Titles A-M

      • Admiration

        A poem I had to write for school that about the person I admire, though I didn't put the name in, since I doubt my friend would appreciate it much.
        Admiration ]

      • Appreciate

        When I went on my Yosemite trip, we had this last journal time based on what people really thought about Wilderness. Though this was not exactly along the same lines, this is the poem that came out of that jounaling period.
        Appreciate ]

      • As I Sat on a Swing

        My very first poem I ever wrote. Kinda lengthy, but many like this one. It's about memories as well as the future and what you think about it.
        As I Sat on a Swing ]

      • As the Rain

        Something I just wrote one day, even though it is kind of strange and hard to understand. It's mainly about contemplation about life.
        As the Rain ]

      • Bad Day

        People have bad days, and I'm sure no one is an exception to that rule. This poem is all about those days, but learning how to cope with it as well.
        Bad Day ]

      • Blind

        This particular poem happens to be all about my thoughts concerning people who seem to ignore the real troubles in our lives. Or as the Bible says it, "Why concentrate on the speck in your neighbor's eye when you ignore the log in your own?"
        Blind ]

      • Choices

        Ever thought about the choices of life and what would it be like if you did differently? I have, and this is what came out of it.
        Choices ]

      • Compromise

        I was getting mad at some of my friends who would keep arguing and wouldn't stop to even give the slightest bit of leeway to the other. This poem came in response.
        Compromise ]

      • Creation

        This one talks about the constant debate in life whether the world was created as science so claims, or by the omnipotent being, God.
        Creation ]

      • Deception

        I really get tired of those people who don't think I notice when they talk around me as if I wasn't there. I'm not a fool you know. Here's my warning to those people.
        Deception ]

      • Dedication to Littleton

        I know many people are tired of this subject, but when the situation arose, I felt urged to express my feelings on the matter. This is what resulted, and I have no shame in having written it.
        Dedication to Littleton ]

      • Desert

        Something that popped up due to the lovely hot weather in Palm Springs. And it also has a subtle message about home.
        Desert ]

      • Dream

        It's a poem about my dream of finding that one person who's right for me. Fanciful maybe, but it's still nice to think about that sort of thing.
        Dream ]

      • The Forest and Freedom

        This particular poem has to do with society, and how sometimes we just want to escaped from society and its eternal chains.
        The Forest and Freedom ]

      • Friends

        Just a little thing about well... friends. Who they are, their traits, and what about them makes them so special to our everyday lives.
        Friends ]

      • Future Told

        A weird little bit about how many ways your future can be told, but I really think they don't see your /future/ in those things...
        Future Told ]

      • Getting the Grade

        Well, I was thinking about how people are always mentioning that schools here are just too competitive... and that elsewhere, an A truly means an A. Well, here's a poem that reflects those feelings.
        Getting the Grade ]

      • Going to Heaven

        Somewhat lengthy, I have to admit, but it's a poem about a girl, and how she realized that she can go to heaven despite everything. If you're not Christian, I'm afraid this poem isn't for you, sorry.
        Going to Heaven ]

      • Hard

        This one is about how I feel about when people consider things difficult, but it really isn't all that hard.
        Hard ]

      • Holocaust

        When I wrote this, the aniversery of the Holocaust had just passed. I decided that all those people needed to be remembered more than just one day dedicated to them, so this poem is for them, available on any day on the year and at any time too.
        Holocaust ]

      • I'm Telling You

        So many people seem to think that wars and fighting has nothing to do with us. That the things are so far away, it won't affect our daily lives. This poem is a strong urging towards the contrary.
        I'm Telling You ]

      • Imagination

        A poem all about my imagination and what I like to imagine about... a very useful thing for strong creativity after all ;)
        Imagination ]

      • I See a World

        So far, it's the only poem that's been published. You can find it in the anthology The Innocence of Time. Probably one of my shortest at that.
        I See a World ]

      • Jealousy

        I confess, I've been jealous of one of my friends several times, though if I think I told her, she'd just laugh at me. One of my friends told me not to worry about it, because there's always somebody smarter, cuter, etc. But I just had to reply, "Except what happens when there's somebody that classified as 'all of the above'?"
        Jealousy ]

      • Kindness Shows

        Some people think that a good deed always goes unnoticed. That's hardly true, and this is what I have to say about kindness and how it does make a difference.
        Kindness Shows ]

      • Kitten

        A poem that completely breaks my usual style of writing. Written for school and contains a rather vague metaphor.
        Kitten ]

      • Lost Future

        Yet another poem written for school work. But this one discusses how I would feel if I would no longer have my goals.
        Lost Future ]

      • Love

        My feelings that deal with love and all the aggravation that come with being in love.
        Love ]

      • Magic Land

        A somewhat odd poem talking about a world I wish I could live in, full of magic. It's pretty vague, so it's ok if you don't understand it right away.
        Magic Land ]

      • Memories

        Says all in the title. This poem deals with memories, and how large a part friends and other people you know can play a part in those memories.
        Memories ]

      • Mother Nature

        Something I wrote while I was at Yosemite, when we were having journal time. One of the poems that show my enviromental side.
        Mother Nature ]

      • Music of the Heart

        Another poem I wrote for school, though it wasn't for English this time. Not my best, but hey, it's still a poem.
        Music of the Heart ]

      • My Room

        A poem about, what else? My room. What I feel, think, and how much this safe haven means to me.
        My Room ]

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