- Future Essays and Articles
- Magical Laws
- Grimoires
- Metaphysics
- Ethics
- Divine Love
- Forgivness
- Sin
- Wiccan Sacraments
- Introduction to Ritual Records
- Wiccan Sabbats
- Samhain
- Yule
- Imbolc
- Eostar
- Beltane
- Litha
- Lammas
- Mabon
- Wiccan Esbats
- Lecture Notes from 2003 Pagan Pride Project -Ithaca Workshop
Pagan Theology: Thinking about religion in different ways. Are gods the focus of religion or the mechanism for spiritual growth? Is divinity necessarily the source of creation? Are faith and reason really at
odds? Lady Sheherazahde, High Priestess in the Braided Wheel
Tradition, will facilitate.