

I think she liked the smell, as well as the improved field of vision

†Nothing like a fresh mowed lawn for comfort!†

Her favorite outdoor napping place after the big ice storm of 2000/2001

†She liked this stump much better in late spring when it has plenty of leaves and blooms.†

Sometimes Spatz would go on a bender

†Spatz would sometimes get down in the dumps, and go on a real Bender!!!†

Spatz would rather be outside than anywhere else.

†Spatz had a real passion for the outdoors, there was never, or will be such a hunter.†

Spatz was always on the hunt, rather outside or inside.

†Spatz kept the mice, rat, rabbit, squirrel, lizard, snake, and whatever other critters that invaded her domain on the verge of extinction!!!†

Spatz was and always will be the "Light" of our lives, she always picked us up when we were down. Made us laugh when we wanted to cry. She was always there for us when no one else was. She gave so much, and asked so little. If she wasn't a true Angel in the flesh, then there is no such thing as Angels, or even God for that matter. She came to Gene when he wanted to die, and came to Brenda, when her life was completely falling apart. She took both these people, and showed them that it was okay to Love, Laugh and Live again, she touched everyone she met, even the darkest of hearts could not resist her magic!!! We can not bear the loss of our Angel, but at least God loaned her to us at our darkest hours, even though now seems the darkest, what would it have been without our "Spatz"!?!?!?!? We miss you so much, and cry out each day in the pain of your absence, but we know we will be together again, Godspeed our reunion our dearest one!!!! We love you Spatz!!!! Spatz, you are "The Ultimate NatureSpirit"!!!

"Brenda and Gene" †The NatureSpirits†



Page Last Checked and/or Updated:July 4, 2007

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